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Water sector in HA/SHA looking back and forward

Water sector in HA/SHA looking back and forward. Countries of intervention in 2013. SET Philippines. Missions.

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Water sector in HA/SHA looking back and forward

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  1. Water sector in HA/SHAlooking back and forward

  2. Countries of intervention in 2013 SET Philippines

  3. Missions • From 2008 to 2013, there has been a sharp but constant increase of mission days, with a stabilization of secondments after 2012 and an increasinginterest to deploy SHA CM for direct actions since 2010. • While in 2012, the proportion secondment to direct action was 50%, itfall down to 33% in 2013 • Interestingly, since 2010, the number of receivingagencies has increasedthroughnewlyestablishedcollaboration withWFP, World Bankand the DINEPA in Haiti. • Secondments to Unicef have reached a peak in 2010 and have remainedsmall but constant to UNHCR. • The increase of mission dayswithUNRWAcanbedirectlyrelated to the 0.5 %-fundedproject in Lebanon.

  4. Tools • Tools available for HA/SHA missions include 1) field laboratory; 2) Well cleaning kit and 3) Water distribution kit (SET modules) and 4) reference material • The water laboratory was fully renewed in 2009 and has been further simplified in 2014. Ithas been used in 18 different countries in the last 5 years: 1 RC intervention, 7 SET missions, 14 long-term missions. It is currently used in 10 countries and has become the standard water laboratory in Haïti. • The Well cleaning kit has been deployed during SET missions to Moldova, Pakistan, Benin and Philippines and has proved to be useful and adapted to different kind of flood situations • The WESSET modules have been developed in 2010, was used for the first time in Philippines end of 2011 and again in 2013. The water distribution kits are sufficient for ensuring access to safe water for 40’000 people. • A digital reference Library is currently developed and will be made available online in 2014. • Both the Well Cleaning and the Rapid Assessment manuals have been revised and will be reprinted in 2014

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