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LEARNING. How We Learn What We Learn When We Learn. WE LEARN MANY WAYS…. Classical Conditioning - Learning through association. Operant Conditioning -learning through association & reinforcement. Cognitive/Social – Observational Learning - Learning by observation.

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  1. LEARNING How We Learn What We Learn When We Learn

  2. WE LEARN MANY WAYS… Classical Conditioning - Learning through association Operant Conditioning -learning through association & reinforcement Cognitive/Social– Observational Learning - Learning by observation

  3. CLASSICAL CONDITIONING • Association is the key to learning. • Human beings are biologically programmed to respond in certain ways to certain things. • Salivate when we eat food • Jump if we hear a loud noise • Jerk hand away if touch something hot Natural reactions are unconditioned responses – we don’t have to learn them.

  4. Pavlov & Classical Conditioning • Research on digestion led to development of 1st experimental model of learning: classical conditioning. • Research led to Watson’s application of classical conditioning to humans & emotional responses. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhqumfpxuzI


  6. Little Albert Experiment • Study showed that emotional responses could be learned. • Phobias= likely conditioned responses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMnhyGozLyE

  7. Applications of Classical Conditioning AVERSIVE CONDITIONING -Negative stimuli also conditions us. Examples -Taste aversion UCS- flu & shrimp UCR – nauseous/vomit CS- any shrimp CR - nauseous/vomit

  8. Generalization & Discrimination Generalization -the act of responding the same way to similar stimuli Ex. Associating the sound of a dentist’s drill with a fearful reaction….after many exposures, other non dental drills have same effect. Discrimination -act of responding differently to stimuli that are similar to each other. Ex. One bad dog doesn’t spoil the bunch

  9. Examples of Classical Conditioning • Music and Memories The Office clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfZfMIHwSkU

  10. Using Classical Conditioning Treatment of Phobias Counterconditioning Systematic desensitization: Flooding 2. Eliminating Bad Habits: Aversion Therapy -pairing problem with aversive stimulus 3. In Advertising

  11. Treating Phobias Counterconditioning -present two CS at same time that elicit an incompatible response Systematic Desensitization -relaxation, hierarchy of feared stimuli presented over time Flooding - prolonged exposure to feared stimulus; not gradual a phobia: an extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something -estimated 5-12% of Americans have phobias (National Institutes of Mental Health)

  12. Eliminating Bad Habits Aversion Therapy -pair the problem with an aversive stimulus -association forms and attractiveness of problem behavior reduced

  13. In Advertising Pair product with stimuli that elicit positive emotions

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM6WI329l74

  15. Can you identify… • Sally goes to the doctor with Mom. Sometimes the doctor gives her a shot. After this happens several times, shebegan to feel uncomfortable at the sight of anyone in a white lab coat. • Unconditioned stimulus: Unconditioned response: • Conditioned stimulus: Conditioned response:

  16. My example Louis and Kubota love to go on runs with me. We go running many times a week. As soon as I am dressed in running clothes & sneakers, they whine, run around, and follow me room to room until we go. UCS: Go for run UCR: Happy CS: Sneakers CR: Happy

  17. APPLICATIONS • Create an original example of classical conditioning. Illustrate & label your example(UCS, UCR, CS, CR) • Brainstorm/create an example where you might use the principles of classical conditioning in your life.

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