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Theory E-Is there a need for a new style of Leadership for E-Business????

Theory E-Is there a need for a new style of Leadership for E-Business????. WJ Patterson Sullivan Univ. Graduate School http://www.iluv2teach.com. Theory E??????????. “The first requirement of Leadership is Knowledge” Tom Landry Dallas Cowboys

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Theory E-Is there a need for a new style of Leadership for E-Business????

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  1. Theory E-Is there a need for a new style of Leadership for E-Business???? WJ Patterson Sullivan Univ. Graduate School http://www.iluv2teach.com

  2. Theory E?????????? • “The first requirement of Leadership is Knowledge” Tom Landry Dallas Cowboys • To properly lead, we must understand that leading is NOT just giving orders.

  3. Theory E????????? • “You cannot manage men into battle. You manage things, you lead people.” Admiral Grace Murray Hooper

  4. Theory E ????????? • IT in and out of the closet over the past 30 years • Mainframes & Mini Computers (50’s-70’s) • PC’s (80’s) • Internet (90’s) • Pres Bush signed executive order turning control of Internet from Government control to private sector • Rapid growth of E-Business

  5. Theory E ????????? • New challenges to leadership because of the Internet • Speed • Competition for hits • User-friendly web sites • Change Management • Does traditional management theory work? • Theory X, Theory Y, Deming, Drucker, Hawthorne

  6. Theory E ????????? • Andrew Grove, President of Intel said, “ You have no choice but to operate in a world shaped by globalization and the information revolution. There are two options: Adapt or die…. You need to plan the way a fire department plans. It cannot anticipate fires, so it has to shape a flexible organization that is capable of responding to unpredictable events.” (Grove, 1995).

  7. Theory E???????? • Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.com in an interview with Bob Edwards on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition, was asked what he thought it took to be a leader today. Bezos replied, “Well, my guess is that it takes the same things its taken forever to be a leader, and I think the key thing is telling people the truth, even when its hard. You know, its always easy to tell people what they want to hear, but leadership is about taking people where they might not otherwise go because it is hard”. (National Public Radio, 2000)

  8. Theory E??????????? • Kurt Hartwig offers five ways to jumpstart ones leadership skills for people embracing E-Commerce. His five steps are: • Don’t make assumptions • Don’t be critical-Look for strengths, not weaknesses. Half Full, not Half Empty • Don’t delegate disbelief • Don’t shoot the messenger • Don’t set unrealistic expectations

  9. Theory E?????????? • In a recent study done by Leslie Willcocks (Professor of Information Management and e-Business at the University of Warwick’s Warwick Business School in Coventry England) and Robert Plant (Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems at the University of Miami , Fl) they offer 7 characteristics the E-Business leaders share. They are : • regard the Internet as a cornerstone of network centric business area • distinguish the contributions of information from those of technology • recognize that competition opportunities and customer expectations evolve rapidly • learn quickly and have the capacity to shift focus • follow a top down or outside in route to business innovation via the Internet • inform their e-Business processes with critical thinking • see the Web as a part of a larger strategic investment in e-Business. • (Willcocks and Plant, 2001)

  10. Theory E???????? • “In dealing with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but your dealing with creatures of emotion.” Dale Carniege

  11. Theory E????????? • So what does this mean? • Today, we can have the best technology, the best products, and the best of everything. But these alone are not the keys to success. The key to success is having leadership that will drive successful execution of a well thought out plan.

  12. Theory E????????? • Conclusion • Is there a need for a Theory –E.? This author does not believe so. This author believes that it all gets back to blocking and tackling, dribbling and passing, hitting and catching, chipping and putting. The basics. Fundamentals. Execution. These aren’t new terms. These are tried and true methods that have been used for many years and are still applicable in today’s business environment.

  13. Theory E????????? • Jeff Bezos said, “It takes the same thing its taken forever to be a great leader.” (National Public Radio, 2000)

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