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gonyea |

gonyea |. complicated doesn’t make it good *from A Book About Design by Mark Gonyea. DESIGN IS ALL ABOUT THE PERCEPTION OF SIZE, SHAPE AND COLOR. gonyea |. chapter 1. ALL OR NOTHING. gonyea |. Take the two shapes below. They relate to each other in every way. gonyea |.

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gonyea |

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Presentation Transcript

  1. gonyea | complicated doesn’t make it good *from A Book About Design by Mark Gonyea DESIGN IS ALL ABOUT THE PERCEPTION OF SIZE, SHAPE AND COLOR.

  2. gonyea | chapter 1 ALL OR NOTHING

  3. gonyea | Take the two shapes below. They relate to each other in every way.

  4. gonyea | Change the size of one and you lessen the impact of the other.

  5. gonyea | Unless… you do something to draw attention to it again.

  6. gonyea | And so on…

  7. gonyea | …and so on…

  8. gonyea | …and so on. It’s all or nothing. You can’t change one piece without affecting all the other pieces.

  9. gonyea | chapter 2 THE BOX

  10. gonyea | Take a look at the square below. Imagine drawing two straight lines that intersect only once inside the square.

  11. gonyea | Did your lines look something like this?

  12. gonyea | Or this?

  13. gonyea | Straight lines can indicate strength and structure.

  14. gonyea | Diagonal lines can indicate speed and movement.

  15. gonyea | chapter 3 1:3:9

  16. gonyea | 1:3:9 is a ratio. It can also be a strong graphic tool.

  17. gonyea | The largest square is about 3 times as big as the second largest square, which is about 3 times as big as the smallest square.

  18. gonyea | This makes the largest square the most important piece on the page.

  19. gonyea | Apply this idea to a whole page and it might look something like this…

  20. gonyea | …and so on…

  21. gonyea | …and so on.

  22. gonyea | chapter 4 CAN YOU SEE ME NOW?

  23. gonyea | What is contrast? I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Can you tell what it is?

  24. gonyea | No? How about now?

  25. 3

  26. gonyea | That’s contrast!

  27. gonyea | chapter 5 LETTERS ARE SHAPES TOO

  28. gonyea | The letter A. A is for Angles.

  29. gonyea | The letter H. H is for Horizontal (and vertical) lines.

  30. gonyea | The letter T. T is for Three (as in 1:3:9).

  31. gonyea | The letter S. S is for curves. (I know, C should be for Curves but S looks better!)

  32. S

  33. gonyea | chapter 6 COLOR SCHMOLOR

  34. gonyea | There are warm colors.

  35. gonyea | There are cool colors.

  36. gonyea | Warm colors are aggressive and advance.

  37. gonyea | Cool colors are passive and retreat.

  38. gonyea | chapter 7 DO I LOOK FAT ON THIS SIDE?

  39. gonyea | The next page is unbalanced. The green square gets all the attention because it’s the only piece there…

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