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Lord Hanumann

The persona of Hanuman tells us that everyone of us has unbounded potential. Hanuman focused all of his efforts on assisting the god Rama, and it was this extraordinary devotion that allowed him to be freed from all physical limitations.<br>As one of the nine duties that bind servant and master, Dasya Bhakti, or service through humility, is exemplified by Hanuman. His greatness stems from the total engulfment of the deity, which also serves as the foundation for his charitable traits.<br><br>https://astroindusoot.com/

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Lord Hanumann

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  1. Lord Hanuman: 12 Thing You Should Know Pavan Putra Hanuman, the spiritual son of Lord Vayu, is worshipped by Hindus all over the world. He is a member of the Vanaras, a former group of woodland dwellers, and was born to a couple named Kesari and Anjana. Lord Rama received assistance from the Vanara army in his battle with Lankapati Ravana, who had abducted Goddess Sita. Mantra for Hanuman, the monkey god who rules over all living things on earth and is renowned for his unparalleled devotion to Lord Rama, was created as Anjana's reward for her penitence. Hanuman is seen as a manifestation of the Hindu god Shiva in the scriptures. He is a key figure in the Hindu pantheon and the devoted friend of Shri Rama, one of Vishnu's ten avatars. He has practically inexhaustible strength and power. The meaning of his name is "the one with a deformed jaw." Hanuman stands out for his tremendous physical prowess and moral qualities. He is also regarded as a scholar who has mastered the four Vedas, the six shastras, and the Vedanga (the six supporting disciplines of Hinduism). One of the Astha Chiranjeevi, Lord Hanuman possesses Astha Siddhis. He is the epitome of humility; he doesn't brag about how much he knows.

  2. Here we have presented some facts about Lord Hanuman. 1. Hanuman as Monkey Anjana was a lovely celestial nymph who lived in Lord Indra's (the king of the gods) dominion and was known as an apsara. She came across a wise monkey deep in meditation one day when she was travelling the land. Anjana couldn't help but laugh at the wise monkey's sombre glance. Even the monkey was made fun of by her, and when he disregarded her, she flung stones at him. The wise monkey became impatient as a result, and when he opened his eyes, he cursed his intense rage at Anjana. She will assume the appearance of a monkey and won't find rest until she has given birth to Lord Shiva's incarnation. The monkey king Kesari and Anjana got married. She continued to pray to Lord Shiva for success although she never forgot the curse. An eagle once approached and took one of the sweets before dropping it into Anjana's hands as she was meditating. Agni, the god of fire, had been given a plate of holy sweets by Dasharath, the king of Ayodhya, to divide among his wives in order to conceive celestial children. Hanuman was born after she consumed the heavenly dessert. Shiva became a monkey as a result of his incarnation. Also read : 4 Kubera Mantras For Wealth and Prosperity 2. Hanuman had five brothers Additionally, Hanumanji has five genuine brothers. There are six sons of the Monkey King (Vanar Raj) Kesari mentioned in several Puranas, and Hanuman was the oldest of these. All five of his other brothers were married. Matiman, Shrutiman, Ketuman, Gatimaan, and Dhritiman were the names of Hanuman's five brothers. Because of this, his brothers' bloodline has continued. 3. Hanuman and Vermilion (Sindoor) Hanuman reportedly questioned Sita why she was wearing sindoor as she was applying it. She responded by saying that by doing this, she would ensure that her husband, Lord Rama, would have a long life. Then, in order to ensure Rama's immortality, Hanuman anointed his entire body with sindoor. This tremendously impressed Lord Rama, who granted the blessing that anyone who worshipped Lord Hanuman with sindoor would have all of their problems vanish.

