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EMP- Training Programme for Ethnic Minority Groups 青出於「南」 少數族裔培訓計劃

EMP- Training Programme for Ethnic Minority Groups 青出於「南」 少數族裔培訓計劃. Background 計劃背景. Ethnic minority youth is a growing population. Language and culture barriers often limit their access to further educational / employment opportunities in Hong Kong.

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EMP- Training Programme for Ethnic Minority Groups 青出於「南」 少數族裔培訓計劃

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  1. EMP- Training Programme for Ethnic Minority Groups青出於「南」少數族裔培訓計劃

  2. Background 計劃背景 • Ethnic minority youth is a growing population. Language and culture barriers often limit their access to further educational / employment opportunities in Hong Kong. 少數族裔的雙待(待學,待業)青少年人數不斷增加, 他們因文化及語言上的差異,導致在進修或尋找工作上遇到不少障礙。 .

  3. Background 計劃背景(續) The EMP project will offer a series of short term bilingual vocational courses to foster the ethnic minority youth realize their potential and start off their career path in Hong Kong. 為回應少數族裔雙待青少年的需要, 本局將於2006年 開始為他們提供中英文雙語短期職業培訓課程。

  4. Aims of Project 計劃目的: 1. To enhance the understanding and integration of ethnic minority groups in relation to the cultural and employment environment in Hong Kong. 幫助少數族裔的雙待青年, 融入香港文化及就業環境 2. To develop the potential of ethnic minority groups and seek options for their career development . 協助學員發展潛能及尋找合適自己性向的職業

  5. 3. To enhance the employability and adaptability of ethnic minority groups in labor market with pre-vocational and in-service training and counseling support. 透過職前及在職培訓與輔導, 提升學員求職能力及工作適應能力 4. To facilitate ethnic minority groups to obtain qualified certification for career development or further study 協助學員獲取認可的專業資格, 在該行業繼續發展及持續進修 Aims of Project 計劃目的: (續)

  6. Entry requirement入學要求 • Ethnic minority youth aged 15-24, and 15-24歲之少數族裔雙待青少年,及 • Whose academic qualification are below Form 5 standard , and 學歷中五程度以下 • Non-engaged youth - including school leavers, the unemployed or those who are not occupied in full-time employment, 雙待,包括已離校,目前正待業或沒有從事任何全職工作;及 • Able to communicate in simple English or Cantonese, and 能聆聽及操簡單英語或廣東話;及 • Able to attend full-time study. 能出席全日制課程者

  7. Tuition fee 課程學費 • $500 Hong Kong Dollars 港幣500元 • Neither refundable nor transferable 學費一經取錄,概不退還 • Apart from tuition fees, students need to pay for their own uniform and related professional examination charges (if necessary). 除學費外,學生須自費購買制服及報考專業證書之考試費。

  8. Tuition Fees Financial Assistance學費資助 (一) • CSSA recipients who have the certificate of CSSA can apply for exemption of tuition fee 領取綜援並提交證明文件者可獲豁免學費 • Certificate of CSSA (for medical wavier) should be shown on enrollment day 領取綜援者須於報名當日出示證明文件正本 • Applicant’s name should be printed in the certificate 綜合社會保障援助受惠人醫療費用轄免証明書須列有申請人姓名

  9. Tuition Fees Financial Assistance (continued)學費資助 (二) • Once verified and admitted, tuition fees can be exempted 一經核實及取錄後即時轄免學費 • Students who have financial difficulties can approach the student counselor in the project office to apply for fee exemption. 經濟有困難者,可聯絡計劃辦事處學生輔導主任申請學費減免 • Students have to achieved 80% or above in attendance before the fee be remitted to them. 學生的出席率必須達80%以上方可申請有關資助

  10. Training path 訓練途徑 Jobreferral with guidance and counseling 工作轉介 (諮詢及輔導) Qualifiedcertification for further study 認可資格作 持續進修 Career oriented training for 180 hrs & Language enhancement course and life skills training for 60 hrs 180小時職業技能訓練及60小時語文及生活技能訓練

  11. Beauty Care 美容護理課程 Housekeeping Operation房務事務課程 Office Operation 辦公室實務課程 Cake and Bakery 麵包及糕餅製作課程 Logistic 物流與倉管課程 Computer Installation and Network Application 電腦安裝及網絡應用課程 Business Operations 商業營運課程 Automotive Maintenance Engineering 汽車維修工程 Types of Course 開辦課程 Courses planned to commenced in October 2006 or January 2007

