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Fill It Up the Right Way!

Fill It Up the Right Way!. John C. Stalker Institute of Food and Nutrition 2013-2014. www.johnstalkerinstitute.org. Workshop Description.  Sharpen your s kills in weighing, measuring, and conversions in the kitchen.

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Fill It Up the Right Way!

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  1. Fill It Up the Right Way! John C. Stalker Institute of Food and Nutrition 2013-2014 www.johnstalkerinstitute.org

  2. Workshop Description Sharpen your skills in weighing, measuring, and conversions in the kitchen. This workshop offers 1 contact hour of professional development credits. www.johnstalkerinstitute.org

  3. Learning Objectives •Distinguish between volume and weight •Deliver consistent and correct portions •Understand relationship between portion control and cost www.johnstalkerinstitute.org

  4. Blast Off Activity • Estimating portion size – by weight • Will need 10 volunteers to create a 2 oz. ball of play dough • How many volunteers over-portioned? How many under-portioned? Did anyone get an exact portion?

  5. ‘The Takeaway’ • Portioning is NOT an exact science. • It is a process of obtaining the most accurate results possible. • Limitations and challenges may include: limited time to serve, incorrect portioning tools, inaccurate scales/equipment.

  6. Our Imaginary District for today . . . • Welcome to Midland, MA! • Vital Stats: 4550 students 55% ADP for lunch 2500 students eat per day Three (K-5) schools Two (6-8) Middle Schools One (9-12) High School

  7. A story of two Midland employees . . . Cook/Manager “Anastasia” –  Elementary (K-5) school - Motivated to reduce costs.  Anastasia and her staff serve scant portions, significantly smaller than the recommended guidelines. • Anastasia justifies this practice by explaining that many of her students are overweight. • Anastasia: “These are young kids, they don’t need all this food. Plus when we serve the larger portions there is too much wasted food, it goes right in the garbage.”

  8. A story of two Midland employees. . . Server “Beatrice”–  Works at a middle school (6-8) - Her serving line is very popular with students and staff.  Beatriceserves portions with a ‘heaping spoodle’, about 1.5 times the recommended serving sizes. • Her manager has problems with ordering, and often runs out of food before all students have been served. • Beatrice: “What is going on with all these guidelines and limited portion sizes? My kids are hungry. I worry about them going home not having had enough to eat.”

  9. Negative Consequences • Anastasia  Beatrice • Short on nutrition Overserving • Exposure to audit  Exposure to audit • Costs unfairly low  Cost overages

  10. Required Calorie Ranges for Lunches Grades K-5: 550-650 calories Grades 6-8: 600-700 calories Grades 9-12: 750-850 calories

  11. Portion Size and Calories • Beatrice serves 1.5 times the recommended portion. The calorie content of lunch jumps from 650 to 975 calories per day. • 180 day school year • Overage of 325 calories per day • Overage of 58,500 calories per year. • If we use 3,500 calories to represent 1 pound, this represents a potential weight gain of almost 17 pounds!

  12. Volume vs. Weight • Why so difficult to understand and apply? • It is largely a matter of terminology: Fluid Ounces (Volume) vs. Ounces (Weight) • Even misunderstood in a popular expression: “A pint’s a pound the world around.”

  13. VOLUME Describes how big a space the ingredients fills: Examples: 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces 1 pint = 16 fluid ounces NOTE: Teaspoons and Tablespoons are also volume measurements IMPORTANT! Volume is a measurement of space occupied by an ingredient, regardless of what is being measured.

  14. WEIGHT Density is defined as the degree of compactness of a substance. It varies with each kitchen ingredient we use. Examples of weight: 1 pound equals 16 ounces 1 ounce equals 28.349 grams Ounce is often confused with fluid ounce. They are not the same, as an ounce is a unit of weight, and a fluid ounce is a unit ofvolume.

  15. The Link Between Volume and Weight • “Weight-to-Volume equivalent” is different for every ingredient in the kitchen. For Example: • 1 cup broccoli florets weighs 2.5 ounces. • 1 cup spinach leaves weighs 0.7 ounces. The volume is the same, the weight is different. Vs.

  16. Frozen Vegetables and Fruits • Packaged by Weight • Yield • Frozen vegetables that are steamed yield a cooked weight of 92% of original frozen weight • Exception is frozen whole-kernel corn, which yields close to 100%.

  17. Costing Drained Canned Foods • The USDA sets a minimum number of drained ounces of solid food per can. • Best Method – calculate your own yields. Reference: USDA, Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs.

  18. Back to Anastasia and Beatrice in Midland. . . Why does it matter?

  19. Customer Service Situation A: • Consistent + Correct Portioning • Each customer receives correct amount • Rarely running out at the end of the line • Happy Customers/Students Situation B: • Inconsistent Portioning • Inconsistency of customer service • Claims of ‘favoritism’ • Often running out at the end of the line • Unhappy Customers/Students

  20. Portion Distortion!

  21. 350 calories! It would take the average person 35 minutes of intensive gardening to burn these extra 305 calories due to Portion Distortion.

  22. 790 Calories! It would take the average person walking for 1 hour and 20 minutes to burn these extra 400 calories due to Portion Distortion.

  23. 590 calories! It would take the average person 1 hour and 30 minutes of weight lifting to burn these extra 257 calories due to Portion Distortion.

  24. For More Information JSI Website: http://www.johnstalkerinstitute.org/ JSI Blog http://johnstalkerinstitute.org/blog/ Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn – connect through the JSI website www.johnstalkerinstitute.org

  25. John C. Stalker Institute of Food and Nutrition is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Nutrition, Health and Safety Kathleen C. Millett Executive Director 781-338-6479 http://www.doe.mass.edu/cnp www.johnstalkerinstitute.org

  26. John C. Stalker Institute of Food and Nutrition 100 State Street, PO Box 9101 Framingham, MA 01701-9101 www.johnstalkerinstitute.org johnstalker@framingham.edu phone: 508-626-4756 fax: 508-626-4018 www.johnstalkerinstitute.org

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