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Internet Video Streaming As a Better Way to Reach Customer

Befame is the social media platform is used to make a many short live video

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Internet Video Streaming As a Better Way to Reach Customer

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  1. BEFAME How to create effective and relevant content online INTERNET VIDEO STREAMING AS A BETTER WAY TO REACH CUSTOMER

  2. Befame Befame is the video streaming social networking app. you earn a lot of money using befame

  3. BEFAME is the best live streaming platform Many short videos for singer’s sites allow you to publish your video clips for free. Therefore, you should not ignore this effective marketing technique; instead, you should learn to take advantage of this video opportunity for the love of your own marketing goals and goals to drive Internet traffic to your website.e

  4. Video clips must be short and concentrated The Internet is full of information and most Internet users do not have enough time to analyze and read all, they selectively choose the one that is probably what they are looking for and visit the website. Therefore, your video clip must be short, about 2-3 minutes, and directly on the points to maintain the interest of the Internet users.

  5. Make sure your video clips are friendly internet If your short videos for singers take a lot of time to load, you will probably lose the interest of your visitors. Most video files are in AVI format that normally has a larger file size and will take a lot of time to load. Therefore, you must convert it into a format that has a small file size and a short period; the common Internet connection format is Flash format.

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