  3. He was given the name Bajrangbali because vermilion also goes by the name Bajrang, and vermilion was offered to him (sindoor). 4. Hanuman and His Son The son of Lord Hanuman, Makardhwaja, was born despite his status as a brahmachari (a man who never weds). When Hanuman dove into the water to cool himself after scorching the entire island of Lanka with his tail, a mighty fish bearing the same name gave birth to Makardhwaja. It is reported that the fish allegedly ingested his sweat, leading to the conception of Makardhwaja. 5. Lord Ram had given death sentence to Hanuman A tale states that Hanuman received all the saints save Vishwamitra at Narada Muni's request. Furious by what he saw, Vishwamitra pleaded with Lord Rama to execute Hanuman. Because Vishwamitra was Lord Rama's teacher (guru), he was unable to disobey his orders. He therefore rained arrows down onto Hanuman. As soon as Hanuman sang the name of Lord Ram, all the arrows left him unharmed. Then Lord Ram shot Brahmastra, but it also circled the contemplative Hanuman. Vishwamitra then bowed before the Lord as well. 6. Hanuman scripted Ramayan first Hanuman travelled to the Himalayan Mountains after Lord Rama was crowned king and Lanka was conquered. There, he used his fingernails to scratch the Rama narrative onto the mountain sides. Maharishi Valmiki was upset to discover the Ramayana engraved on the walls when he went to show Hanuman the Ramayana that he had written. His Ramayan was significantly inferior to Hanuman's. Hanuman soon recognised Valmiki's predicament and destroyed his Ramayana. 7. Hanuman and the Pandavas The ancient poetry Mahabharata also mentions the revered monkey god. The tale of how Bhim, one of the heroic Pandava brothers, and Hanuman first met is a wonderful one. Since Pavan, the god of the wind, blessed both of them at conception, Hanuman immediately recognised Bhima as his spiritual brother and promised him assistance during the Battle of Kurukshetra.

  4. Hanuman sat next to the flag on Arjuna's chariot during the battle to secure it and control the chariot's motion. The triangular saffron flag of Hanuman represented stability and equilibrium, tranquilly of the heart and mind, and victory over evil forces. 8. Hanuman heard Bhagavad Gita first Hanumanji, who appeared as a flag on Arjuna's chariot, is thought to have first heard the Bhagavad Gita spoken by Shri Krishna. Arjuna, Sanjay, and Barbarik don't hear Gita till after this. 9. The one with five faces/Panchmukhi Hanuman Due to his five faces, Lord Hanuman is also known as Panchmukhi. He assumed this shape in order to slay a Hades demon. 10. Inventor of Surya Namaskar Lord Hanuman excelled as a yogi. Surya Namaskar was discovered by him. He used to submit to his Guru in this manner (Sun God). (Surya Namaskar Mantras are advised.) 11. Singer Hanuman In the Narada Purana, Lord Hanuman is referred to be the lead vocalist. He had received the gift of singing from Narada Muni. 12. Immortal Hanuman The Vedas and Puranas claim that Lord Hanuman is immortal. Up till the end of the Kali Yuga, Hanuman will live on this planet. Conclusion According to online astrology, The persona of Hanuman tells us that everyone of us has unbounded potential. Hanuman focused all of his efforts on assisting the god Rama, and it was this extraordinary devotion that allowed him to be freed from all physical limitations.

  5. As one of the nine duties that bind servant and master, Dasya Bhakti, or service through humility, is exemplified by Hanuman. His greatness stems from the total engulfment of the deity, which also serves as the foundation for his charitable traits. Frequently asked questions: What are Lord Hanuman's 12 names? Hanuman, Anjanisut, Vayuputra, Mahabala, Rameshta, Phalgunasakha, Pingaksha, Amitvikram, Uddhikraman, Sita, mourning destruction, Lakshmana Pranadata, Dashgrivadarpaha. What we should learn from Lord Hanuman? Unconditional Loyalty and devotion Source url : Lord Hanuman: 12 Thing You Should Know Astroindusoot: Follow us on Social Media⬇️: Instagram➡️: https://www.instagram.com/astroindusoot_/ Facebook➡️:https://www.instagram.com/astroindusoot_/ Telegram➡️:https://t.me/+JlCFsY3pUIpiNDNl Twitter➡️:https://twitter.com/Astroindusoot Linkedin➡️:https://www.linkedin.com/company/14458594/admin/ Pinterest➡️:https://in.pinterest.com/astroindusoot/_created/

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