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Josep M. Mominó Julio Meneses Joaquim Martín

Schools on the internet: How are primary and secondary schools developing their web presence in the Network Society?. Josep M. Mominó Julio Meneses Joaquim Martín. International Learning Congress Barcelona, 2nd July 2009. Educational System. ICT. Research References.

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Josep M. Mominó Julio Meneses Joaquim Martín

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  1. Schools on the internet:How are primary and secondary schoolsdeveloping their web presence in the Network Society? Josep M. MominóJulio Meneses Joaquim Martín International Learning Congress Barcelona, 2nd July 2009

  2. Educational System ICT

  3. Research References • Are Students Ready for a Technology – Rich world ? What PISA Studies Tell Us (OECD, 2005) • Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES) (IEA,2006)

  4. Research Programme Projecte Internet Catalunya (PIC): “School in the Network Society”http://www.uoc.edu/in3/pic

  5. Project Internet Catalonia: a holistic vision ICT in the organization of educative centers ICT in pedagocical practice ICT in the relationship between center and community

  6. The presence of the Internet in the educative centers • Dimensions of the analysis Availability: To what extent do the educative centers use their website? Are there differences between types of center in this aspect? Functionality: To what ends do the educative centers use the Internet? What form does this presence on the web take?

  7. Method I: Research design • Observational study over a representative sample of 350 schools and high-schools of Catalonia (Spain) • This random sample gives us an error margin of ±5.1% for every descriptive result • Fieldwork conducted by two independent coders in May-June 2005

  8. Method II: Coding Sheet With an acceptable overall Krippendorf’s alpha (0.855) at the initial trial

  9. Availability of the Web • Significant differences do not exist with respect to • - Geographical Area (p=0,097) • - Size of Municipality (p=0,934) • - Ownership of Center (p=0,533)

  10. Availability: Center Typology Significant differences between types of center, according to the stages of education attended to

  11. Functionality of the Web Websites are used for: Providing Information Communication

  12. The Center on the Web Functionality: Proportion of information about the center 86,8 % of the centers use their website to this end

  13. The Center on the Web Functionality: Facilitating communication with the center 95,2 % have tools for communication

  14. Pedagogical Activity on the Website Functionality: Inform and facilitate communication and participation in pedagogical practice 73,6 % give information about pedagogical practice: 19,4 % have tools for communication (online):

  15. The Library on the Website 18,7 % give information about the library

  16. Parents´Assoc. and the Website Type of info about the PA and ways to contact it 44,3 % give info about the PA 22,7 % give tools for communication (online or offline)

  17. The context of the school and the Website Info about the context of the school and the existence of a school network 55,7 % give information about the context of the school 12,8 % give information on being part of a school network

  18. The context of the school and the Website Information on the development of Projects in collaboration with other institutions 32,2 % give info on the development of collaborative projects with other institutions:

  19. Conclusions I: Availability & Functionality How is the center’s website being adopted as another space of the schools and institutions? • Most centers are availing of this space • Secondary schools are the most advanced in this regard. Functionality: In what ways are the educational centers exploiting these spaces? • The centers are using their websites, fundamentally as a source of information. • The potential of the web as a space for communication and interaction is growing.

  20. Conclusions II: Functionality Information about context The websites reflect poorly on the online activity with their environment Pedagogical Practice Information about center Open spaces for communication with center Organization of Center Representation of results from pedagogical activity Limited options for communication, interaction and participation Contact with Community

  21. Conclusions III: Outlook Organizational Culture of the Center Options of the educative centers in the adoption and configuration of the institutional website Association Predominant Educational Practices

  22. Schools on the internet:How are primary and secondary schoolsdeveloping their web presence in the Network Society? Josep M. MominóJulio Meneses Joaquim Martín International Learning Congress Barcelona, 2nd July 2009

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