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Why Trademark Registration Process Important in India?

Trademark registrations are specially used to keep your brands, icons, slogans, and logos safe. Trademark registration depends on everyoneu2019s requirements. In India, the Trademark registration process involves following eligibility criteria.<br><br>

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Why Trademark Registration Process Important in India?

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  1. Why Trademark Registration Process Important In India? Dev was a brilliant student, but unfortunately, he lost his parents in a car accident. He and his younger brother have no one to help. One of his friends suggested starting his coaching to get money for their living affairs. Dev did so. He started his coaching in the name of his mother, “Vagisha”, and at a very early stage, he got popular for his coaching. Many students from long distances came to join his institute. He started his coaching at his home. But after a few days, he saw one more coaching center had started just in front of his home with the same name, “Vagisha Institute of knowledge”, and he was shocked. He went there to talk with the owner of the institute. He said he could use this as he registered this name and logo. Now it's the Trademark of his coaching. He also warned Dev to change his name and logo because he used the same Trademark and logo to be registered. Dev was very upset as he had no more money to commercialize his coaching. And the opposite party had invested a lot. Students were also confused, and they generally moved toward the new one. So Dev changed the name of his coaching. No one knows the actual reason, and everyone admitted to the new “Vagisha Institute of knowledge”. Dev suffered a lot because he did not know trademark registration. Although he tried his best and finally renamed its institute after trademark registration. Having so much subjective knowledge is not enough for Dev to continue his coaching. He should also follow all the business tact. In which trademark registration is one. This is not a single story that suffered because of no trademark registration, but so many businesses face several problems. Trademark registration in India is now a simple and easy task with Assure Ip Protection. Let’s know more about the trademark registration process, how to apply for a trademark in India, its need, the documents required, and fees So first, we came to know how much trademark registration is important? It is important because of the following reasons:

  2. ● ● ● It is an asset for your product and business. It is your unique identity in the market. Having a trademark means customers build their trust in your brand. It is a weapon for legal protection for your brand. Many businesses suffered a lot just because they didn’t register their Trademark. Trademark registration in India is not as tough as it seems.There are various mediums on the internet through which you can register your Trademark. You can find details by google India trademark search. But before you move ahead, there should be a few classes in which all the goods and services are divided. There are 45 trademark classes. It would be best if you carefully choose your class for trademark registration. Person(individual) Any person who is doing any business or not can also get a trademark for any name or logo, which he is supposed to do in the future. Individuals who want a trademark can easily get their Trademark after following certain formalities. Trademark registration, India trademark search, Logo registration, How to apply for trademark in india, Trademark registration fees for proprietorship, Trademark registration process Joint partners Any joint partners can file to obtain a trademark. Their names must be filled in the processing application. Proprietorship firm A proprietorship firm can also obtain its Trademark. Here you should be clear about what you will use as a proprietorship. Your name or business name. Partnership firm Trademarks for partnership firms require the names of every partner. A maximum of ten members can register their names for partnership. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

  3. In a limited liability partnership, the application should be in the firm's name, not any partner’s name. It is an incorporated figure where partners never register their names. Indian Company Any Indian company can obtain its Trademark, whether it’s a limited, Private limited, or any type. It must be notice that in any such cases, the company’s director cannot be the applicant for a trademark. Only the company’s name can be registered for the Trademark. Trust or Society If any trust or society needs to register itself for a trademark, then the chairman, secretary, or managing trustee can register their name on behalf of the society. List of the documents required for online Trademark registration 1. Partnership Deed (for the partnership firm) 2. Aadhaar Card 3. PAN card 4. Incorporation Certificate (for the LLP company) 5. Form TM-48 It is a legal document required to keep your trademark registry on your behalf. 6. LOGO For logo registration, the logo should be in actual colour. It should not be in black and white colour to keep it safe for trademark registration. Along with the above documents, you need to fill few more details: 1. Name of Applicant 2. Business Type 3. The objective of your business 4. Registration address 5. Brand name/slogan/ logo design How to apply for a Trademark in India? Step 1: Finalize the Trademark First, you need to finalize the name, logo, or slogan. There should be cross check by the trademark database to see whether your required Trademark is available or not. Once that Trademark is available, then move to the next step. Step 2: Choose the Class

  4. In the second step, you must choose the class for your required business. Earlier, we mentioned that there are 45 classes to register any trademark. Step 3: Application filing for Trademark After uploading all the required documents, we mentioned the above. The trademark application form will be filled out along with all documents. Please ensure the application is error-free to keep yourself safe from any hassle. Generally, the above-given processes are enough for obtaining any trademark. But sometimes some of the users get objections in some cases only, not everyone. Trademark Objection So if you get any trademark objection notice, then you have to respond within 30 days of the notice. When such an objection is raised, the status will display as ‘Objected’. If there is any problem with documents and proof, then it’s better to provide them right ones to complete the trademark registration process. What is the validity period of any registered trademark? A registered trademark will be valid unless the applicant withdraws it or its expiry period is 10 years from the registration date. After every 10 years, the Trademark has to be renewed to keep it valid.logo Trademark registration fees : Trademark registration fees vary as it depends on the type of firm. We provide you with nominal charges for trademark registration plus 18% GST. We charge 100% transparent and reasonable amounts. There are no hidden charges. The Trademark registration fee for filling in the case of MSME or start-up is INR 4500/-. Trademark registration fees for proprietorship are INR 4500/-. Trademark registration fees in the case of the company are INR 9000/-. Why you should choose Assure Ip Protection for trademark registration: Assure Ip Protection is a well-known name in the field of intellectual property rights, whether its name, slogan, or logo registration. Here are a few more reasons to choose us. They are the followings:

  5. ● Our experts conduct a thorough search of the Trademark directory. Our experts prepare an authorization letter on behalf of the applicant so that we can file for trademark registration. While selecting classes, our experts will guide you to choose the correct class under which you need to apply. Our expert will fill out your application form and apply with the registrar. Every update will be provided to you until your registration process is complete. There is no hidden charges Trademark registration will be filed by our expert which 12 years of experience in the trademark industry. ● ● ● ● ● We provide a wide range of services, without any hustle or bustle. We understand our clients to the core and provide them with the end-to-end services like brand protection and anti-Counterfeit services after registration of trademark. We do not stop over here we have a team of IP Attorneys which are personally engaged in the process of registration of your trademark. We are here to provide you with the best support throughout the complete process, and our experts will answer any of your queries regarding trademark registration. So don’t delay in creating your own identity and keep your business safe from identity theft. You are just one click away from registering your Trademark with Assure Ip Protection. If you have any queries, please get in touch with us or message us. Our experts will clear all your doubts. You can contact us if you have any doubts about filling out our form. Our experts will help you. We provide you with efficient service at an affordable price. We feel happy to help you in creating your identity. Our experts will also assist you in creating a unique logo or slogan for your business. We work streamlined so that our clients will not face any issues. We make the whole process of trademark registration very simple and easy. So either you pick up your phone or click from the mouse to create your unique identity in the business. Assure Ip Protection is always available to serve you. Registered brands will get support in your nominal charges.

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