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  1. WHY DOES QA CALIBRATION MATTER? This helps your QA analysts, team leaders, managers, and agents understand exactly which metrics ma?er and how scores should be assigned. It ensures consistent evaluation of customer interactions and coaching practices across the entire department. Quality assurance calibration is essential to make sure the process is accurate, fair, and transparent. To establish and define expectations, and make sure they’re being met. To review inconsistencies in ratings, so that scoring can be identified and discussed. Through calibration, it should become obvious what expectations the company has for each interaction between agents and consumers, across all touch points.  However, these may need to be altered over time as you continue to gain insights into customer preferences and satisfaction levels.

  2. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF QUALITY MONITORING AND CALL CALIBRATION? (Training/Coaching and Feedback Improvements) The more you assess and evaluate your customer interactions, the be?er the customer experience will be. And the more likely those customers are to speak highly of your contact center to other potential clients.


  4. BENEFITS OF CALL CALIBRATION: 1. Establish a process Call calibration helps you set up a scalable and repeatable process for quality assurance that you can use even if your performance standards change.  2. Define quality standards You’ll be able to ensure that your agents, team leads, supervisors, and managers are all scoring calls from the same set of standards. When you know what your standards are, it’s a lot easier to share and enforce those standards throughout your organizations. 3. Ensure consistency and fairness Call calibration means consistent feedback, no ma?er who in your company is providing that feedback. It reduces the potential for bias and favoritism in QA and ensures that calls are reviewed objectively.

  5. 4. Provide Feedback/ coaching Call calibration also gives reviewers the chance to leave comments to provide actionable feedback for agents. 5. Refine and refocus your training One of the most lasting benefits of call calibration is that you’ll be able to use the results to refine your agent training and see improvements faster.


  7. Coaching and Development  This involves giving feedback and discussing agents' current status, and metrics. The aim is to correct errors, discuss pa?erns in behavior (if any), and create a strategic plan to avoid commi?ing such errors again.  At the same time, this is a great way to provide commendation for best practices observed on the agent's evaluations.  This will help your agents provide be?er customer service, therefore improving agents' performance and customer satisfaction scores. FASHION DAYS 2020 WWW.WEBSITE.COM

  8. SKILL VS. WILL  COACHING MODEL This tool is used to determine what the best management approach is for a given employee.

  9.  This is based on two metrics:   Level of Skill and Level of Will. How much can that person rely on his or her skills to complete the task? How much does that person really want to complete the task?

  10. Advantages:  Helps determine the coaching approach that best suits the employee. Helps provide clear guidance on what to focus on. Encourages the manager to push their employees toward be?er skill and be?er will. Disadvantages: A common risk lies in the assessment of the worker’s strengths. Prejudice can easily bias the first evaluation, so it is critical that the manager must be fair & balanced. Avoid applying the wrong management method, which can impede the progress and results of the employee and set unreasonable goals. If you want to achieve a certain goal it is important to understand where that person stands and what it will take to get the results you need. The employees level of skill and will is more likely to differ from one task to another, and this method will help you adapt your management style depending on the task at hand.

  11. 4 TYPES OF SKILL & WILL: 1. Low Skill – Low will (Supervise and Excite) Solid guidelines, control and decision-making. Time-consuming and should be viewed as temporary. The manager’s role: Taking charge and inspiring. (e.g. newbies struggling to pass) 2. High Skill – Low Will (Coach) Coaching should be a motivational role. The skills are there, so help build the employee's confidence and enthusiasm. Communication will be the key Decision-making is still very much the coach’s responsibility, but have the employee take charge eventually. (e.g. tenured employees with no movement)

  12. 3. Low Skill – High Will (Support) This coaching is aimed at directing and channeling the employee's actions and supporting his decisions. (e.g. new recruit eager to make a good impression) 4. High Skill – High Will (Delegate) This employee is the most straightforward to manage. Give a lot of leeway and responsibilities and get them involved when called upon. Great pportunity for employees to develop and work their way up. Continue to monitor the progress of the employee, set challenging goals, and make sure to maintain a high level of motivation. (e.g. tenured folks constantly innovating their skills)

  13. STRATEGIC COACHING The focus of strategy coaching is to come up with a viable action plan that will improve processes and drive growth. The question that is at the crux of strategy coaching sessions is “What do we do next?” The answer consists of measurable and readily implementable steps that are oriented toward the achievement of clear objectives. This includes reviews or follow-ups, to monitor the progress and implementation of the plan.

