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Silence Your Phone and Respect Others: New Hampton 2019 Deliberative Session

Join us for the New Hampton 2019 Deliberative Session on February 5th. Review the agenda and guidelines for participating in the session. Learn about the election of officers and the town's operating budget. Ensure respectful and productive discussions by following the session guidelines.

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Silence Your Phone and Respect Others: New Hampton 2019 Deliberative Session

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  1. Out of Respect For, and the Comfort of Those Around You, Please Silence your Phone and Refrain from Taking Calls or Texting while the meeting is in session. Thank you

  2. New Hampton2019 Deliberative SessionTuesday, February 5th, 2019

  3. Agenda • Call to Order • Pledge of Allegiance • Presentation • Review of Deliberative Session Guidelines • Announcement of Article 1 – Candidates for Election of Officers • Warrant Articles 2 – Operating Budget • Warrant Articles 3-14 – Individual Appropriations • Warrant Article 15 – by Petition • Any Other Business • Adjournment

  4. Deliberative Session Guidelines • All debate is through the Moderator. • When asking to speak please address the Moderator and state your name and the street you live on for the record. • Please speak clearly enough for all to hear. • Non New Hampton resident or property owner participation requires approval of the meeting. • You may speak a 2nd time on an article only after all others have had an opportunity to be heard. • Motion to call the question before all have spoken requires a 2/3 vote.

  5. Deliberative Session Guidelines • Any resident or property owner may participate in the discussions, but only REGISTERED voters in the Town of New Hampton can vote. • Any person who is not a “registered voter” in the Town of New Hampton please stand and be identified by the vote counters. • Motions can be made to amend the articles (without changing the purpose, eliminating the subject matter or nullifying the subject matter). You can amend the dollar amount to include zeroing out the appropriation or the article can be accepted as written to be placed on the official ballot for consideration.

  6. Deliberative Session Guidelines • Ballot votes • Requires written request of 5 voters prior to voting • Challenge to a non-ballot vote, immediately after vote is declared, requires 7 voters • A motion for reconsideration must be made immediately following closure of the article. • Once discussion has closed on any article, and the meeting has proceeded to subsequent articles, there shall be no reconsideration of any article.

  7. Warrant Article 1Election of Town Officers • Announcement Only • The candidates for the following Town Offices are: • 1 Selectman 3 year term • Neil Irvine • 1 Town Clerk/Tax Collector 3 year term • Regina Schofield Adams • 1 Trustee of the Trust Funds 3 year term • David E. Katz • 1 Sarah MacGregor Scholarship Fund 3 year term • Theo Denoncour

  8. Warrant Article 2Town Operating BudgetAmended Shall the Town raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling two million nine hundred and thirty-five thousand and three hundred forty-nine dollars and no cents ($2,935,349)? Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be two million eight hundred and forty nine thousand and one hundred forty-four dollars and no cents ($2,849,144), which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action by the Town or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only. This operating budget warrant article does not include appropriations contained in ANY other warrant articles. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation.

  9. Operating Budget Discussion

  10. Operating Budget Discussion Distribution of 2019 Operating Budget Appropriation *not including individual Warrant Articles

  11. Operating BudgetItemsof Significant Change • Revaluation and Legal combined for a reduction of $62,000 to the General Government component of the budget. • The budgets of all the departments were impacted by the customary increase in Health Insurance premiums. • We successfully filled the Finance Officer and Public Works full-time shared positions which have to be fully funded for 2019, hence the respective increases of $22,313 and $10,848. • The PD budget increase of $35,410 is driven primarily by the increase to the contracted prosecutor fee. Additionally, we are seeking to make the department Admin position full-time. • We are seeking your support for pay adjustments for all hourly employees. • $19,000 of the Highway department increase is due to an increase in Contract Services, which better reflects department activity. • Debt Service decreased due to the final payment on the PWD Loader.

  12. Operating BudgetPurpose for Appropriation (RSA 32:4)

  13. Operating BudgetPurpose for Appropriation

  14. Operating BudgetPurpose for Appropriation

  15. Operating BudgetPurpose for Appropriation

  16. Operating BudgetPurpose for Appropriation

  17. Operating BudgetConclusionnumber reflects amendment to Operating Budget The overall change in the operating budget from last year, (not including individual warrant articles), is an increase of $30,128 (1%)

  18. Warrant Article 3Appropriation for PSB Loan Payment Shall the Town raise and appropriate twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) to partially pay the seventh year's bond payment on the Public Safety Building and to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of this amount from the Fire Department Special Revenue Fund, which was authorized to be used for this purpose in 2011? The remainder of the annual bond payment ($145,636.40) is included in the Operating Budget Article 7. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article does not affect the Tax Rate.

  19. Warrant Article 4Town Office Upgrade / Remodel Project Shall the Town raise and appropriate forty-two thousand nine hundred dollars ($42,900) for the upgrade of the Town Office to include the remodeling of Town Clerk/Tax Collector office customer service area and to construct an interior access to the existing second floor meeting room and office space as recommended in the 2018 Capital Improvement Plan? The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article will increase the Tax Rate by thirteen cents ($0.13)

  20. Warrant Article 5Repair or Replace Town Bridge(s) Expendable Trust Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) to be placed in the Town Bridge Repair or Replacement Expendable Trust Fund, created by Town vote in 2008 under RSA 31:19-a for the purpose of repairing or replacing town owned bridges? The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article will increase the Tax Rate by six cents ($0.06)

  21. Warrant Article 6Replacement of Brook Road Bridge Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of two hundred ten thousand nine hundred and eighty-five dollars ($210,985) for the replacement of the Brook Road Bridge, and authorize the withdrawal of fifty thousand nine hundred and eighty-five dollars ($50,985) from the Town Bridge Repair or Replacement Expendable Trust Fund, with the remaining balance funded by a federal or state grant in the amount of $160,000? This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until December 31, 2020. The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article does not affect the Tax Rate.

