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Northwestern Consolidated School District of Shelby County Office of the Superintendent 4920 W. 600 N. Fairland, IN 461

“State of the Corporation” 2013. Northwestern Consolidated School District of Shelby County Office of the Superintendent 4920 W. 600 N. Fairland, IN 46126. Welcome Corporation Enrollment (ADM) Fund Balances A-F Grading System School Achievement & Growth 2010-2012 Conclusions. Agenda.

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Northwestern Consolidated School District of Shelby County Office of the Superintendent 4920 W. 600 N. Fairland, IN 461

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “State of the Corporation” 2013 Northwestern Consolidated School District of Shelby County Office of the Superintendent4920 W. 600 N.Fairland, IN 46126

  2. Welcome • Corporation Enrollment (ADM) • Fund Balances • A-F Grading System • School Achievement & Growth 2010-2012 • Conclusions Agenda

  3. Corporation Enrollment

  4. General Fund Budget

  5. General Fund Profile

  6. Fund Balances

  7. What is the law governing A through F? “The Indiana General Assembly passed Public Law 221 (P.L. 221) in 1999. The first school performance ratings were made for the 2004-2005 school year.” The old rating system used the terms Exemplary- A Commendable- B Academic Progress- C Academic Watch- D Academic Probation- F More information on PL221 can be found at www.doe.in.gov/improvement/accountability/pl-221. Indiana’s A-F Grading System

  8. High School 1. Performance- Schools receive English/Language Arts and Math scores based on the percentage of students who passed the End of Course Assessments for each subject by the end of grade 10. 2. Improvement- A school’s letter grade may increase, decrease, or remain the same based on student improvement from grades 8 to 10 and from grades 10 to 12. 3. Graduation Rate- Schools receive a score based on their four-year (on-time) graduation rate. 4. College and Career Readiness- Schools receive a score based on the percentage of graduates who receive at least one of the following: * a passing score on an Advanced Placement exam *a passing score on an International Baccalaureate exam * three college credits * a passing score on an approved industry certification exam Middle/Elementary School 1. Performance and Improvement-Schools receive preliminary English/Language Arts and Math scores based on the percentage of students who passed the Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress Plus (ISTEP+) or other state assessments. 2. Growth- The Indiana Growth Model measures how much progress each student makes during a school year. A school’s preliminary score may increase, decrease, or remain the same depending on how many students demonstrate high or low growth on the ISTEP+ exam. 3. Participation- A school’s score is lowered if too many of its students are not tested. How are schools graded?

  9. School Report Card Former P.L. 221 Language and new associated letter grade; Exemplary- A Commendable- B Academic Progress- C Academic Watch- D Academic Probation- F

  10. 2011 2012 2010 Northwestern Consolidated (7350): School Achievement & Growth (Math) Northwestern Consolidated Schools Students Enrolled: 1039Students Tested: 668Pass Percent: 84.3Median Growth: 44.0 Northwestern Consolidated Schools Students Enrolled: 0Students Tested: 649Pass Percent: 84.0Median Growth: 42.5 Northwestern Consolidated Schools Students Enrolled: 964Students Tested: 654Pass Percent: 82.7Median Growth: 48.0

  11. 2011 2012 2010 Northwestern Consolidated (7350): School Achievement & Growth (Language Arts) Northwestern Consolidated SchoolsStudents Enrolled: 1039Students Tested: 668Pass Percent: 80.8Median Growth: 42.0 Northwestern Consolidated Schools Students Enrolled: 0Students Tested: 645Pass Percent: 80.3Median Growth: 38.0 Northwestern Consolidated Schools Students Enrolled: 964Students Tested: 654Pass Percent: 77.2Median Growth: 40.0

  12. TCHS Student Improvement MATH: 8th Grade Math (ISTEP) 89.3% Algebra I ECA 82.1% % Change -7.2% (Penalized by IDOE) LANGUAGE ARTS: 8th Grade LA (ISTEP) 76.8% English 10 ECA 75.0% % Change -1.8% (Penalized by IDOE) End of Course Assessment (ECA)

  13. Triton Central High School 2011-12 95.86% 2010-11 95.10% 2009-10 95.27% 2008-09 96.4% Triton Central Middle School 2011-12 96.54% 2010-11 96.4% 2009-10 96.27% 2008-09 96.30% Triton Central Elementary School 2011-12 96.59% 2010-11 96.50% 2009-10 96.03% 2008-09 95.71% Attendance

  14. 2008- 4.1% 2009- 4.2% 2010- 6.2% 2011- 7.4% Dropout Rate

  15. 2008- 88.9% • 2009- 88.6% • 2010- 83.7% • 2011- 93.06% Graduation Rate

  16. 2011-12 47.9% 2010-11 46.8% 2008-09 42.7% 2007-08 40.7% Free & Reduced Lunch

  17. Indiana Growth Model https://learningconnection.doe.in.gov/GrowthModel/Search.aspx • Triton Central Elementary School • Triton Central Middle School • Triton Central High School • IDOE School Corporation Statistics http://www.doe.in.gov/data/reports.html FOR MORE INFORMATION 201


  19. ? Questions

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