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Resume Success

Resume Success!. This power point presentation was created by the President of Career Span, Inc., Carla Ockerman-Hunter, M.A., MCC, NCCC and is intended solely for visitors to our company web site. No part of this is to be reprinted or used without prior permission of the author. All rights reser

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Resume Success

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    1. Resume Success! Effective Steps to Creating a Resume That Brings Results

    2. Resume Success! This power point presentation was created by the President of Career Span, Inc., Carla Ockerman-Hunter, M.A., MCC, NCCC and is intended solely for visitors to our company web site. No part of this is to be reprinted or used without prior permission of the author. All rights reserved.

    3. Let’s begin by asking a very important question: What is the purpose of a resume and why is it so important?

    4. A resume is: A one of a kind marketing tool A quick overview of your professional highlights A document proving your fair market value A summary of tangible results you bring a potential employer

    5. It is: A notice in print designed to attract attention to your skills and their results A piece of paper that causes a potential employer to say, Wow!” An advertisement that aims to sell your skills to an employer

    6. How is a resume like an advertisement?

    7. A successful resume like an advertisement, convinces the employer that if you “hire this candidate, you will get these results”.

    8. A resume documents your skill-set and convinces the employer of this important fact: Past performance is the best predictor of future success.

    9. What do you think is the purpose of a resume? Choose the best answer: A. To get a job - duh! B. To keep from being excluded for an interview C. To send to a company letting them know you’re available D. To record your work history

    10. Answer: B. To keep from being excluded for an interview! It gets your foot in the door It causes the employer to want to hear more about your success The reward of a successful resume is the chance to interview by illustrating in person what your words capture on paper

    11. What a resume is not: A work history of employment that is dull and boring An official document detailing your responsibilities without a reason for their inclusion An overview of your experience leaving out how it benefited the employer

    12. Resume Success Resumes that get results cause an employer to want to meet you, interview you and see if you’re as great in person as you are on paper

    13. Resume Success includes the following:

    14. S: Strategic customization Targeted with a specific objective Proves that you know employer’s need and you have the skill-set to match it

    15. Which objective contains strategic customization? To obtain an entry level position where my skills are utilized and advancement is desired To work in a company where strong analytical skills are required Budget Analyst for John Doe, Inc.

    16. The answer: Budget Analyst for John Doe, Inc. It gets right to the point of your intention and let’s the employer know you know their need.

    17. About the objective: It should contain only the specific position title for which you are applying It indicates you have done your research and know the need It targets the opening that you want to interview for

    18. Every word on your resume should be strategically customized to back up and prove that you can succeed in the position you want to interview for.

    19. U: Understandable format Headings are bolded The outline of resume is easy to navigate Content appears organized First read happens quickly

    20. Never use first person language such as “I” Always use past tense even in a current position

    21. About headings The most important heading is your contact information that should JUMP off the page to the employer

    22. Contact Information James Doe 842 Glenn Drive Doe@aol.com Wilmore, KY 40505 859.233.9898

    23. Important Headings to Consider: The following headings should be included in your resume if possible and in the following order:

    24. Skill-set Highlights “Summary of Qualifications” is old! Include strong bulleted phrases involving the intrinsic value you bring: Proven leader with tangible results Skilled negotiator with customers Easily adaptable to change Analytical thinker Creative visionary Self-motivated to succeed

    25. Professional Expertise This heading indicates your intention of presenting every skill you’ve learned as an asset to utilized in your next position. It is taking work experience to a new level by showing you gained valuable results from your experience that you now bring to a prospective employer

    26. Professional Expertise replaces these out dated headings: Work Experience Work History Employment History Experience

    27. Computer Skills List every computer skill you have in two categories: Expert in all Microsoft office applications including Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point and Access Proficient in healthcare financial applications and the Internet

    28. Certifications List certification attained with dates: Example: Received Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) credential, May 2006 by National Career Development Association

    29. Professional Development List all professional development opportunities including training, courses and continuing education within past five years

    30. Professional Organizations Why is it important to include these organizations? National Career Development Association Lexington Chamber of Commerce It shows you are well connected to your business community.

    31. Awards and Recognitions This can be community or professional recognitions and awards

    32. Community Involvement Listing volunteer experiences shows your potential employer that you are connected to your community and care about it

    33. Education List education and degrees received in chronological order: Master’s Degree in Business Administration 1998 University of West Virginia, G.P.A. 4.0 Master’s Degree in Nursing 1990 University of West Virginia, G.P.A. 4.0 Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing 1984 University of West Virginia, G.P.A. 3.8

    34. References List the name, title, company, phone and e-mail only: Carole Kane, Vice President of Corning Healthcare Supplies, 304.233.6556, carolek@corning.com Celine Dorrin, Human Resources Director, Kemper Hospital Equipment, 304.566.7354, dorrin@kemper.com

    35. Brief Testimonial This is a new and creative way to leave one last thought on the employer’s mind by including a quote from a supervisor or business colleague: “ Mary Anne has outstanding leadership skills that have taken our company to a new level. Her innovative and creative ideas have revolutionized the way we do business.” Written in annual review on March 10, 2005 by Ken Blackman, Director of Sales for Kemper Hospital Equipment

    36. C: Clear presentation Symmetrical White space Visually appealing Uniformity to the way bolding, font size and underlining are used Two page maximum

    37. C: Concise Absolute consistency Straight to the point using bullets Short power phrases Every statement focuses on results

    38. E: Error-free! Proofread your resume again and again for spelling mistakes Make sure every statement is accurate and true; NEVER exaggerate or falsify data Use the best grammar and syntax possible Check for punctuation perfection

    39. S: Showcases Continuous Learning Actively demonstrate learning opportunities Include training and educational pursuits Updated computer expertise

    40. S: States results Every statement starts with action adverb past tense Every statement includes tangible results of skill Strengths are highlighted when possible Quantify when possible ($, %, etc…what did it result in?)

    41. Action adverbs Accomplished Designed Implemented Generated Performed Negotiated Created Provided

    42. Action adverbs with skill and results Successfully promoted within the organization from sales representative to sales manager for company with revenues exceeding 25 million dollars Initiated new sales incentives for staff with 30% increase in sales Reorganized and exceeded annual company sales goals by 42% in last 2 years

    43. Let’s review resume success: S: Strategic customization U: Understandable format C: Clear presentation C: Concise E: Error-free S: Showcases continuous learning S: States results

    44. RESUME SUCCESS! These important keys to a successful resume will lead to an interview where you can illustrate in person what is written on paper…

    45. …that you’re a successful contributor with proven and effective results. Good luck!!!!!!!!

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