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Tom Peters’ Action Chronicles EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. Think-Do.ACTION.Grant+.4-40.1103

This chronicle highlights the importance of implementation in achieving excellence. It explores the clash between linearist and non-linearist approaches and discusses the key principles of successful execution. Learn from the best practices and thinking in management and discover strategies for effective organizational effectiveness.

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Tom Peters’ Action Chronicles EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. Think-Do.ACTION.Grant+.4-40.1103

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  1. Tom Peters’Action ChroniclesEXCELLENCE. ALWAYS.Think-Do.ACTION.Grant+.4-40.1103

  2. Think!vs.do!

  3. “Never forget implementation , boys. In our work, it’s what I call the ‘last 98 percent’ of the client puzzle.”—Al McDonald, former Managing Director, McKinsey & Co, to a project team that included TP

  4. The (Strange) Case of Peter Drucker & Michael Porter vs. The “Non-linearists”HERBERT SIMON. (Administrative Behavior.) JAMES MARCH. KARL WEICK. (The Social Psychology of Organizing.) EUGENE WEBB. Henry MINTZBERG. (The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning.) JAMES UTTERBACK. THOMAS KUHN. (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.)CHARLES LINDBLOM. Daniel goleman. INNOVATION BIOGRAPHERS.*(*Transcontinental Railroad, Electrification, Radio, Television, Containerization, DNA, Computers, Military History, Etc.)MOST POLITICAL SCIENTISTS. SILICON VALLEY. Etc.

  5. “Linearist”: think!“Non-linearist”: do!

  6. “Linearist”: Plan it!“Non-linearist”: Try it!

  7. “Linearist”: hypothesize!“Non-linearist”: experiment!

  8. “Linearist”: failure = unnecessary“Non-linearist”: failure = life

  9. “Linearist”: a>b*“Non-linearist”: b>a***Attitude shapes behavior**Behavior shapes attitude

  10. “Linearist”:deliberate!*“Non-linearist”:relentless!*** “Do it right the first time” (Hero: Phil Crosby) **Never retreat (Hero: U.S. Grant)

  11. “Linearist”: logical!“Non-linearist”: passionate!

  12. “Linearist”: give me genius!“Non-linearist”: give me luck!

  13. “Linearist”: spotless academic record!“Non-linearist”: a.d.d.

  14. “Linearist”: measured pace!“Non-linearist”: Tempo! Tempo! Tempo!

  15. “Linearist”: think! Plan! (r.a.f.*)“Non-linearist”: Try it! Screw it up! Fix it! Try it again! (r.f.a.**) *Ready. Aim. Fire.**ready. Fire. Aim. (Or, circa 2006: fire. Fire. Fire.)

  16. Cheap Shot“Linearist”: minimize cost.“Non-linearist”: maximize revenue.

  17. “Linearist”: marketing rules.“Non-linearist”: sales rules.

  18. “Linearist” Background: planning, marketing & finance.“Non-linearist”background: sales & operations.

  19. “Linearist” likes: ideas.“Non-linearist” likes: people.

  20. “Linearist” likes: parts.“Non-linearist” likes: wholes.

  21. “Linearist” office: walls.“Non-linearist” office: none.

  22. “Linearist” style: meetings.“Non-linearist” style: m.b.w.a.* *Managing by wandering around

  23. “Linearist” reads: michael porter. Peter drucker.*“Non-linearist”reads: waterman & peters. Tom clancy.** *Michael & peter**Bob & tom & tom

  24. “Linearist” reads: michael porter. Peter drucker.“Non-linearist”reads: doesn’t

  25. “Linearist” preferred baseball score: 1-0.“Non-linearist” preferred baseball score: 11-9.

  26. “Linearist” preferred football score: 7-0.“Non-linearist” preferred football score: 41-38.

  27. “Linearist” criminal record: none.“Non-linearist” criminal record: disorderly conduct.Chronic jaywalking.

  28. “Linearist” drives: lincoln town car. Ford explorer (weekends).“Non-linearist”drives: bmw. Harley-davidson (weekends).

  29. The (Strange) Case of Peter Drucker & Michael Porter vs. The “Non-linearists”HERBERT SIMON. (Administrative Behavior.) JAMES MARCH. KARL WEICK. (The Social Psychology of Organizing.) EUGENE WEBB. Henry MINTZBERG. (The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning.) JAMES UTTERBACK. THOMAS KUHN. (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.)CHARLES LINDBLOM. Daniel goleman. INNOVATION BIOGRAPHERS.*(*Transcontinental Railroad, Electrification, Radio, Television, Containerization, DNA, Computers, Military History, Etc.)MOST POLITICAL SCIENTISTS. SILICON VALLEY. Etc.


  31. M.I.A.Action! *Implementation! **The Work Itself! ****R.F.A.**Execution***WOW Projects!

  32. “We design intelligent strategies—but they fall miles short of their for one reason. Poor organizational effectiveness which in turn leads to a gaping ‘implementation deficit.’ Tom, I want you to get a handle on the best thinking and best practices from around the world.”—Ron Daniel (1977*)*TP/1977/first (?) Stanford Ph.D. thesis studying implementation per se.

  33. 1979-2006Still missing after all these years …

  34. “Ninety percent of what we call ‘management’ consists of making it difficult for people to get things done.”– Peter Drucker

  35. TP/BW on BigCo Sin #1:“too much talk, too little do”

  36. Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics” 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4. Productivity Through People 5. Hands On, Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties”

  37. “Never forget implementation boys. In our work it’s what I call the ‘missing 98 percent’ of the client puzzle.”—Al McDonald, former Managing Director, McKinsey & Co, to a project team that included TP

  38. “Operations ispolicy.”—Fred Malek (1974)“Execution is strategy.”—TP (1983)


  40. The Leadership111. Talent Management2. Metabolic Management3. Technology Management4. Barrier Management5. Forgetful Management6. Metaphysical Management7. Opportunity Management8. Portfolio Management9. Failure Management10. Cause Management11. Passion Management

  41. “The secret of fast progress is inefficiency, fast and furious and numerous failures.”—Kevin Kelly

  42. “Active mutators in placid times tend to die off. They are selected against. Reluctant mutators in quickly changing times are also selected against.”—Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan,Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors

  43. “How we feel about the evolving future tells us who we are as individuals and as a civilization:Do we search for stasis—a regulated, engineered world? Or do we embrace dynamism—a world of constant creation, discovery and competition?Do we value stability and control or evolution and learning? Do we think that progress requires a central blueprint, or do we see it as a decentralized, evolutionary process?? Do we see mistakes as permanent disasters, or the correctable byproducts of experimentation? Do we crave predictability or relish surprise? These two poles, stasis and dynamism, increasingly define our political, intellectual and cultural landscape.”—Virginia Postrel, The Future and Its Enemies

  44. “If things seem under control, you’re just not going fast enough.”—Mario Andretti

  45. “The most successful people are those who are good at plan B.”—James Yorke, mathematician, on chaos theory in The New Scientist

  46. “I’m not comfortable unless I’m uncomfortable.”—Jay Chiat

  47. “If it works, it’s obsolete.”—Marshall McLuhan

  48. Boyd on TEMPO

  49. He who has the quickest O.O.D.A. Loops* wins!*Observe. Orient. Decide. Act./Col. John Boyd

  50. “The stuff has got to be implicit. If it is explicit, you can’t do it fast enough.”—John BoydBOYD: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War (Robert Coram)

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