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What you should know before preparing a manuscript

What you should know before preparing a manuscript. A. M. Abd El- Aty , PhD Managing and Associate Editor Journal of Advanced Research. “There is no way to get experience except through experience”. Scientific Written Communication. Reports Theses or dissertations Journal articles

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What you should know before preparing a manuscript

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  1. What you should know before preparing a manuscript A. M. Abd El-Aty, PhD Managing and Associate Editor Journal of Advanced Research

  2. “There is no way to get experience except through experience”

  3. Scientific Written Communication • Reports • Theses or dissertations • Journal articles • Slide presentations • Posters • Books and book chapters • Technical manuals/users guides • Research or grant proposals

  4. Why Write and Publish Research Papers? Ideally – to share research findings and discoveries with the hope of improving the science Practically – to get funding to get promoted to get a job to keep your job!

  5. Where to Publish? • Spend time to select the right journal! • Seek advice from an experienced person in your field. • Check current contents for journals matching the paper topic. • Read articles from recent issues of potential journals. • Examine the "References" section of your paper for common journals. • Final decision will depend on: • (i) prestige (always go for the best topic based journals). • (ii) time to publish (as indicated on first page of every paper). • (iii) past performance (avoid journals that consistently reject papers).

  6. Final Choice of a Journal • Be realistic! • Do not publish only in 1 journal • Page charges • Charges for color images • Reduced fees for membership

  7. Criteria for Acceptance • Clarity of objectiveness • Originality • Novelty • Appropriate experimental design and methods • Appropriate statistical analysis • The importance of topic to the journal

  8. Major Reasons for Rejection Confirmatory (not novel) Poor experimental design - Poor controls - Hypothesis not adequately tested Inappropriate for journal Poorly written Wrong journal

  9. What to Publish? • Full-length contributed articles are around 5000 words. They usually are made of a series of experiments that form a coherent story. • Short notes are around 2000 words. They usually are made of one or two experiments that are stand alone pieces of work. • General rule: its better to publish one solid contributed paper than it is to split the same work into two or three short notes! • Articles in edited books are usually less prestigious than journal articles. • First publish your data in a journal then consider publishing in a book. But do publish a review article

  10. Points of Considerations • Before submitting a paper, therefore, be sure that you have something important and publishable to say. To know this, you should discuss your results with others working in the field, both in your own institution and elsewhere • The best way to do this is to present your results at scientific meetings — if you can get to them • Use short sentences

  11. Cont’d • Follow Instructions for Authors • Ensure correct format (line and page numbers, line spacing) • Check grammar, spelling and punctuation • Use a spellchecker, but be aware that they don't catch all mistakes • Be familiar with online submission • A scientific paper is not literature. If the ingredients are properly organized, the paper will almost write itself

  12. Ethics of Scientific Writing • Avoid the dual publication • Don’t use the work of others without appropriate attribution • List co-authors who contributed substantially to the work

  13. “Scientists are rated by what they finish, not by what they attempt”

  14. Best luck in your publications ! Any questions?

  15. IMRAD Format

  16. ‘Anatomy’ of a Scientific Paper • Title (the really important stuff) • The title is the only part of your paper most people will read (only a few read the paper) - make it clear, concise (self-contained) and informative • Actual findings should be described with claims that can be supported • It should be catchy / memorable • The title is a label, not a sentence • Put important words near the beginning • Check format regarding capitalization • May need to provide ‘running title’ • Most common error is poor syntax (difficult to read)

  17. Authorship • An author of a paper should be defined as one who takes intellectual responsibility for the research results being reported • Familiar with content, able to defend • Give credit where it is due. It does not cost anything, and it creates friends. Science is more of a social activity than you might think

  18. Order of Authors • First author has primary responsibility • Second author also important • Last author is often senior scientist • However, sometimes only the first name or the first few names are listed

  19. Title Page • Follow Instructions to Authors • Complete affiliations and addresses • Degrees and qualifications? • Present address (if have moved)

  20. Corresponding Author • Important role • Clearly indicate on title page • Phone, fax and e-mail • ‘Permanent’ e-mail address • Nonstandard abbreviations • keywords

  21. Abstract (the really important stuff) • First (perhaps only) access to paper • Should contain all elements of a paper • Brief introduction (include objectives) • Combine Mat. & Methods and Results? • Means and P values (no statistical methods)

