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Updated Guidance on Use of BDI-2 Screening Test for Child Outcomes Measurement System

Updated Guidance on Use of BDI-2 Screening Test for Child Outcomes Measurement System. August 26 th & 31 st , 2010 – State Leadership Team Calls - Indicators C3 & B7. Today, we’ll talk about.

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Updated Guidance on Use of BDI-2 Screening Test for Child Outcomes Measurement System

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  1. Updated Guidance onUse of BDI-2 Screening Test for Child Outcomes Measurement System August 26th & 31st , 2010 – State Leadership Team Calls - Indicators C3 & B7

  2. Today, we’ll talk about • Memorandum released on August 20th with more detailed guidance on use of the BDI-2 Screening Test • Update information of interest • Status of data entry for 2009-10 • Webinars on use of Data Manager reports • Resources under development

  3. Review of Memo • Background • Memo relates to use of Screening Test for the purpose of the Child Outcomes Measurement System • It does not address eligibility considerations • Screening Test results are not sufficient information for determining eligibility as an infant, toddler, or preschool child with a disability

  4. Review of Memo • Definition – “Level Comparable to Same Age Peers” • For Florida’s Child Outcomes Measurement System, this is defined to mean > -1.5 standard deviations (SD) below the mean on either the BDI-2 full assessment or Screening Test

  5. Review of Memo • Application of definition of “level comparable to same age peers” to the administration of Screening Test • On the Screening Test, you will use the standard deviation “cutoff score” of -1.5 SD below the mean • A result of “Pass” in a domain means that the child performed higher than the cutoff score of -1.5 SD below the mean • A result of “Refer” in a domain means the child performed at or below the cutoff score of - 1.5 SD below the mean

  6. Review of Memo • Throughout the memo we have referenced entering either “raw or item-level” data into the electronic assessment record. • Each Local Early Steps (LES) and school district has made a decision with regard to whether they are entering raw or item-level scores in the BDI-2 Data Manager™ (Data Manager)

  7. Review of Memo – “C-In” • If an assessment other than the BDI-2 is being used for eligibility determination • You may start the accountability assessment for Child Outcomes Measurement System with the Screening Test • For any domains on the Screening Test that were not scored “pass,” administer the complete BDI-2 assessment for those specific domain(s)

  8. Review of Memo – “C-In” • Use of Data Manager • Enter the raw or item-level scores for all domains of the Screening Test in the Data Manager; select the cutoff level of -1.5 SD • For any domain scored “refer,” you must create a new assessment record for the complete BDI-2 and enter the raw or item-level scores for all the domains of the complete BDI-2 assessment that the child did not pass on the Screening Test

  9. Review of Memo – Data Manager Procedures • To create a new assessment record • Search for child’s existing record in Data Manager • Select “New Complete Assessment” • Enter the assessment scores for whatever domains were administered

  10. Review of Memo – Data Manager Procedures • If item-level data are being entered, ALL item-level scores for a particular domain must be entered, including scores for items that were administered as part of the Screening Test and were not re-administered because the follow-up complete assessment was conducted within the 2-week window permitted by the BDI-2 Examiner’s Manual

  11. Review of Memo – “C-Out” NOT Transitioning to Part B Preschool • It is allowable to start the accountability assessment for exit with the Screening Test • Enter the raw or item-level scores from the Screening Test into the Data Manager • For any domains scored “refer” • Administer the complete assessment in those specific domains • Enter the scores from the complete assessment in the Data Manager into a new assessment record.

  12. Review of Memo – “C-Out” Transitioning to Part B Preschool • If the BDI-2 will not be used for Part B eligibility consideration, it is allowable to begin the exit assessment with the Screening Test • Enter the raw or item-level scores of the Screening Test into the Data Manager • For any domains scored “refer” • Administer the complete assessment in those domains • Enter the scores from the complete assessment in the Data Manager into a new assessment record.

  13. Review of Memo – “B-In” [NOT Transitioning from Part C] • If the BDI-2 will not be used for Part B eligibility consideration it is allowable to begin the entry assessment with the Screening Test • Enter the raw or item-level scores of the Screening Test into the Data Manager • For any domains scored “refer” • Administer the complete assessment in those domains • Enter the scores from the complete assessment in the Data Manager into a new assessment record.

  14. Review of Memo – Data Manager Procedures • To create a new assessment record • Search for child’s existing record in Data Manager • Select “New Complete Assessment” • Enter the assessment scores for whatever domains were administered

  15. Review of Memo – Data Manager Procedures • If item-level data are being entered, ALL item-level scores for a particular domain must be entered, including scores for items that were administered as part of the Screening Test and were not re-administered because the follow-up complete assessment was conducted within the 2-week window permitted by the BDI-2 Examiner’s Manual

  16. Review of Memo – Exit from Part B Preschool (“B-Out”) • For children determined eligible in the sole area of speech impairment (speech sound, voice, or fluency disorders) who on entry were functioning comparable to same age peers [on either Screening Test or complete assessment] • Allowable to use the Screening Test ALONE at exit, even if child has been later determined as having another disability

  17. Review of Memo – “B-OUT” for “Speech Impaired Only” • The raw or item-level scores of the Screening Test must be entered into the Data Manager. • No further assessment is required, even if the child scores “refer” on one or more domains.

  18. Review of Memo – “B-Out” • For all other children exiting preschool • It is allowable to start the accountability assessment with the Screening Test • Enter the raw or item-level scores of the Screening Test into the Data Manager • For any domains scored “refer” • Administer the complete assessment in those domains • Enter the scores from the complete assessment in the Data Manager into a new assessment record.

  19. Scenario - • For children older than age 30 months, for whom the Screening Test is administered by the LES and all domains are “pass” • If Part B preschool has determined the child eligible based on other assessment procedures, • Screening Test administered by the LES may still be used as “Data Point - B IN (Assessed by Part C)” • Remember – child would not be in the Part C outcomes system

  20. Remember this resource • The BDI-2 Data Manager™, Guide to Use for the Florida Birth to Five Child Outcomes Measurement System, located on the TATS website • Has been updated to include references to Screening Test. See Chapter 3 – “Adding Assessment Data”

  21. Questions?

  22. Assessment Data for 2009-10 • The state will export all local data in order to analyze and prepare the Annual Performance Report • All data from exit assessments administered in 2009-10 were due in the Data Manager on AUGUST 13th!! • We have heard from a few of you about issues • It is imperative that we know right away of any other issues • We need any data entry completed immediately!

  23. Webinars on Data Manager Reports • Two calls completed - one more scheduled Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010Time: 10:00-11:30 am, Eastern Daylight Time Go to https://hmhpub.webex.com/hmhpub/j.php?ED=141184497&RG=1&UID=1143129362&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

  24. Lessons Learned from 1st call • We recognize that the complexity may overwhelm some • We understand that the primary interest is in learning how to create lists that will assist you in knowing which children are due for exit assessment • We have a solution in development that will simplify this process • We will conduct follow-up calls to roll out solution

  25. Resources Under Development • “Refresher” resource for staff already trained in administration is in development • Worked with staff of publisher in June to do taping of training on aspects of administration of full assessment and Screening Test with “real audience” [Thank You Pinellas County Schools!] • This will be edited and posted as on-line modules and will “sit” on TATS website

  26. Resources Under Development • Manual on the Florida Child Outcomes Measurement System • Under development through assistance of the University of Miami • Will include content found in multiple documents in a single guide • Once complete, will “roll out” through conference calls.

  27. Thank You! • We have come a long way thanks to your help, cooperation, and hard work • The best is yet to come … • Having data for consideration on what needs to happen to improve programs for our children!

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