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Market Monkeys

Market Monkeys. Round Table Group 2005 Case Opening. MS&E 271 April 19, 2006. Wai Eric Cheung Chang Yup Kim Derek Ku Kevin Kuang Leon Chee Kit Leong Weiquan Lu Danny Tsen g. Diagnosis: TALC. 2004 Income Analysis. Revenue. Litigation. 1%. Data Licensing. 1%. Corporate Learning.

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Market Monkeys

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Market Monkeys Round Table Group 2005 Case Opening MS&E 271 April 19, 2006 Wai Eric Cheung Chang Yup Kim Derek Ku Kevin Kuang Leon Chee Kit Leong WeiquanLu Danny Tseng

  2. Diagnosis: TALC 2004 Income Analysis Revenue Litigation 1% Data Licensing 1% Corporate Learning Investment Management 91% 7% Investment Management Litigation Time Adapted from: Moore (2002), Crossing the Chasm, and Wiefels (2002), The Chasm Companion. 2004/2005 TAD/TAM Analysis • Litigation Market - Early Majority • Investment Management - Early Adapter

  3. Decision: 6Ms Establish market leadership in Litigation; Secure beachhead and become a major player in the Investment Management Industry Customervisits (20%) Conference (15%) Conference (25%) Contact Expansion (25%) Research (5%) Web Ads (10%) Research (5%) Try-before-you-buy (15%) Publication (15%) Contact Expansion(5%) Customer Visit (25%) Publication (10%) Try-before-you-buy (5%) Web Ads (20%) Sources: Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore (2002) – High-tech Marketing Enlightenment Marketing Toolkit, MS&E 271

  4. Litigation Investment Management Analysis I: SWOT

  5. Analysis II: Economic Margin Projection with Sensitivity Analysis Millions -Very strong growth in investment management customers early on -Investment management revenue surpasses litigation

  6. Reality Test: Matrix

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