  22. Abstract (continued) • Brief discussion, primary conclusion(s) and strong final sentence • Usually 1 paragraph • ‘Stand alone’ from remainder of paper • Descriptive (high-impact) words • Determine and respect word limits (often 250 words, risk being ‘cut’) • As a summary of work done, it is written in past tense

  23. Common Errors (Abstract) • Does not ‘stand alone’ • No or inadequate means and P values • Too general (lacks specific information) • Excessive materials and methods • Too long

  24. Introduction • Describe problem (usually present tense) • Brief review of knowledge • Explain how your study will challenge, expand or improve existing knowledge • Objectives/hypotheses at the end (be as specific as possible)

  25. Common Errors (Introduction) • Excessive detail/length (like a thesis) • Lacks focus • Excessive number of references cited • Objectives absent, inappropriate, or inconsistent (with other sections of paper) • Including a brief summary of results (at the end of the Introduction)

  26. Materials and Methods • Allow replication by a competent researcher • Describe all equipment, materials, software, etc., and indicate source (city, state, country) • Reference common procedures (explain modifications) • Use subheadings as needed for clarity • Ask a colleague if he/she can follow the methodology • Since your procedures have been completed, report them using past tense

  27. Experimental Animals, Plants, Microorganisms • List genus, species, strain/breed (do not need genus or species for domestic livestock) • Journal may require statement regarding animal care, reference to animal care guide, or indication that the study was approved by Institutional Animal Care Committee

  28. Definitions and Experimental Design • Define terms used • Keep the experimental design simple • Importance of controls (nature and number) • Remember that the goal is to publish!

  29. Results • Consistent with Materials and Methods (mirror image) • Clear, comprehensive, easy to interpret • Should be short and sweet, with no excess verbiage • Seek to combine data (on basis of non-significant differences) • Findings described in past tense

  30. Tables • For data unsuitable for text • Put common elements vertically (columns) • Eliminate repetition • Must be easy to interpret • Explore and revise; may need > 1 version

  31. Figures and Graphs • Y=dependent, X=independent • Simple labels, consistent axes • Insert a ‘break’ in axis if needed • P-values on graph or in legend • Indicate significant differences

  32. Legends • Sufficient for table/figure to ‘stand-alone’ but not long and tedious • Explain all abbreviations • Exclude citing statistical methods • May include P-values for main effects and interactions

  33. Discussion • Heart of paper and the hardest section to write • Primary purpose is to explain relationships among observed facts, NOT restate results • Refer to own data first, discuss with reference to the relevant literature • Consider similarities, differences, advantages, disadvantages • May suggest future studies

  34. Tense • Present study is described in past tense • Well-accepted literature in present tense • Recent literature (not well accepted) may be in past tense • Conclusion in present tense? (may be a cultural difference)

  35. Conclusion • Final paragraph of discussion • Summarize major findings • Avoid citing references and new speculation • Strong concluding sentence

  36. “Thank you” Acknowledgments • Technical assistance • Advice on research or manuscript • Gifts of materials • Assistance in preparing manuscript • Financial assistance

  37. Revising the Paper • Check the time limit given for re-submission • Wait at least a few days before revising the paper • Write a cover letter to the editor addressing ALL reviewers' comments • Don't attack the reviewer • Address criticisms and refuse them if you think you are right • Be polite and indicate that you are doing everything possible and more

  38. Language Revisions • Enlist assistance of a colleague • Commercial assistance available

  39. Re-submitting the Paper • Follow instructions from Editor • Proof-read carefully • Indicate current date on cover page

  40. Proofs • Galley proofs will arrive shortly before publishing paper • Cross-check with original version carefully • Respond within 24 hours of receiving proofs • Indicate precise changes in a cover letter

  41. Reject • MAY be able to appeal to editor, especially if you feel that they have a fundamental misinterpretation of the paper • Generally simply have to accept the decision • Once the paper is formally rejected, you are free to submit it to another journal

  42. Dealing with Rejection • A typical paper of average quality submitted to a ranking journal has less than 33% chance of getting a good report from a reviewer • Everyone must deal with having a paper rejected • Wait before revising paper in line with reviewers comments • Sometimes it may be appropriate to challenge the reviewer's decision • Don't be discouraged! • Re-submit to another journal within a month of rejection

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