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The ECHA-term project Multilingual REACH and CLP Terminology

The ECHA-term project Multilingual REACH and CLP Terminology. EAFT - Oslo, 11 October 2012. Dieter Rummel, Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU Luxembourg. Before we start: The Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU. Translation service for the decentralised agencies of the EU

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The ECHA-term project Multilingual REACH and CLP Terminology

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  1. The ECHA-term projectMultilingual REACH and CLP Terminology EAFT - Oslo, 11 October 2012 Dieter Rummel, Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EULuxembourg

  2. Before we start:The Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU • Translation service for the decentralised agencies of the EU • Working for about 55 clients • Translating legal, technical, scientific texts, Community trademarks – as well as lunch menus • Rather small (110 translators) and young (17 years) • Working with a vast network of freelancers

  3. Terminology at the Centre • A small central terminology unit coordinates between 3 and 9 projects per year; • 1 translator per language is a terminology coordinator • “Translation oriented” terminology; • Occasionally terminology projects requested by Clients; • Since 1999 involved in the IATE (“Inter-Active Terminology for Europe”) project for a creation of a single terminology database for the language services of the EU; • Technical maintenance of the IATE is ensured by the Centre; • Chair of the interinstitutional IATE Management Group.

  4. ´s Tasks

  5. Background: • Translations are one of the ECHA‘s means to support the industry • 6500 pages published in 22 EU languages (leaflets, technical guidance, web content, IT manuals, administrative documents and news items) • Challenge: complex and highly technical terminology • The ECHA-term project was launched with the objective to provide ECHA and its stakeholders with a reliable, coherent, up-to-date source of terminology to harmonise the use of terminology in the REACH and CLP context, to enhance clear communication and ultimately to reduce costs for the stakeholders

  6. Launch to the public 2011 April, at http://echa.cdt.europa.eu Managed for ECHA by the Translation Centre in Luxembourg (CdT) • Projectdevelopment Phase I 2009Phase II 2010 Creation of REACH core terminology Building the IT system Definition of requirements Extending the content Proof-of-concept Tests by a user group

  7. Content • 1000 CLP and REACH terms, phrases and definitions in 22 EU languages • 9 multilingual pictograms with images • 53 substances of very high concern with EC and CAS numbers • 100-150 new terms are added annually

  8. Content creation • Definition of a relevant corpus in the source language (usually English); • Semiautomatic extraction of concepts and completion with definition, reference, context, note etc. by terminologists; • Validation by 2 or 3 translators at CdT to ensure pertinence; • Formal revision by English terminologist; • Validation by ECHA; • Multilingual phase: target equivalents and relevant information are completed CdT terminologists; • Ideally target equivalents are validated by experts (ECHA); • Import of data in ECHA-term; • Maintenance of data following user feedback.

  9. IT system: Features

  10. Home page

  11. Monolingual search

  12. Bilingual search

  13. Alphabetical index

  14. Editing

  15. Entry history

  16. Consultation and validation

  17. So far, so well.... • Over 800 registered users (translators and industry) • ca. 300 queries per day • ECHA-term user survey 2012 • ECHA-term makes my work more efficient • The terms in the database are relevant to me

  18. Outlook and questions • Continuous extension of the glossary (next: biohazards) • Does size matter? Are we ambitious enough? • How can we improve usability of terminology in ECHA-term (terminology checking and highlighting of terminology in the ECHA’s web site and documentation)? • Do we need an ECHA-term “app” for mobile computing? • Creation of an active user community? Thank you for your attention!

  19. For more information see:

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