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How to see the chance in the financial crisis to evolve from a material money system towards information money and f

How to see the chance in the financial crisis to evolve from a material money system towards information money and finally to cooperation without money at all…. In modern civilization people are trained to exchange each and everything . 50. 100.

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How to see the chance in the financial crisis to evolve from a material money system towards information money and f

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  1. Howtoseethechance in thefinancialcrisis toevolvefrom a material moneysystemtowards informationmoneyandfinallytocooperation withoutmoneyat all…

  2. In modern civilizationpeopleare trainedtoexchange eachandeverything.

  3. 50 100 To do thatitisnecessaryforbothpartiestoagree on an „exchangevalue“.

  4. 50 100 75 Ifthatisn‘tpossible, a kindof „fair value“ must beproclaimed by an objectivethirdparty.

  5. 50 100 75 Itmaybethatneitherbuyernor sellerarereally happy withthatone…

  6. Whenoneofthepartners (buyer) lacks thestandardexchangecommodity (money), he must get a loanfromthebank.

  7. But to do this he must provide a collateralforthebank.

  8. Bytheway, whichkindofvalues do banksprovide?

  9. Ifofficestaffis in a badmood, theysimplydon‘tgrantanyloanat all…

  10. Ortheydemandsomehistoricaldata, totally irrelevant forthefutureofthebusinessoftheborrower, orestimations, beingequally irrelevant, on pilesofpaper…

  11. But where do banksgetthemoney fromtheyhand out as a loan?

  12. Putverysimply: an officeclerkkeys in some numbersintothecomputerofthebank…!!!

  13. This ledgerentryindeedcreates themoneyfortheloan… it‘s just A PLAIN NUMBER!

  14. But in thiswaymoneyalwaysiscreated as an INTEREST BEARING DEBT! Ledgerentry: [claim / liability]

  15. But usingthistechniquemoneyisonlycreatedfor thecapitaloftheloan – NEVER FOR THE INTEREST!

  16. Togetthemoneytopayinterestwe all must fightagainsteachother in fierce businesscompetition…

  17. This iswhatweusetocall „fair competition“! In thiswaymoney, thatisnothingmorethan a number in a computerorworthlesspaperbillsor metalcoins, is ARTIFICIALLY MADE SCARCE tostay „VALUABLE“…

  18. In thebusinessworldtherearealways conflictsofinterest, because in an exchange economyeachonetriestogetmore fromhisbusinesspartner than he iswillingtogive…!

  19. Andbecausethisishowwebehave in the businessworldformanycenturies andovermanygenerations wecallthis OUR REALITY…!

  20. Andtherefore an exchangeeconomy, whereeachonetriestomaximizewhat he takesawayfromhisbusinesspartner, can turn into war soonerorlater…

  21. Bydoingbarterweusuallytrytotrick ourpartners so thatwedeliverthings oflessvaluethanwhatwegetfromthem!

  22. The mainproblemthereforecanbe seen in the dual transactions, for weviewoureconomyas a kind ofgiveandtake …

  23. Andwe all measureandmaximize PROFIT, that‘swhatwe TAKE, not, whatwe DELIVER…

  24. Andourworthless, uncoveredmoneyiswhatwe areforcedbylawtouseas a standard medium ofexchange…

  25. A kindof „nothing“, eternallymadescarce, we all havetofightfor…

  26. But isthis a LAW OF NATURE…???

  27. Chinamenformorethan 10,000 yearsused the so called „Fei Lun-System“ (wingedwheel)…

  28. 10 Youvisit a dealer, pick somearticle andthenagree on it‘sprice…

  29. 10 The dealer just writestheamount, that hiscustomerowstohim, into a circleofchalk on the wall…

  30. 7 10 Whenlater on thecustomervisitsthedealer, he offershim a different article. Onceagainbothagree on theprice…

  31. 3 The dealerdecreasesthedebtofhiscustomer in thecirclebytheamountoftheprice andthen he receivesthearticle…

  32. 3 So nowyouseethat a „standard-commodityofexchange“ hasneverbeennecessarytobeabletobuyortosell, buyerandselleronlyneedtoagree on theprice andthoseamountscansimplybeenwritten down…

  33. 3 This istheinformationfunctionofmoney, theonlyfunctionreallyneeded in an exchangeeconomy.

  34. 3 Andbecausenumberscanneverbescarce, in thissystem „loans“ simplydon‘texist… neitherdoes „interest“… … andneither do „financialcrises“ exist beingtriggeredbyfrozencreditmarkets!

  35. But nowadayswecan manage productionand distributionofgoodsandservicesusing socialnetworks on the web…

  36. It‘s not necessaryanymorethattransactions takeplacebetweentwopersons, but between ONE PERSON andthe WHOLE NETWORK…

  37. 50 100 The pricesof an articleandit‘sservice in return need not tobeoftheexactequalamount anymore– a vendorcansell for 100, whilethebuyercanbuyfor 50…!!

  38. 50 100 So eachpersonlives in her owneconomy, thatoptimallyfits her currentneeds andphaseoflife…

  39. 50 100 Andwe all cancooperate, because we‘vefreedourselvesfromthose ancient dual transactions…

  40. 50 100 We will workonly 8 hours a week…

  41. 50 100 Andwe will do quite different things… not onlypracticing a singlejobforourwholelife…

  42. ABC XYZ Andpeoplecancooperate, becausetherulesofthegame fit their personal currentlifephase andcaninstantlybechanged shouldtheneedarise…

  43. Hereyousee an exampleofthefunction ofinformationmoney…

  44. 100 40 Iftherailwaycompanysells a season ticket atthepriceof 100, but studentscan buyitfor40 bucks…

  45. 100 40 60 … thentodaysomeoneelse must pay thedifferenceof 60, taxpayers e.g., becauseourmoneyrepresents a „value“…

  46. 100 40 60 … andtherailwaycompanyneedstheamoutof 100, whilestudentsonlypay40 bucks…

  47. 100 40 60 But ifwerememberthatmoneyisonly thebitsandbytes in computers…

  48. 100 40 60 … whythen must we TAKE AWAY something fromcertainpeople just TO GIVE it tootherpeople??

  49. 100 In fact „therailwaycompany“ (just a legal artefact!) doesn‘tneedthe 100 bucks, but theemployees, thatprovideuswiththoseservices, shouldbegranted a decentlivingstandard!

  50. Whenthe NEW BANKS createelectronical accountingtokens in a transparent, democraticway so thatdecentlivingstandards arepossiblefor all ofus,…

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