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E-Scrap (also known as E-Waste) Laura Humberger– Financial Services

E-Scrap (also known as E-Waste) Laura Humberger– Financial Services Shay Halverson– Safety & Risk Mgmt . . What is E-Scrap & How is it Handled?. E-Scrap (the new term for E-Waste) describes waste that is generated by electronic equipment. Computers Monitors Cell Phones

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E-Scrap (also known as E-Waste) Laura Humberger– Financial Services

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  1. E-Scrap (also known as E-Waste) Laura Humberger– Financial Services Shay Halverson– Safety & Risk Mgmt.

  2. What is E-Scrap & How is it Handled? • E-Scrap (the new term for E-Waste) describes waste that is generated by electronic equipment. • Computers • Monitors • Cell Phones • Other similar items • Why it is handled differently than regular scrap and unwanted items: • Recent federal regulations make many of the metals used in these items Hazardous Waste • Sensitive data may be stored on computers, and must be destroyed in accordance with Dept. of Defense protocols, Regents’ policies, FERPA, HIPPA, before leaving our control 2

  3. Process for Re-distribution of Items Under $5,000 • Re-distribution Within MSU of Items under $5,000 (these are tracked by each department, but are not tracked centrally by Property Management): • If you would like to re-distribute within your department, or give to another department on campus, feel free to do so. • You must ensure that all data is removed first: ITC can assist. Simply deleting all the files on the hard drive is NOT ENOUGH to actually remove the data. An experienced data thief can recover information easily. • See the Data Stewardship Policy at http://www2.montana.edu/policy/itc/data_stewardship.htm • There is a link for securely disposing of data under DoD protocols at http://www2.montana.edu/desktop/surplus.htm 3

  4. Procedures for Disposal of Items Under $5,000 • Disposal of Items under $5,000: Follow if you do not know of anyone who wants the computer, and want it to be picked up. • Even though not tracked as a capital asset by Property Management (PM), any time we would like to dispose of University property, we need to submit a Property Asset Removal Request (PARR) form to PM. (a revised form will soon be on the web!) • PM will notify Safety & Risk Management (SRM) when they have approved the disposal of something that is E-Scrap • You will be contacted by Shay or someone else in SRM to set up a time for pickup (currently performed on Tuesdays). • IF you have deleted the data in accordance with DoD protocols, that is helpful. If you have NOT deleted data, please keep in a secure location until SRM comes to pick up the items. Beware: Piles of waste tend to grow and shrink– please let PM or SRM know if items are added to/taken off the list. • SRM will re-distribute if they know of a need (after performing the proper data destruction) • If there is no need for the item, it will be destroyed and sent for scrap 4

  5. Procedures for Items Above $5,000 • Re-distribution within your department • Ensure that old data is removed completely, unless the recipient of your new computer needs it for their job duties • Re-distribution on campus for items above $5,000 • Ensure that old data is removed completely– use ITC to ensure this happens. • Fill out a PARR form to report the change in ownership to PM • Disposal of items above $5,000 • Fill out a PARR form to report the intended disposal • PM will notify SRM of an E-Scrap disposal • You will be contacted by Shay or someone else in SRM to set up a time for pickup (currently performed on Tuesdays). • Items above $5,000 will incur a disposal cost that will be charged to your department. • Generally speaking, items subject to the E-Scrap charge (coded to 62245) have already paid for disposal, but capital items such as copiers and industrial printers have not. 5

  6. E-Scrap Charge Refresher • A 2.5% charge was endorsed by PEC and UPBAC, and was phased in beginning January 2009, to ensure that the University had the resources to comply with more stringent environmental regulations and ensure compliance with data security standards. • The timing of this correlated with the students assessing themselves a Sustainability Fee to provide for recycling and other environmental efforts. • An assessment is made to all indexes based on purchases of computers and related equipment • The charge currently is NOT automated and is assessed in the month following the purchase. Automation of this assessment is on the Systems Team’s tasklist. • Question: Is this charge introducing any difficulties for you in tracking and managing grants, etc? 6

  7. Contacts • Property Management http://www.montana.edu/wwwbu/propmgmt.html • Carla Wiedeman • Charles Nadeau • Safety & Risk Management http://www.montana.edu/wwwsrm/ • Shay Halverson 7

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