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Converting EMS Distribution Lists to Majordomo

Friday Tech Briefing Timely Info for Power Users and Stanford's Technology Support Community Mark Branom ITSS Technology Training Services. Converting EMS Distribution Lists to Majordomo. Topics. Why convert to Majordomo? Step 1: Finding the Names of Your EMS Lists

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Converting EMS Distribution Lists to Majordomo

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  1. Friday Tech BriefingTimely Info for Power Users and Stanford's Technology Support CommunityMark BranomITSS Technology Training Services ConvertingEMS Distribution Liststo Majordomo

  2. Topics • Why convert to Majordomo? • Step 1: Finding the Names of Your EMS Lists • Step 2: a) Extracting Email Addresses from Your Public Forsythe Lists b) Extracting Email Addresses from Your Private Forsythe Lists • Step 3: Creating a Majordomo List • Step 4: a) Populating the Majordomo List Using the Add Command b) Populating the Majordomo List Using the Build List Command • Resources ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

  3. Why Convert? • Forsythe is going away. • Majordomo can help reduce spam, if you set the list so only Stanford addresses can post. • http://lists.stanford.edu ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

  4. Step 1: Finding the Names of Your EMS Distribution Lists 1) Log in to Forsythe (do not enter PRISM). 2) At the command prompt enter UTIL SUMMARY and press ENTER/RETURN (ENTER if on a PC, RETURN if on a Mac).This utility provides summary information about your Forsythe account, including all distribution lists that you either own or maintain.Make a note of the names of the lists you want to convert to Majordomo, and proceed to Step 2 below. ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

  5. Step 2a: Extracting Email Addresses from Your Public Forsythe Lists 1) At the command prompt, enter SPIRES and press ENTER/RETURN (ENTER if on a PC, RETURN if on a Mac). 2) Enter SELECT EMS DISTRIBUTION and press ENTER/RETURN. 3) Enter FIND LIST LISTNAME and press ENTER/RETURN (substitute LISTNAME for the name of the EMS Distribution List). 4) Enter SET FORMAT $REPORT ACCOUNT and press ENTER/RETURN. 5) Enter SET FORMAT * OPTION NOREPORT MAXROWS=900 and press ENTER/RETURN. 6) Enter IN ACTIVE TYPE and press ENTER/RETURN. 7) Enter VIEW and press ENTER/RETURN. 8) Enter CHANGE ' ' to '@FORSYTHE.STANFORD.EDU' in ~'@' NOLIST and press ENTER/RETURN. 9) Enter MAIL TO YOUR-EMAIL@stanford.edu and press ENTER/RETURN.(substitute your real email address for YOUR-EMAIL@stanford.edu). 10) Check your email. The list of addresses from the EMS Distribution List should arrive shortly. You will then be able to copy and paste them into your majordomo list using the Build List command (see Step 4 below). ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

  6. Step 2b: Extracting Email Addresses from Your Private Forsythe Lists 1) At the command prompt, enter SPIRES and press ENTER/RETURN (ENTER if on a PC, RETURN if on a Mac) 2) Enter SELECT XXX DIST LISTS and press ENTER/RETURN (where XXX is the last three letters of the account -- for example., HF.MWB would be SELECT MWB DIST LISTS). 3) Enter FIND LIST LISTNAME and press ENTER/RETURN 4) Enter SET FORMAT $REPORT ACCOUNT and press ENTER/RETURN 5) Enter SET FORMAT * OPTION NOREPORT MAXROWS=900 and press ENTER/RETURN 6) Enter IN ACTIVE TYPE and press ENTER/RETURN 7) Enter VIEW and press ENTER/RETURN 8) Enter CHANGE ' ' to '@FORSYTHE.STANFORD.EDU' in ~'@' NOLIST and press ENTER/RETURN 9) Enter MAIL TO YOUR-EMAIL@stanford.edu and press ENTER/RETURN (substitute your real email address for YOUR-EMAIL@stanford.edu). 10) Check your email – the list of addresses from the EMS Distribution List should arrive shortly. You will be able to then copy and paste them into your majordomo list using the Build List command (see Step 4 below). ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

  7. Step 3: Creating a Majordomo List • Visit http://lists.stanford.edu • Under “Request a New List,” click Complete this form and fill out the requested information. Requests for new lists generally take 1-2 business days to complete. ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

  8. Step 4: Populating the Majordomo List Once you receive approval from ITSS for your majordomo distribution list, you may begin populating it. You can do this either by manually entering the addresses, one-by-one, using the Add command; or you can use the Build list command on the http://lists.stanford.edu website. ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

  9. Step 4a: Populating the Majordomo List Using the Add Command • Log into your list. • Add the addresses, one-by-one, by entering the Email address and Member’s name (optional). Then click Add. ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

  10. Step 4b: Populating the Majordomo List Using the Build List Command • Log into your list. • Click Build list. • Copy and paste the email addresses you wish to addto this mailing list.Be sure that each addressis fully qualified – e.g.,john.doe@cs.stanford.edu, NOT john.doe@cs. • Click Save. ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

  11. Resources • Majordomo: • http://lists.stanford.edu • https://lists.stanford.edu/majordomo_basics.html • https://lists.stanford.edu/subscriber_commands.html • https://lists.stanford.edu/owner_commands.html • Forsythe Mainframe Retirement: • http://mainframe-retirement.stanford.edu • HelpSU (for technical support) • http://helpsu.stanford.edu • 650-725-HELP (650-725-4357) ITSS Tech Briefing: Converting EMS lists to Majordomo

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