  22. Warrant Article 7Town Road Drainage and Resurfacing Project Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for repaving of existing paved town road(s)? The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article will increase the Tax Rate by thirty cents ($0.30)

  23. Warrant Article 8Road Surface Management ProjectAmended Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of eight thousand five hundred dollars ($8,500) for Lakes Region Planning Commission (LRPC) to perform an inventory and evaluation of paved town roads using a road surface management software to develop a detailed management plan with recommendations for future improvements? The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (2-1) this appropriation. This warrant article will increase the Tax Rate by three cents ($0.03)

  24. Warrant Article 9Purchase of Police Cruiser Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($38,500) to purchase and equip a Police Cruiser all-wheel drive utility vehicle for the Police Department? The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article will increase the Tax Rate by twelve cents ($0.12)

  25. Warrant Article 10Fire Department Rescue/Pumper Truck Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars ($275,000) for the purchase of a Rescue/Pumper Fire Truck to replace the 1988 KME Fire Truck, and to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of $13,750 (5%) from the Fire Department Special Revenue Fund with the balance of $261,250 (95%) funded by an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG), with no amount to be raised from taxation? This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until December 31, 2020. The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article does not affect the Tax Rate.

  26. Warrant Article 11Fire Department Emergency Extrication Equipment Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of fifty-five thousand one hundred and twelve dollars ($55,112) for the purchase of Emergency Extrication Equipment (also commonly known as the “Jaws of Life”), and to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of $2,755.60 (5%) from the Fire Department Special Revenue Fund with the balance of $52,356.40 (95%) funded by an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG), with no amount to be raised from taxation? This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until December 31, 2020. The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article does not affect the Tax Rate.

  27. Warrant Article 12Public Safety Building Security System Upgrade Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of seventeen thousand three hundred and forty-five dollars ($17,345) for the upgrade of the security system for the Public Safety Building in which the Emergency Operations Center is located, and to fund this appropriation with an Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) of $13,945 (50/50) with the balance of $3,400 from taxation? Note: Security improvements totaled a cost of $31,290. The town had a 2018 appropriation for the police department security system, in the amount of $13,945 which the granting authority communicated met the requirement for the town match to allow the town to receive these grant funds. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until December 31, 2020. The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article will increase the Tax Rate by one cent ($0.01)

  28. Warrant Article 13Fire Department / EMS Equipment Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of twelve thousand and eighty-five dollars ($12,085) for the purchase of Fire/EMS equipment (ALS Manakin, IV Pump, Portable pump, Vehicle chargers and Tool set) for the Fire Department and to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of $12,085 from the Fire Department Special Revenue Fund, with no amount to be raised from taxation? The amount of the appropriation in this article is not included in the operating budget under Article 2. The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article does not affect the Tax Rate.

  29. Warrant Article 14Town Building Maintenance & Repair Expendable Trust Shall the Town vote to expand the purpose of the expenditure of the Town Building Maintenance and Repair Expendable Trust Fund, established in 1996 for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the Town House and Town Office Building, to now include the repair and maintenance of the Public Safety Building and Public Works Buildings. Furthermore, as was previously authorized in 1996 for the original fund, to name the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend from the fund? (2/3 VOTE REQUIRED) The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article does not affect the Tax Rate.

  30. Warrant Article 15New Hampton Cemetery Association – Petition Shall the Town raise and appropriate $10,000 as requested by the New Hampton Cemetery Association (NHCA) for annual maintenance and improvement of the Village Cemetery to include: 1. $1100 for grounds work (beyond the $3900 currently in the budget); 2. $5000 for paving and general road repairs so vehicles may continue to have access to all parts of the cemetery? (BY CITIZEN PETITION) The Selectmen do not recommend (0-3) this appropriation. This warrant article will increase the Tax Rate by three cents ($0.03)

  31. Warrant Article 15New Hampton Cemetery Association – PetitionAmendment Shall the Town raise and appropriate six thousand, one hundred dollars ($6,100) for the New Hampton Cemetery Association (NHCA) for annual maintenance and improvement of the Village Cemetery: consisting of one thousand one hundred dollars ($1,100) for annual maintenance of the grounds (to be combined with the $3,900 currently in the Operating Budget under Article #2), which will be paid based on expenditures of the Cemetery Association but the total paid shall not exceed 50% of the reported annual costs, as well as an additional one-time appropriation of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for paving and general road repairs within the cemetery with payments to be made upon completion of the work and submission of supporting documentation to the Selectmen? This $6,100 appropriation is in addition to the $3,900 currently in the Operating Budget under Article #2, for a total of $10,000.   (BY CITIZEN PETITION) The Selectmen recommend (3-0) this appropriation. This warrant article will increase the Tax Rate by two cents ($0.02)

  32. Estimated Tax Rate Calculation;Town Portion Only 2018 Rate was $5.90 per ’000. *assuming all warrant articles pass This represents a 11% increase ($0.73)

  33. Budget Summary On a $200,000 property the complete 2019 Budget equates to: $6.63 per ’000 = $1,326.00 (with all Warrant Articles accounting for a combined $0.68 per ‘000) Public Safety $464.10 Public Works $397.80 Government $318.24 Debt Service $132.60 All Other $113.26

  34. Any Other Business


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