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PERLOCUTIONS AND ILLOCUTIONS. Group 8. Sudarmono Maryka Nurdiyanti Hela Gsmela Saputra. UNIT 22 PERLOCUTIONS AND ILLOCUTIONS. Definition A n U T TERANCE is a n y s t r e t c h of talk, b y one person, b efo r e and af t er whi c h the r e is silen c e on the pa r t of that p e rson.

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  1. PERLOCUTIONS AND ILLOCUTIONS Group 8 Sudarmono Maryka Nurdiyanti Hela Gsmela Saputra


  3. Definition AnUTTERANCEisanystretchoftalk,byoneperson, beforeandafterwhich thereissilenceonthepartofthatperson. AnutteranceistheUSEbyaparticularspeaker,onaparticularoccasion, ofapieceoflanguage,suchasasequenceofsentences,orasinglephrase,or evenasingleword. The studyofsenserelationsandlogichas concentratedalmostexclusively onthemeaningofonlyonetypeofsentence,declaratives. Actually, attemptshavebeenmaderecentlytoextendlogictocoverimperativesand interrogatives,butthesesuggestionshavenotbeengenerallyacceptedas identifyingthecorrectwaytoanalysenon-declaratives.Inthisunitwewill

  4. ExampleHelenrolledupthecarpet Helenrolledthecarpetup Different sentences Sincerity may frighten the boy Sincerity may frighten the boy cup The same sentences þ

  5. The following acts can be performed through the use of language : Types the utterance of sentences Declarative, (asserting ) Interrogative, (asking ) and Imperative.(ordering ) • Asserting, • Warning, • Promising, • Referring, • Insulting

  6. The PERLOCUTIONARY ACT or the PERLOCUTION carried out by a speaker making an utterance is the act of causing a certain effect on the hearer and others. Thepointofcarefullydistinguishingthe perlocutionaryaspectofthespeechact fromothersisthatperlocutionscan oftenbeaccidental,andthusbeararelativelyunsystematicrelationshiptoanyclassificationofsentencetypes. If I say ‘There’s a hornet in your left ear’, it may well cause you to panic, scream and scratch wildly at your ear. Causing these emotions and actions of yours is the perlocution of my utterance, or the perlocutionary act I perform by making that utterance.

  7. Locution The proposition asserted: “I promise to pick you up from station Illocution The act performed by the utterance (speaker’s intention). In this case the act is one of promising (a commisive) Perlocution The effect of the utterance on the listener. For example you feel relieved/grateful that I am going to pick you up

  8. It is important to remember that the perlocutionary acts involved in examples such as these are not the effects of the original utterances. Rather, the perlocutionary act involved in making an utterance is that part of the total act which causes such effects. We will return to this point later. Meanwhile, we move to the notion of illocutionary act.

  9. In performing a locutionary act we shall also be performing such an act as: • asking or answering a question; • information or an assurance or a warning; • announcing a verdict or an intention; • pronouncing sentence; • making an appointment or an appeal or a criticism; • making an identification or giving a description; 

  10. Illocutionary Act and Illocutionary Force 'Could you open the door' 'Open the door' Same propositional content open the door Different illocutionary acts order and a request

  11. Classification of Speech Act

  12. Types of Verbs Indicating Speech Act

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