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Classifying Complex Numbers Test

Classifying Complex Numbers Test. Instructions

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Classifying Complex Numbers Test

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  1. Classifying Complex Numbers Test Instructions The following slides list a set containing various types of numbers that you are to categorize as being strictly complex, strictly real or strictly imaginary by drawing a Venn diagram showing the set/subset relationship between the complex numbers, the real numbers and the imaginary numbers then placing each number in the set where it belongs. After doing this press the space bar for the next problem. After doing them all you press the space bar to check your answers. One example is provided to illustrate.

  2. {3-7i, 13i, 9, -2i, -2+8i, -1} Complex Real imaginery 3-7i -2+81 9 -1 13i -2i

  3. {3, -14i, -i, 2 + 3i, 1 -7i, 19} PROBLEM #1

  4. {7- 3i, -9, 0, -2i, 8 - i, 2/3 } PROBLEM #2

  5. {5 - 3i, -4, -11i, 8, 1 - 7 i, -9i} PROBLEM #3

  6. {2/3 - 3i, 7- 4i, -11, 2, 2/3 i, -17i} PROBLEM #4

  7. {8, -4i, -7, 2 + 3i, 7i, 9 - i} PROBLEM #5

  8. {-3 - 8i, - 5/7 i, 6i, 7 - 4/11i, -2 - 11i, 17} PROBLEM #6

  9. {0+15i, -6-0i, -10i, -12 + 3i, 1 - 9i, -13} PROBLEM #7

  10. {i, -1 - 2i, -2, 0 - 3i, 11 - i, 9+0i} PROBLEM #8

  11. {23, -14, -7i, -2 - 8i, 7 - 2i, 9 - 13i} PROBLEM #9

  12. Classifying Complex Numbers Test PRESS THE SPACEBAR TO CHECK YOUR ANSWERS.

  13. {3, -14i, -i, 2 + 3i, 1 - 7i, 19} Complex Real imaginery 2 + 3i 1 – 7i -14i -i 3 19

  14. {7- 3i, -9, 0, -2i, 8 - i, 2/3 } Complex Real imaginery 7 – 3i 8 - i -2i 0 2/3 -9

  15. {5 - 3i, -4, -11i, 8, 1 -7 i, -9i} Complex Real imaginery 5 - 3i -4 -9i -11i 8 1 -7 i

  16. {2/3 -3i, 7- 4i, -11, 2, 2/3 i, -17i} Complex Real imaginery 2/3 - 3i 2 2/3 i 7 - 4i -17i -11

  17. {8, -4i, -7, 2 + 3i, 7i, 9 - i} Complex Real imaginery 9 - i -4i -7 7i 2 + 3i 8

  18. {-3 - 8i, - 5/7 i, 6i, 7 - 4/11i, -2 - 11i, 17} Complex Real imaginery -3- 8i - 5/7 i 17 7 - 4/11i 6i -2 - 11i

  19. {0 + 15i, -6 - 0i, -10i, -12 + 3i, 1 - 9i, -13} Complex Real imaginery -12 + 3i -6 + 0i 0 + 15i 1 - 9i -13 -10i

  20. {i, -1 - 2i, -2, 0 - 3i, 11 - i, 9+0i} Complex Real imaginery -1 - 2i -2 i 9+0i 11 - i 0 - 3i

  21. {23, -14, -7i, -2 - 8i, 7 - 2i, 9 - 13i} Complex Real imaginery -2 - 8i -7i 23 7 - 2i -14 9 - 13i

  22. Classifying Complex Numbers Test THE END

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