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Email automation for b2b clients

Learn how email automation can help improve your B2B campaigns. Give your email marketing efforts a boost with triggered and transactional email automation.<br>Visit www.bizprospex.com to get 100 leads for free!

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Email automation for b2b clients

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  1. BIZPROSPEX GUIDE TO: Types of Email Automation for B2B Maximize The Power Of B2B Email Marketing

  2. Email automation is used to describe email communication triggered by a particular action that your customer takes. It enhances the effectiveness of email marketing as a communication channel, and is a unique and irreplaceable asset in your arsenal. W H A T I S E M A I L A U T O M A T I O N ?

  3. WELCOME EMAILS AND HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU There is never a second chance to make a first impression on someone. In the case of email, all you need to do is send a well-written welcome email.  75% of the top B2C retail companies send welcome emails. This number shrinks to an almost negligible 12.5% when it comes to B2B companies. Welcome!

  4. Welcome emails receive two to four times more engagement rate than promotional emails. They can cause subscribers to remain a part of your list for longer, make customers interact more often with your brand, and spend more money on your products or services. Be warm, friendly and use the right language. Always try and ask for more information in your welcome email communication.

  5. Product reviews can impact E- commerce buying decisions. According to a report, 68% of consumers trust online opinions and reviews. However, they must come from other consumers.  To ensure a long-lasting relationship with your customers, remain in their good books.  Stay in touch with your customers, even after they have made a purchase. PRODUCT REVIEW EMAILS AND HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU

  6. With product review emails, you want to build authentic customer relationships. So, start by asking them how happy they are with the product. Then, figure out why they bought it and if the product fulfilled their needs. This intense interest in their experience shows that you care.   Use email automation to gather feedback for developing better products. Leverage it for offering a smoother user experience.

  7. THANK YOU EMAILS AND HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU As a marketer, your efforts are geared towards making your subscribers or customers do something.  Maybe this week you want them to sign up for a newsletter. Last September it was a webinar, and maybe next week you want. Sounds familiar?   If you keep badgering a group of people to do something, the least they’d expect was thanks.  Thank You!

  8. After your customer completes or performs an action, it is best to send an automated thank you email. This simple, yet effective message works as a positive reinforcement of sorts. If you’d like to make it even sweeter, throw in a coupon code, free delivery, discount coupon or extended warranty. Anything you can do to show how much you appreciate the action taken by the customer goes a long way.

  9. The successes of webinar marketing efforts are usually proportional to total registrations. This means that the larger the view population you attract, the more success you’ll find. To draw in the desired large audiences, utilise different marketing channels and tactics that can bring in returns. This includes marketing email automation and paid advertisements, as well as, collaborations and brand tie-ups also have some value.   When it comes to organising webinars, email automation for B2B clients is especially useful. WEBINAR INVITATION EMAILS AND HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU

  10. The best part is that you can send emails to anybody interested in being a part of the webinar. No matter if you have a monthly webinar to talk about industry news, a weekly skill-training webinar or an educational series; email automation can help rope in more people. Webinars offer prospects the opportunity to get familiar with what you have to offer. If they have been delaying the purchase process, a webinar is a reason not to.

  11. B2B customers today are seeking out highly customised digital experiences. So, a customer is more likely to do business with you if they receive personalized communication and information. Personalize your marketing communication so that it is relevant, useful and exciting to consumers. This attention to detail is a great way to bring in a higher ROI. With email marketing, you have the opportunity to carefully plan things. Right from the delivery time of the content into your subscriber’s inbox, to its frequency, everything can be customized. FREE CONTENT EMAILS AND HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU

  12. Well-written, relevant, customised content can help in driving traffic, inspiring action and achieving other crucial campaign objectives. You can help bring in new clients by offering something useful for free to strengthen the customer bond. Additionally, you can nurture long-term advocacy by providing personalised, relevant content to your B2B customer. By utilising customer segmentation and profiling tactics, you can make sure customers receive targeted emails about offers and promos.

  13. When it comes to B2B purchases, there are more gatekeepers, pricier products, longer sales cycles and fierce competition. So, there is a significant need for you to stand out among prospects. One effective way of targeting prospects on email is by offering a free product trial or free demo session. This gives them first- hand insight into what your company can provide to them. You can even target the recipients who do not sign-up and follow- up with limited period offers or special discounts. TRIAL OR DEMO EMAILS AND HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU

  14. You can help bring in new clients by offering them a trial or demo of what you intend on selling to them. This example uses email automation to encourage customer sign-ups for personalized demos. Not only do they make the prospect feel valued by offering to arrange a free demo, but they also accommodate the client’s schedule.


  16. Email Automation: Points to Remember IT ISN'T FLAWLESS MESH IT WITH OTHER CHANNELS HIGHER ENGAGEMENT FLEXIBILITY Email Automation as a B2B business tool also offers format flexibility so that you can experiment with what brings in the highest returns. Use this versatility to find what works best for you! ‘Automation’ in email automation can’t be interchanged with ‘easy’. While email comes equipped with fancy triggers, it also has many challenges and drawbacks just like Facebook or Instagram. Email Automation acts as a deliberate form of communication with customers and allows for higher engagement. Utilizing it properly wll help boost sales. The real power of email as a channel is harnessed best in collaboration with other platforms including mobile notifications, Facebook ads, PPC, Google retargeting etc.

  17. Contact Us We can help power all your mail automation efforts with comprehensive lead lists and valuable data. Get in touch now to learn how we can help you grow! General Inquiry: info@bizprospex.com Sales Inquiry: murtaza@bizprospex.com Or schedule a FREE demo at: https://www.bizprospex.com/contact/

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