  14. How to Effectively Conduct One-on-One Coaching Sessions? One-on-one coaching is the process of one person helping another overcome an issue or improve performance. It revolves around sharing experiences and knowledge around specific topics or areas, showing how to best approach different situations, and laying out the steps that should be used when executing the task. Individual coaching means that you can take the time to understand the unique challenges that the agent is facing and show them the most effective way to move forward. It might also involve helping someone improve their current skills or learn new skills required as they progress within their career.


  16. 4 DIFFERENT PERSONALITY PROFILES: 1. THINKER Thinkers are analytical, persistent, systematic people who enjoy problem- solving. Thinkers are detail-oriented, which makes them more concerned with content than style. Thinkers are task-oriented people who enjoy perfecting processes and working toward tangible results. They’re always in control of their emotions and may become uncomfortable around very outgoing people.  How to coach this personality type: Make them a part of the plan if possible. If not possible, make sure that you are very specific and do not deviate from the plan. No Surprises! Stay away from feelings-orientated goals, and lean on clear numerical/sensation-based deliverables and expectations Make sure you let them know when things are supposed to feel hard so they don’t become negative about themselves. Let them know what they can expect in the next session/class

  17. 2. FEELER Feelers are warm and nurturing individuals. They are the most people-oriented of the four styles. They are excellent listeners, devoted friends, and loyal employees. In the office, they are courteous, friendly, and willing to share responsibilities.  They are good planners, persistent workers, and good at following through. Feelers go along with others, even when they do not agree because they do not want to rock the boat. They are slow decision-makers for several reasons: their need for security, their need to avoid risk, and their desire to include others in the decision-making process. How to coach this personality type: This is the best personality type for team or class/training session. They love to talk and listen. They are hesitant to change and do well knowing in advance if there will be a change of format or style in the upcoming weeks. They will not want to make decisions, so clear communication on expectations is key. If you have someone new and you want to make sure that they are cared for/set up in a class or training session, pair them with a feeler.

  18. 3. CONTROLLER Controllers are driven by two governing needs: to control and achieve. They are goal-oriented, go-ge?ers who are most comfortable when they are in charge of people and situations. They are not afraid to bend the rules, and they find it is easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission. They accept challenges, take authority and plunge headfirst into solving problems. They are fast-paced, task- oriented, and work quickly and impressively by themselves. They become annoyed with delays. They are driven and dominating, which can make them stubborn, impatient, and insensitive to others.  How to coach this personality type: Be on time if not early, this means to start your class or session with the member at the selected time. Make sure you give them clear directives or they may self-assess too much and push themselves/hold themselves back to an extreme. Be firm in your directions, and teach them the WHY behind what they are doing. Make sure you explain the reason and benefit behind your instructions. 

  19. 4. ENTERTAINER The entertainer’s primary strengths are enthusiasm, charm, persuasiveness, and warmth. They like to be where the action is. They thrive on admiration, acknowledgment, and compliments. They are eternal optimists with an abundance of charisma — qualities that help them influence people and build alliances to accomplish their goals. They are also impatient, they have an aversion to being alone, and a short a?ention span or they become bored easily. They are risk-takers who base many of their decisions on intuition. When given only a li?le data, however, they tend to make sweeping generalizations. How to coach this personality type: BE EXCITED! Make sure you celebrate successes and the achievement of goals.  Make sure you give very specific deliverables, and if you give them a plan outside of their training session, they need to understand to follow it to a T. Stay engaged with them the whole time and try to minimize sightline to friends/family/love interests while training or in class, they will be thinking about that the majority of the time. They are your biggest cheerleader, so let them take the selfie with you and ask them to tag you in it. This will help you with marketing your class or training sessions.

  20. Thank You


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