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ICF Zurich Logo. Serienlogo. Background. SUSANNA BIGGER. Seiteneinblender. Seiteneinblender. … who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's . The Bible , Psalm 103:5. Seiteneinblender. The cliff : take your time

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ICF Zurich Logo

  2. Serienlogo

  3. Background SUSANNA BIGGER

  4. Seiteneinblender

  5. Seiteneinblender … whosatisfiesyourdesireswithgoodthings so thatyouryouthisrenewedliketheeagle's. The Bible, Psalm 103:5

  6. Seiteneinblender The cliff: takeyour time Veryearly in themorning, whileit was still dark, Jesus gotup, leftthehouseandwent off to a solitaryplace, where he prayed. The Bible, Mark 1:35

  7. Seiteneinblender JOHN EUDES «Askyourselfhowmuchyoucanworkwithoutbecomingtootiredtopray.»

  8. Seiteneinblender Personal question: Howlatecan I gotobedwithoutbeingtootiredtopraythenextday?

  9. Seiteneinblender Clean thefeathers: the“dirt” must go Ifweconfessoursins, he isfaithfuland just and will forgiveusoursinsandpurifyusfrom all unrighteousness. The Bible, 1 John 1:9

  10. Seiteneinblender

  11. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance

  12. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance ‣ innerrestlessness

  13. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance ‣ innerrestlessness ‣ feelingofguilt

  14. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance ‣ innerrestlessness ‣ feelingofguilt ‣ fear

  15. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance ‣ innerrestlessness ‣ feelingofguilt ‣ fear ‣ hopelessness

  16. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance ‣ innerrestlessness ‣ feelingofguilt ‣ fear ‣ hopelessness ‣ insomnia

  17. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance ‣ innerrestlessness ‣ feelingofguilt ‣ fear ‣ hopelessness ‣ insomnia ‣ loneliness

  18. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance ‣ innerrestlessness ‣ feelingofguilt ‣ fear ‣ hopelessness ‣ insomnia ‣ loneliness ‣ bitterness

  19. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance ‣ innerrestlessness ‣ feelingofguilt ‣ fear ‣ hopelessness ‣ insomnia ‣ loneliness ‣ bitterness ‣ crankiness

  20. Seiteneinblender ‣ imbalance ‣ innerrestlessness ‣ feelingofguilt ‣ fear ‣ hopelessness ‣ insomnia ‣ loneliness ‣ bitterness ‣ crankiness ‣ insecurity

  21. Seiteneinblender Oilthefeathers: thingsareeasierwhen “anointed” The Spirit ofthe Lord is on me, because he hasanointedme. The Bible, Luke 4:18a

  22. Seiteneinblender QUOTE: «Whatmakesus strong, inwardlyandoutwardly, isthe simple trust in the power andpresenceofthe Holy Spirit. ... » EdgarSchmid

  23. Seiteneinblender Pluck out oldfeathers: allowyourselftoberenewed Thoughoutwardlywearewastingaway, yetinwardlywearebeingreneweddaybyday. The Bible, 2 Corinthians 4:16

  24. Seiteneinblender MyFather, ifitispossible, maythiscupbetakenfromme. Yet not as I will, but asyouwill. The Bible, Matthew 26:39b

  25. Seiteneinblender MyFather, ifitis not possibleforthiscuptobetakenawayunless I drinkit, mayyour will bedone! The Bible, Matthew 26:42

  26. Seiteneinblender An angelfromheavenappearedtohimandstrengthenedhim. The Bible, Luke 22:43

  27. Seiteneinblender

  28. Seiteneinblender

  29. ICF Zurich Logo

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