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Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt

Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt. P. 306 Realidades 3. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt. You know that the subjunctive mood is used to say that one person influences the actions of another. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt.

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Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt

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  1. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt P. 306 Realidades 3

  2. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt • You know that the subjunctive mood is used to say that one person influences the actions of another.

  3. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt • To express doubt, uncertainty, or disbelief about actions in the present you use the present subjunctive. • To express doubt, uncertainty, or disbelief about actions in the past, you use the present perfect subjunctive.

  4. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt • Recall that the present perfect subjunctive is formed with the present subjunctive of ‘haber’ and the past participle.

  5. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt • For doubt or when in doubt you use: Dudo Esposible Esdudoso • For disbelief or when in disbelief you use: No creo Esimposible

  6. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt • Examples: Dudoqueexistan los extraterrestres Esdudosoqueexistan los marcianos No creoquehayanexistido los atlantidos Esimposiblequehayanexistido los ovni

  7. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt • Remember that the verb in the present subjunctive changes always. examples: saltar = salte conocer = conozca decir = diga buscar = busque

  8. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt buscar = busque pagar = pague cruzar = cruce dar = dé estar = esté haber = haya ir = vaya

  9. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt • Remember that the verbs in the present perfect subjunctive have to be written in the past participle form. examples: hayahabido hayanllegado hayanvolado hayanvivido

  10. Present Subjunctive with expressions of doubt haya arribado haya encontrado hayan descubierto haya inventado hayan excavado haya convertido hayan explorado

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