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Our Solar System

Our Solar System. Year. The time it takes a planet to make one trip around the Sun. http://mistupid.com/astronomy/orbits.htm. Day. The time it takes a planet to spin around one time on its axis. Terrestrial. A planet made of rock; it means rocky or Earth-like. Gas Giant.

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Our Solar System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our Solar System

  2. Year The time it takes a planet to make one trip around the Sun http://mistupid.com/astronomy/orbits.htm Day The time it takes a planet to spin around one time on its axis

  3. Terrestrial A planet made of rock; it means rocky or Earth-like Gas Giant A planet made of gases with a small rocky core

  4. Mercury The smallest planet Named for roman messenger because it moves so fast around the Sun

  5. Very thin atmosphere • Closest to the sun • Temperature: 800º F • Year: 87 Earth days • Day: 178 Earth days • Diameter: 4,880 km

  6. Venus The hottest planet Named for the ancient god of beauty because it is so bright in night sky

  7. Intense heat and crushing pressure • About the same size as Earth • Temperature: 896º F • Year: 246 Earth days • Day: 243 Earth days • Diameter: 12,104 km

  8. Earth Our home planet The only planet not named for an ancient god

  9. The most unique planet • Only planet capable of life • Temperature: 100º F • Year: 365.25 Earth days • Day: 24 Earth hours • Diameter: 12,756 km

  10. Mars The red planet Named for ancient god of war because of its reddish look

  11. May have once had water and life • Home of Olympus Mons, largest volcano in solar system • Temperature: -81º F • Year: 710 Earth days • Day: 24.6 Earth hours • Diameter: 6,794 km

  12. Jupiter Home of the Great Red Spot Named for the king of the gods because of its size

  13. Red Spot: giant hurricane larger than Earth • Strong winds give it a banded look • Temperature: -101º F • Year: 12 Earth years • Day: 10 Earth hours • Diameter: 143,000 km

  14. Saturn The ringed planet Named for ancient god of agriculture because of when it is seen in the night sky

  15. Has the most complex ring system • Strong winds give it a banded look • Temperature: -274º F • Year: 29 Earth years • Day: 11 Earth hours • Diameter: 120,500 km

  16. Uranus Spins on its side Named for ancient god of the heavens because of bright green color

  17. Has a ring system • Chemicals give it a green look • Temperature: -328º F • Year: 84 Earth years • Day: 18 Earth hours • Diameter: 51,120 km

  18. Neptune The blue planet Named for ancient god of the sea because of its blue look

  19. Home of Great Blue Spot; Giant hurricane system • Chemicals give it a blue look • Temperature: -346º F • Year: 165 Earth years • Day: 17 Earth hours • Diameter: 49,530 km

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