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Vocabulary. Unit 2. KAKOS. Definition: Bad; harsh; ugly. KAKOS. KAKOS. Cacophony, Cacophobia, Cacography, Cacology. KAKOS. The cacophony of rush hour traffic kept him from falling asleep. CORRESPOND. Definition:

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  1. Vocabulary Unit 2

  2. KAKOS

  3. Definition: Bad; harsh; ugly. KAKOS

  4. KAKOS • Cacophony, Cacophobia, Cacography, Cacology

  5. KAKOS • The cacophony of rush hour traffic kept him from falling asleep.


  7. Definition: to be similar or analogous; be equivalent in function, position, amount, etc. CORRESPOND

  8. CORRESPOND • His test grades did not correspond with his knowledge of the subject.

  9. PHONE

  10. Definition: Sound. PHONE

  11. PHONE • Telephone, Phonic, Phonograph, Homophone, Xylophone, Euphonious

  12. PHONE • The euphonious classical music helped calm his nerves.


  14. Definition: Having qualities that lack original thought; united or combined into one collective; formed into a corporation* Corporation: A body of persons acting under a legal charter and having its own rights, privileges & liabilities CORPORATE

  15. CORPORATE • America’s laws are created by the corporate action of politicians.


  17. Definition: Powerful. POTENS/POTENTIS

  18. POTENS/POTENTIS • Potential, Omnipotence, Potentate, Potent, Impotent

  19. POTENS/POTENTIS • Too many people give up and settle for just a fraction of what they can be, failing to realize their potential.

  20. DEDUCE

  21. Definition: to derive as a conclusion from something known or assumed; infer DEDUCE

  22. DEDUCE • From the evidence the detective deduced that the gardener had done it.

  23. CARNIS

  24. Definition: Flesh. CARNIS

  25. CARNIS • Carnivore, Carnelian, Carnival, Carnal, Carnage, Reincarnation, Incarnate

  26. CARNIS • The carnage from the multi-car pileup required ambulances from several firehouses to carry away the victims.


  28. Definition: A standard of judgment or criticism; a rule or principle for evaluating or testing something. CRITERIA

  29. CRITERIA • Because he didn’t meet all of the teacher’s criteria, the student had to redo the project.

  30. VORO

  31. Definition: To devour. VORO

  32. VORO • Devour, Carnivore, Omnivorous, Herbivore, Voracious

  33. VORO • Fire devoured the old museum.


  35. Definition: of the same order or degree; equal in rank or importance. (adj) To engage in harmonious combination or interaction, as of functions or parts. (v) A reference point that corresponds to a specific location. (n) COORDINATE

  36. COORDINATE • Because none of my friends could coordinate their plans, we weren’t able to celebrate my birthday.

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