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Types of Truths

Types of Truths. Religious Truth . The bible is primarily religious truth . Religion is concerned with the relationship between human and God.

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Types of Truths

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  1. Types of Truths

  2. Religious Truth • The bible is primarily religious truth. Religion is concerned with the relationship between human and God. • The bible is the record of this relationship between God and His chosen people. It tells us how God treated them and how they responded, or failed to respond, to God.

  3. Moral Truth • Moral Truth: The bible also contains much moral truth. Moral truth tells us what is right and wrong. It tells us what we must do and how we must live if we want to be good people and close to God. • We must recognize though, that the Old Testament reflects the morality of the Hebrew people at that time, and their standards were very different from ours. • For example, according to the Hebrew people if someone were to poke your eye out, you should do the same back to them. The New Testament tells us that Jesus expressed the opposite. He admits that these things were said but that he now tells us to do different. “It was said of old….but I say to you….”

  4. Moral Truth • Example from the Bible: “You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also…” (Matthew 5: 38-40)

  5. Symbolic Truth • Much of the truth in scripture is told in symbols, parables, myths, and allegories. We are forced to read between the lines to discover the real truth being presented to us. • The story of the tree of good and evil is an example of such a symbol. Although there is truth there, it is not factual truth about apples and snakes.

  6. Proverbial Truth • Much of the bible, especially the Wisdom books, is the kind of folksy truth contained in proverbs like: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. These statements are short, yet say so much. They are statements that we carry with us and they are easy to remember.

  7. Historical Truth • The Bible contains the history of the Hebrew people from about 2000 BC to 100 AD. Though much of this history was passed down orally for generations before it was written, it is surprisingly accurate. • There are historical errors in the Bible that we recognize but there is still a lot of accuracy in its truth.

  8. Scientific Truth • The biblical writers reflect the scientific understandings of their day, which we now know, were very primitive in comparison with what we know today. • For example, the bible describes the earth as flat; it says that the sun stood still and that the world was created in seven days. We should be able to read through these scientific errors and find the religious truth that the writer was trying to get at. • There was no need for God to reveal a more accurate understanding of science to His people. Revelation is concerned with religious truth and not so much scientific truth. The Hebrew people didn’t have to know that the world was round in order to be close to God.

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