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Words for Production

Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases. Words for Production. Words for Recognition. Idioms and Phrases. Word Smart. HOME. bear [bEr] vt . to take (responsibility) for something; to deal with an unpleasant situation 承擔 ( 責任 ) ; 忍受 ( bear ― bore ― borne ).

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Words for Production

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  1. Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases Words for Production Words for Recognition Idioms and Phrases Word Smart

  2. HOME • bear[bEr]vt. to take (responsibility) • for something; to deal with an • unpleasant situation承擔(責任); • 忍受(bear―bore―borne) • In this case, the careless driver must bear responsibility for the accident. •My headache was so bad that I could hardly bear the pain.

  3. Derivative HOME 2. responsibility[rI&spAns1`bIl1tI] n. [U]the duty or job of being in charge of someone or something should behave or what he/she should do 責任 •As an adult, I should take full responsibility for my actions.

  4. responsible[rI`spAns1bL]adj. 應負責的 •The mother was responsible for the accident. She shouldn’t have left her child alone at home.

  5. Derivative HOME 3. support[s1`pOrt]vt.to provide money for someone to live on; to agree with an idea or a person and help them to be successful供養, 資助;支持 •It is difficult for Jason to support his large family on his low salary. •I gave Eva some help and supported her in creating a new school club.

  6. support[s1`pOrt]n. [U] 支持,擁護 •The manager asked his colleagues to join him in support of the new project.

  7. Derivative HOME 4. concentrate[`kAnsN&tret]vi. to fix or focus one’s attention on something 專注,專心 •The noise outside made it difficult for Linda to concentrate on her homework.

  8. concentration[&kAnsN`treS1n] n. [U]專注,專心 •As Tom listened to the speech, there was a look of intense concentration on his face.

  9. HOME 5. doze[doz]vi. to have a light sleep for a short time打盹,打瞌睡 •My father always dozes off while watching TV at night.

  10. HOME 6. opportunity[&Ap2`tjun1tI]n. [C] a chance or a situation in which it is easy for one to do something機會 •Bruce didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to work in London. He gave up the chance.

  11. HOME 7. devise[dI`vaIz]vt. to invent a way of doing something想出,設計 •Bob devised a new way to solve the complicated problem.

  12. Derivative HOME 8. confess[k1n`fEs]vt. to admit, especially unwillingly, that something is true坦白,承認 •Tina confessed that she hadn’t finished her report yet. She was embarrassed to tell the teacher this.

  13. confession[k1n`fES1n]n. [C] 坦白,承認 •I have a confession to make—I forgot your birthday.

  14. Derivative HOME 9. geography[dZi`AGr1fI]n. [U] the study of countries and of such features as rivers, mountains, seas, climates, etc., of the world 地理(學) •The geography of the area influences what crops the farmers will grow there.

  15. geographical[&dZi1`Gr8fIkL]adj. 地理的 •The department store has a good geographical location; many people pass through that area every day.

  16. Derivative HOME 10. scream[skrim]vi. to make a loud high cry 尖叫,尖聲說 •The little girl screamed for help when a stranger tried to take her away.

  17. scream[skrim]n. [C] 尖叫聲 •Mom saw a rat in the kitchen and let out a loud scream.

  18. HOME 11. handle[`h8ndL]vt. to deal with a problem or situation 處理,應付 •The project is complicated, so the employees have to handle it carefully.

  19. HOME 12. model[`mAdL]n. [C] a particular type of product 樣式,型號 •This Sunday, the company will run a show to display its latest model of notebook computers.

  20. Derivative HOME 13. purchase[`p3tS1s]vt. to buy something 購買 •Mr. Lin purchased a new car for one million NT dollars.

  21. purchase[`p3tS1s]n. [C]購買的東西 •Most online shoppers make their purchases with credit cards.

  22. Derivative HOME 14. priority[praI`Or1tI]n. [C] something that one thinks is the most important and that must be done before anything else 優先考慮的事 •Safety is a top priority for parents when they are choosing toys for their children.

  23. prior [`praI2] adj.事前的 •We had a prior agreement that we would donate the prize to charities.

  24. HOME 15. account[1`ka5nt]n. [C] an arrangement in which a bank takes care of one’s money 帳戶 [C] a written or spoken report about something that has happened 記述,描述 •Ivan decided to open an account in the bank in order to save his money. •The witness gave a full account of the traffic accident.

  25. HOME 16. consequently [`kAns1&kwEntlI]adv. therefore; as a result結果,因此 •Lily missed the train this morning. Consequently, she was late for work.

  26. Derivative HOME 17. confident[`kAnf1d1nt]adj. being sure that one can do or handle something successfully 自信的 •Joan has studied hard. She is confident about passing the exam.

  27. confidence[`kAnf1d1ns]n. [U] 自信 •Amelia doesn’t have confidence to complete the work all on her own.

  28. Derivative HOME MENU 18. involved[In`vAlvd]adj. connected with or taking part in an activity or event參與某活動的 •After Mrs. Ryan became involved in the business, she didn’t have much time to spend with her kids.

  29. involve[In`vAlv] vt.參與;牽涉 •Don’t involve yourself in things that don’t concern you.

  30. HOME Words for Recognition 1. guard[GArd]n. [C] (籃球)後衛

  31. HOME 2. physics[`fIzIks]n. [U] 物理學

  32. Derivative HOME MENU 3. substitution[&s^bst1`tjuS1n] n. [C][U] 代替,替換

  33. substitute[`s^bst1&tjut]n. [C] 代替者;替補隊員

  34. HOME Idioms and Phrases • all the timevery often, • continuously, always總是,ㄧ直 • •The twins look so similar that • people mix them up all the time.

  35. HOME 2. in return as a reaction to something; as a way of thanking someone or paying someone for something 回應,回報 •Tom said hello to the man, who said hello in return. •The kind man donated a lot of money to the poor without asking for anything in return.

  36. HOME 3. burn outto become tired or ill by working too hard over a period of time筋疲力盡 •I was so burned out after weeks of hard work that I needed to take a vacation.

  37. HOME 4. so faruntil now 到目前為止 •The band is giving performances around the world. It has been to seven countriesso far.

  38. HOME 5. out of orderbreaking down or not working correctly 故障 •Since our washing machine was out oforder again, we decided to buy a new one.

  39. HOME 6. come outto become publicly available to buy 產品(問世),書籍(出版) •The well-known author’s new book will come out next Friday.

  40. HOME MENU 7. mess upto do something badly 出錯,搞砸 •Teddy has made many mistakes, and he feels that he has messed up his life.

  41. Word Smart 字尾“-ity”與形容詞結合,可以構成表具有 某種特性的狀態或事物」之意的名詞。 active →activity活躍;活動 moral → morality道德觀 similar → similarity相似(點) responsible → responsibility責任 prior → priority優先權;優先考慮的事 real →reality現實;實際存在的事物

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