Balazs Andras Khoor

Volunteer, American Red Cross Life Saving Corps

Florida resident Balazs Andras Khoor enjoys activities that allow him the opportunity to provide service to others. During his early years as a volunteer for the American Red Cross Volunteer Life Saving Corps, he developed a passion for helping people. Balazs Khoor trained with the program during summer breaks from college, gaining certification in the proper technique of administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, and other lifesaving skills that allowed him to be part of the respected national water safety program, in existence since 1912. As a lifeguard on the shores of Jacksonville Beach, Balazs Andras Khoor ranked among the group of sentinels who stood watch over the beaches. In addition to annual recertification courses to update his skills as a valued lifeguard, Balazs Andras Khoor also benefited from the program’s leadership development. Balazs Khoor’s efforts with the Life Saving Corps garnered recognition when he received a Three-Year Award for his 550 hours of volunteer time and was promoted to First Registrar for the 2005 season. Balazs Andras Khoor focused the same energy on his academic advancement as he did his extracurricular activities. A student at Florida State University (FSU) from 2003 until 2009, he completed dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in Economics and International Affairs, and a Master of Science in Economics. While at the Tallahassee-based university, Balazs Khoor gained membership in Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, the Garnet and Gold Key Leadership Honor Society, and FSU’s Pre-Law Society. A student activist, he held the post of Director for the Student Legal Services from 2004 until 2006 and served as President of the Pre-Law Society in 2005 and 2006.


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