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Ensuring Equal Access of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People in HUD Programs

Ensuring Equal Access of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People in HUD Programs. Ken Carroll, Director Fair Housing Assistance Program Division HUD/FHEO. October 21, 2009 Press Release. Obama Administration to Ensure Inclusion of the LGBT Community in HUD Programs

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Ensuring Equal Access of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People in HUD Programs

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  1. Ensuring Equal Access of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People in HUD Programs Ken Carroll, Director Fair Housing Assistance Program Division HUD/FHEO

  2. October 21, 2009 Press Release Obama Administration to Ensure Inclusion of the LGBT Community in HUD Programs • Clarify definition of “family” in HUD regulations. • Include sexual orientation and gender identity as prohibited factors in determining FHA eligibility. • Require grantees to comply with state and local laws that prohibit LGBT discrimination. • Study nature and extent of LGBT discrimination.

  3. LGBT Rule • Definitions of “family” in HOME, Section 8, public housing, FHA, CDBG, and HOPWA regulations to include LGBT inclusive language.

  4. LGBT Rule, cont’d • Eligibility for any FHA-insured mortgage loan must not be based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

  5. Require Grantee Compliance with State and Local Anti-Discrimination Laws • 2010 General Section of HUD NOFA • Announced in June 7, 2010 press release: An applicant will be ineligible if it has been charged with a systemic violation of a substantially equivalent state or local law that prohibits sexual orientation, gender identity, or source of income discrimination.

  6. HUD LGBT Study • HUD is commissioning a study to measure housing discrimination in the rental market faced by same-sex couples. • First national study of its kind. • Internet testing. • Housing Discrimination Study 2010.

  7. FHEO Memorandum – June 15, 2010 Assessing Complaints that Involve Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression -thoroughly review for HUD jurisdiction; -track LGBT inquiries; -refer for jurisdiction determination under state and local law.

  8. Listening and Conference Sessions • Listening sessions on LGBT housing discrimination: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston (FHEO specific), Spokane (FHEO specific) • First ever Fair Housing Policy Conference session on combating housing discrimination against the LGBT Community.

  9. More Information Kenneth.J.Carroll@HUD.gov (202) 402-7044

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