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Project 4

Project 4. Ensuring Coordination, Evidence Based Programming, and Monitoring of the Peacebuilding Fund Projects in Uganda. Overview. Funding : 719,735 USD Timeframe: 01 November 2010 – 31 December 2012 (Operational closure)/31 March 2013 (Financial closure) Objectives:

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Project 4

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  1. Project 4 Ensuring Coordination, Evidence Based Programming, and Monitoring of the Peacebuilding Fund Projects in Uganda

  2. Overview • Funding: 719,735 USD • Timeframe: 01 November 2010 – 31 December 2012 (Operational closure)/31 March 2013 (Financial closure) Objectives: • Improved coordination, communications and resource mobilization  • Enhanced joint monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and tools

  3. Achievements: Coordination • Monthly UNAC Meetings: PBP as part of the regular agenda • JP meetings: coordination meetings of JPs conducted at least quarterly and as needed; • First joint programme with actual/real joint activities (activities jointly implemented)- started with planning, then in monitoring and implementation • TAP meetings: TAP meetings conducted at least quarterly and as needed • JSC meetings: conducted in February 2012 and today (28 September 2012)

  4. Achievements: Monitoring • electronic Management Information System (eMIS): a repository of all programme information that allows users to access and input data anytime anywhere for faster sharing and easier monitoring of both technical and financial progress • Defined as a good practice for monitoring and evaluation by the Peacebuilding Support Office • Adopted and expanded by UNCT for use by all UN joint programmes and UNDAF

  5. Achievements: Monitoring • Joint Field Monitoring Visits: conducted quarterly by the joint programmes; last JMV in June was conducted jointly by the three joint programmes • With a common framework and guidelines, and a standard reporting format • Mid-term Review: conducted as planned • Conclusion: activities on track and have achieved more than the targets

  6. Achievements: Communications, Research and Advocacy • Peace Day celebrations: 15,000 participants in Gulu • Developed advocacy products on peacebuilding programme (stickers, brochure, DVD, flyers, posters, radio spot messages, and folder and abstract book for the Research Conference) • Research focus: conflict drivers (land conflict, youth unemployment and unaddressed protection issues) • Published three relevant research studies: mental health and land conflict; two more ongoing on youth and land disputes mapping (unique exercise) • Additional 100.000USD allocated to the Land Conflict Monitoring and Mapping Tool

  7. Achievements: Communications, Research and Advocacy (cont’d) • Conducted International Research Conference: Perception of Peacebuilding in Northern Uganda • Considered successful, attended by 200 participants, including donors, GoU representatives and the UNDP Associate Administrator from NY • Building on the existing capacity of Gulu University to strengthen peacebuilding research and monitoring • Successfully advocated for the new programme areas and inclusion of social indicators in PRDP2 • i.e. land administration, youth entrepreneurship and psycho-social support

  8. Achievements: Resource Mobilization • Submitted to PBSO under the Gender Promotion Initiative a proposal on “Peacebuilding and Enhancing Social Protection Systems” • Coordinated by RCO as part of the P4 resource mobilization • To be implemented by UNICEF and UN Women • Said to have been approved already by PBSO • Concept note for a second phase/follow-on programme of the current peacebuilding programmes already being developed

  9. Challenges • Coordination: • Vertical communication/information sharing between agencies/funds and programmes • Joint activities: resilience of Agencies’ procedures to emerging joint practices (fund reallocation, reporting, branding) • Research: • Designing gaps: allocation budget/scope of assignment • Operations and administrative delays

  10. Challenges • M&E and reporting (finance and programme): • List of activities vs. key contributions/milestones towards achievement of targets • Narrative sometimes does not reflect a holistic peacebuilding approach • Double reporting of reached programme participants • Incorrect reporting against indicator, ex. indicator is number of communities reached – report is number of community dialogues conducted • Inconsistent reporting – different financial figures in eMIS from that in the MPTFO site

  11. Lessons • Joint Monitoring • Having a common framework and standard reporting format • Planning jointly – physically meeting to discuss the plans, not just through email exchange • Coordination • Joint design of programmes: facilitates identification and operationalisation of synergies • Having an overall coordinating unit that is not part/under a single participating agency, like the RCO is more effective • Transparency and adaptability, especially in terms of funds reallocation • Coordination with a wide range of stakeholders increases likelihood of successful advocacy (e.g. conflict drivers through NURD, PRDP TWG, DP, regular interactions with OPM) • Research: • Documenting conflict drivers – financial constraints require a narrowing scope (best value for money)

  12. Status: Funds Utilization

  13. Thank you and welcome

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