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Basin Scale Mass Variations in the Atlantic Ocean Saskia Esselborn, Tilo Schöne and Roland Schmid

Basin Scale Mass Variations in the Atlantic Ocean Saskia Esselborn, Tilo Schöne and Roland Schmid GFZ Potsdam, Germany. Mass related sea level changes: exchange with other components of earth‘s system redistribution due to ocean dynamics Means of measurement: ocean bottom pressure sensors

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Basin Scale Mass Variations in the Atlantic Ocean Saskia Esselborn, Tilo Schöne and Roland Schmid

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  1. Basin Scale Mass Variations in the Atlantic Ocean Saskia Esselborn, Tilo Schöne and Roland Schmid GFZ Potsdam, Germany

  2. Mass related sea level changes: • exchange with other components of earth‘s system • redistribution due to ocean dynamics • Means of measurement: • ocean bottom pressure sensors • tide gauges corrected for steric component and vertical land movement • altimetry corrected for steric component • gravimetry

  3. Mass related sea level changes: • exchange with other components of earth‘s system • redistribution due to ocean dynamics • Means of measurement: • ocean bottom pressure sensors • tide gauges corrected for steric component and vertical land movement • altimetry corrected for steric component • gravimetry

  4. RMS of equivalent water height (GFZ03 monthly vs. 2003-2004 mean)

  5. Data and data processing Period: January 2003 to June 2005 monthly means (30 months) Spatial scales: > 700 km Altimetry: Topex and Jason-1, monthly maps • GDR data • JGM3 orbits • Common set of geophysical correction models (e.g.: GOT00.2) • IB-correction relative to ocean mean SLP applied • SSBias: BM4 model estimated from cross-over point minimization • Wet troposphere: Topex/TMR drift corrected (Scharoo et al., 2004)Jason/JMR corrected data (version B)

  6. Data and data processing Argo: Coriolis gridded temperature and salinity data (objective analysis) • Steric height anomalies calculated relative to 1500m and 2000m depth • averaged to monthly maps GRACE: time variable gravity solution GFZ release 03 (22 months) • up to degree and order 80 • Monthly mean of ocean dealiasing product (GAB) readded All data sets were filtered using a spatial Hanning operator (700km half length width) and were referenced to a common temporal mean (20 months) Mean sea level was area weighted and related to the total Atlantic area (between 65°S/N and 70°W/20°E in the South)

  7. Total and steric sea level Altimetrysolid: Topexdashed: Jason1Argosolid: relative to 2000mdashed: relative to 1500m

  8. Total and steric sea level Altimetrysolid: Topexdashed: Jason1Argosolid: relative to 2000mdashed: relative to 1500m

  9. Sea level deviations September 2003 April 2004 TotalJason1 StericArgo (1500m)

  10. Mass related sea level September 2003 April 2004 Jason1 minus Argo(1500m) GRACE

  11. Mass deviations September 2003 April 2004 GRACE GRACE dealiasing Ocean Model product (GAB)

  12. Mass related sea level Altimetry minus steric(Jason1-Argo 1500m)Gravimetry (GRACE)

  13. Subpolar Subtropics Tropics Mass related sea level Altimetry minus steric(Jason1-Argo 1500m)Gravimetry (GRACE)

  14. Sea level differences Altimetry(Jason1)Altimetry minus steric(Jason1-Argo 1500m)Gravimetry (GRACE)

  15. The mass related sea level derived from GRACE and combined Jason-Argo data agrees well for the Atlantic and the North Atlantic • For South Atlantic and Tropical Atlantic the agreement is not satisfying • The smallest area reliabably recovered is the subpolar North Atlantic • Steric and Mass Gradients between South and North Atlantic as well as between Subpolar and Subtropical gyre in the North Atlantic are in phase (annual signal) • In order to improve the accuracy of the satellite data the following topics should be implemented: • Optimized filtering • Inclusion of geocenter motions • Improved orbit models for altimetry

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