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Sink or Swim

Subtitle Here. Sink or Swim. Rules:. There are two teams, A and B.

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Sink or Swim

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Subtitle Here Sink or Swim

  2. Rules: There are two teams, A and B. Mrs. Hafer will ask a question to the first person on Team A and if they get it wrong they must "sink" (sit down.) If they get it right they may "sink" a person on the opposing team (the one sunk just sits down) OR save a person on their own team. When Mrs. Hafer gets to a person who is sunk, they must answer the question correctly to save themselves. Every person on the team must participate.

  3. Team A: Question 1 Are plants considered to be autotrophs or heterotrophs? Answer: autotrophs

  4. Team B: Question 1 What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph? Answer: Autotrophs make their own food and heterotrophs need to eat.

  5. Team A: Question 2 What is the difference between a eukaryote and a prokaryote? Answer: Eukaryotes have a true nucleus and prokaryotes have DNA that is not in a nucleus.

  6. Team B: Question 2 Are plants prokaryotes or eukaryotes? Answer: eukaryotes

  7. Team A: Question 3 What is photosynthesis? Answer: a food making process that gets its energy from the sun

  8. Team B: Question 3 What are tissues? Answer: groups of similar cells that perform a specific function in an organism

  9. Team A: Question 4 Name 3 structures that are found in plant cells but that are not common in animal cells. Answer: cell wall, chloroplast, and vacuole

  10. Team B: Question 4 What is the pigment called that is found in the chloroplast of plant cells? Answer: chlorophyll

  11. Team A: Question 5 What adaptation do plants have that allows them to obtain water while on land? Answer: roots

  12. Team B: Question 5 What adaptation do plants have that allows them to retain water while on land? Answer: cuticle

  13. Team A: Question 6 What is the cuticle? Answer: waxy, water-proof layer that helps plants reduce water loss

  14. Team B: Question 6 How are water and nutrients transported in small plants such as mosses? Answer: cell to cell

  15. Team A: Question 7 How are water and nutrients transported in large plants? Answer: vascular tissue

  16. Team B: Question 7 What is vascular tissue? Answer: system of tube-like structures inside a plant that water, food, and nutrients move through

  17. Team A: Question 8 What is fertilization? Answer: when a sperm cell unites with an egg cell

  18. Team B: Question 8 What is a zygote? Answer: fertilized egg

  19. Team A: Question 9 What are 2 characteristics of non-vascular plants? Answer: lack a well-developed vascular system, low growing, no roots, obtain water and nutrients directly from their surroundings

  20. Team B: Question 9 What are 2 characteristics of vascular plants? Answer: can live in dry areas, able to grow tall, have true vascular tissue

  21. Team A: Question 10 What are 2 examples of non-vascular plants? Answer: mosses and liverworts

  22. Team B: Question 10 What are 2 examples of vascular plants? Answer: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms

  23. Team A: Question 11 How are coconut seeds dispersed? Answer: water

  24. Team B: Question 11 How are maple seeds dispersed? Answer: wind

  25. Team A: Question 12 How are pine seeds dispersed? Answer: birds and sometimes wind

  26. Team B: Question 12 How are acorn seeds dispersed? Answer: mammals

  27. Team A: Question 13 What is germination? Answer: process of a seed changing into a seedling

  28. Team B: Question 13 What are the 3 parts of a seed? Answer: seed coat, cotyledon, and embryo

  29. Team A: Question 14 What are the 3 parts of an embryo? Answer: epicotyl, hypocotyl, and radicle

  30. Team B: Question 14 What does the epicotyl form in the adult plant? Answer: leaves

  31. Team A: Question 15 What does the hypocotyl form in the adult plant? Answer: stem

  32. Team B: Question 15 What does the radicle form in the adult plant? Answer: roots

  33. Team A: Question 16 What is the cotyledon? Answer: stored food in a seed

  34. Team B: Question 16 What does a seed need in order to start germinating? Answer: water

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