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One-qusiparticle excitations of the heavy and superheavy nuclei

One-qusiparticle excitations of the heavy and superheavy nuclei. A. Parkhomenko and Sobiczewski Institute for Nuclear Studies, ul. Hoża 69, Warsaw Poland. XII Nuclear Physics Workshop Kazimierz Dolny, Sept. 21-25, 2005. Plan. Introduction

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One-qusiparticle excitations of the heavy and superheavy nuclei

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  1. One-qusiparticle excitations of the heavy and superheavy nuclei A. Parkhomenko and Sobiczewski Institute for Nuclear Studies, ul. Hoża 69, Warsaw Poland XII Nuclear Physics Workshop Kazimierz Dolny, Sept. 21-25, 2005

  2. Plan • Introduction • Methods of the calculations (Macroscopic-microscopic apprach) • Results: a) single-neutron excitaions b) systematic c) α-decay chains of the 269Ds and 271Ds • Conclusions

  3. Introduction • experimental studies of one-particle states; • gamma-spectroscopy data up to rutherfordium (Z=104);

  4. Method of the calculations Macroscopic Microscopic model Yukawa-plus-exponetial model Strutinski shell correction BCS pairing approximation Woods-Saxon potential

  5. 249Cf151 E (MeV) λn -6.0 -8.0 One–qusiparticle excitations

  6. Results

  7. Table I. α-particle energies, α-transition energies Qαtr, experimental Qα , experimrntal and theoretical half-lives Tαth and T αexp for of α -decay chain of the nucleus271Ds (271110).

  8. Table II. The same as in Table I, but for chain of the nucleus269Ds (269110).

  9. Conclusions • Good agreement with experiment of one-neutron excitations; • BCS approximation is good for nuclei near closed shells; • A fact of including of single-particle structure of nuclei in α-decay chains improves agreement with experiment.

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