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Express your opinion

Express your opinion. Today, You are going to : . 1. Express the meaning and reasons for your opinion about a painting. . 2. Express the similarity between things by using “ looks like ” or “ (which) means .” . 3. Make a paragraph based on the opinions in your group. .

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Express your opinion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Express your opinion

  2. Today, You are going to : 1. Express the meaning and reasons for your opinion about a painting. 2. Express the similarity between things by using “looks like” or “(which) means.” 3. Make a paragraph based on the opinions in your group.

  3. What do you think of this picture? Title ? Red part? Blue? How do you feel? Meaning of tree?

  4. Heart Seeing the red circular shape in the painting, I think its title is "Heart." Its color and the shape look like a person’s heart. First, the red part is surrounded with black lines. They look like blood vessels that flow throughout our bodies. Second, I think the black line on the right top is like a torch to brighten up our life. The fire from the black line is burning bright, which means a strong life. Third, the tree means vitality, and gives life to other living things on the earth. Although it has no leaves, it stands high to support other life. So I think each part of this painting shows the heart, which is the center of our lives.

  5. What do you think of your picture?

  6. What do you think of your picture?

  7. SHARING [S1]We think the title of this painting is“sharing.” In the picture, two women are together and sharing their ideas. [S2]First, two women as if they are talking actively with baskets on their heads. It looks as if they are sharing their ideas in a friendly way. [S3] Second, the baskets look wide and full of things. That means the richness of their lives. [S4]Third, the background is filled with bright colors, which also gives a brisk mood to the picture. [S5]From each part of the painting, we think it means the joy of sharing our lives with one other.

  8. Share your opinions! 1. Display your painting and writing on the front wall. 2. Read the other groups’ opinions and compare your ideas with others.

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