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Present Participles

Present Participles. J. Lyle Story. Parse, Look for Position (attrib. & pred.) and Translate. oi ( lamba / nontev lamba / nontev le/ gwn o( le/ gwn oi ( o1ntev o1ntev ta grafo / mena tou = a) kou / ontov. Parse, Look for Position (attrib. & pred.) and Translate.

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Present Participles

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  1. Present Participles

    J. Lyle Story
  2. Parse, Look for Position (attrib. & pred.) and Translate oi( lamba/nontev lamba/nontev le/gwn o( le/gwn oi( o1ntev o1ntev ta\ grafo/mena tou= a)kou/ontov
  3. Parse, Look for Position (attrib. & pred.) and Translate tou\v diwkome/nouv ai( blepo/menai to\ pneu=ma to\ sw=zon poreuo/menoi o( a0delfo\v o( khru/sswn pa/sxwn o( pa/sxwn katabai/nontev
  4. Parse, Look for Position (attrib. & pred.) and Translate baptizo/menov o( baptizo/menov a0postello/menov ai( e0kklhsi/aiai( diwko/menai diwko/menai, ai( e0kklhsi/ai e1fugon. o( dexo/menov tw=n diwko/ntwn to\ eu0agge/lion to\ khrusso/menon
  5. Translate the Following oi( swzo/menoi u(po\ 0Ihsou= ginw/skousi to\n sw/zonta au0tou/v. h( e0lpi\v h( blepome/nh ou0 e1stin e0lpi/v. ta\ te/kna ta\ a)kou/ontath\n didaxh\n tou= Xristou= sw/zontai. e0pi/steusan e0n tw=| qerapeu/ontitou\v a0nqrw/pouv. e1ti w1n e0n sarki/, o( 0Ihsou=v e1swze tou\v pisteu/ontav ei0v au0to/n.
  6. Translate the Following ei]don a1ggelon e0rxo/menon e0k tou= ou0ranou= e1xonta e0cousi/an mega/lhn(great). khru/sso/menov e0n tw=| ko/smw| a0nelh/mfqh e0n do/ch|. oi( a0kou/ontev e0pi/steusantw=| e0gei/rontitou\v nekrou/v. e1xomen ta\v e)paggeli/av ta\v katabainou/sav e0c ou0ranou=.
  7. Translate the Following a0pokri/netaitw=| me/nonti e0n au0tw=|. o( kri/nwn to\n a0delfo\n au0tou= ou0k e1stin e0k qeou=. le/gontev tau=ta oi9 a1nqrwpoi e1bleyan to\n ku/rion. a0naginw/skomen ta\ grafo/mena e0n tw=| bibli/w| th=v zwh=v. oi( o1ntev ui(oi\ tou= qeou= me/nousin e0n tw=| lo/gw| au0tou.
  8. Examples from the Greek NT e0gw/ ei0mi to\ 1Alfa kai\ to\ ]W, le/geiku/riov o( qeo/v, o( w@nkai\ o( h]n kai\ o( e0rxo/menov, o( pantokra/twr(the Almighty, Most Powerful), Rev. 1:8 ou{to/v e0stin o( a1rtov o( e0k tou= ou0ranou= katabai/nwn. Jn. 6:50 kai\ para/gwnpara\ th\n qa/lassanth=v Galilai/avei]den 0Andre/an to\n a0delfo\n Si/mwnovMk. 1:16
  9. Examples from the Greek NT kai\ eu0qu\v a0nabai/nwn e0k tou= u#datovei]den sxizome/nouv(sxi/zw= = I split, tear apart) tou\v ou0ranou\v kai\ to\ pneu=ma w(v peristera\n (pigeon, dove) katabai=non ei0v au0to/n. Mk. 1:10 Messi/av . . . o( lego/menovXristo/v Jn. 4:25 o( pisteu/wn ei0v au0to\n . . . Jn. 3:16 pa=v (each) o( e0n au0tw=| me/nwn ou0x a(marta/nei. I Jn. 3:6
  10. Examples from the Greek NT oi( me\n ou]n e0poreu/onto xai/rontev a0po\ prosw/poutou= sunedri/ou(Sanhedrin) Acts 5:41. h]n ga\r dida/skwn au0tou\v w(v e0cousi/an e1xwn Mk. 1:22 0Iwsh/f de\ o( a0nh\r au0th=v di/kaiov w2n kai\ mh\ qe/lwn au0th\n deigmati/sai(to make a public example) Matt. 1:19
  11. Examples from the Greek NT 12 kai\ eu0qu\v to\ pneu=ma au0to\n e0k ba/llei ei0v th\n e1rhmon. 13 kai\ h]n e0n th=| e0rh/mw| tessera/konta(forty) h(me/ravpeirazo/menov u(po\ Satana=, kai\ h]n meta\ tw=n qhri/wn, kai\ oi( a1ggeloi dihko/noun au0tw=|. Mk. 1:12-13 kai\ au0to\v e0di/dasken e0n tai=v sunagwgai=v au0tw=n docazo/menov u(po\ pa/ntwn(all). Lk. 4:15 h]lqen o( 0Ihsou=v ei0v th\n Galilai/an khru/sswn to\ eu0agge/lion tou= qeou= kai\ le/gwn…Mk. 1:14-15
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