  12. Course Content 課程內容: • Career - oriented training (180 hrs) 職業技能訓練課程 • Language enhancement course 語文強化課程 (Putonghua, Cantonese and English) (包括中/英文,廣東話) • Life skills training 生活技能訓練 (Understanding Hong Kong culture, occupational safety, interpersonal skills) (包括認識香港的生活文化,職業安全,人際關係,溝通技巧等)

  13. Course Characteristics 課程特點: • Theory and practicum basis – learn from demonstration and practice 專業導師以示範及實習方法教授,內容理論和實習並重 • Tailor-made career-oriented training 課程精要實用,切合實際工作需要 • Bilingual medium of instruction (Cantonese and English) 授課語言以英文及廣東話雙語授課 • Bilingual course materials (Chinese and English) 課程筆記兼備中/英語內容

  14. Assessment考核標準 • During the training period, students would be assessed by : 受訓期間 , 評核標準為: Requirements various with different courses 考核標準視乎不同課程要求而定 Attendance 出席率 Performance 學習表現 Participation 課堂參與

  15. Award 畢業證明 • The minimum attendance requirement is 80% and Certificate will only be awarded for those satisfying the minimum requirement. 學員出席率必須達致80%或以上才能取得畢 業證明。

  16. Prospect 出路: • Students who have successfully completed the training course will be awarded a Certificate and referred to related trades for placement, or 成功完成課程的學員將獲發畢業証明書及轉介至相關工作行業, 或 • Apply for the Diploma in Vocational Studies courses offered by Vocational Training Council, if they meet the minimum entry requirements. 如學員能符合基本入學要求,亦可申請報讀職業訓練局中專文憑課程。

  17. 學 途 徑

  18. Details of application 報名詳情 • Application from now on  現已接受報名  • Application form can be sent:  報名表可經由以下方式發送致本處: • by email ativyc@vtc.edu.hk, or • by fax at2758 0940, or • by mail to SAO Office, VTC College (Kowloon Bay), Kowloon Bay Training Centre Complex, 46 Tai Yip Street Kowloon

  19. Further information查詢: Contact person 聯絡人: Ms Ivy Cheng (鄭貞潔) Tel no.聯絡電話:  3552-9751 Fax no.傳真: 2758-0940 Email電郵:ivyc@vtc.edu.hk

  20. FAQ (Frequent Asked Questions)

  21. Q1: Can I apply for two courses at the same time? A: Applicants can mark their preferences in the application form, but they can only be admitted to one training course at a time. 問題1: 本人是否可以同時申請兩個課程? 答: 申請人如對兩個課程有興趣應於申請表上註 明意願的優次,但申請人只可入讀一項 課程。

  22. Q2: I am interested in the courses of ethnic minority project, but I am older than the age stated in the leaflet. Can I submit my application form? A: This is a training programme for ethnic minority youth. For further details on adult training programme, please call 28361768 (for full time courses)/ 28361764 (for part-time courses). 問題2:本人對於「青出於南少數族裔培訓計劃」的課程甚 感興趣,但已超過指定年齡,我是否可以遞交申請 表? 答:「青出於南少數族裔培訓計劃」是專為青少年而設的 訓練計劃。如欲查詢有關職業訓練局為少數族裔成 年人課程,請致電 28361768(全日制課程) / 28361764 (部份時間兼讀課程)。

  23. Q3: If I quit from the programme after two weeks of training, can I get partial refund of the tuition fee? A: No. Once admitted to the programme, tuition fees paid is neither refundable nor transferable. 問題3:若我於上學兩星期後退學,是否可以獲得部份學費 退款? 答:不可以。一經取錄,所有已繳交的費用概不退還。 學生中途離校/退學,亦不會發還全部或部份學費。

  24. Q4: I have a full time job now; can I apply for the training programme? A: Yes, you can submit your application. But if you are admitted to our programme, you need to quit your job for the courses run on a full time study mode from 8am to 6pm daily. So you are advised to think about your career plan and seek for consultation if necessary. 問題4:本人現時日間已有全職工作,是否可以申請入讀「青    出於南少數族裔培訓計劃」? 答:可以。你可以遞交申請表格,若被取錄你需要於每天早上八時至下午六時內上課。所以你需要放棄日間的全職工作才可入學;故此入學之前你可能需要諮詢其他人的意見,確定你個人的職業發展方向。

  25. Q5: Will all the training programmes be run in the same college? A: No. According to the required facilities of different training programmes, students may need to travel to different districts to attend the training sessions. 問題5:所有課程是否會於同一間學院上課? 答:不會。每項課程會因應培訓需要在不同院 校上課。學生將需要前往不同地區的院校上 課或接受培訓。

  26. Q6: Will male or female students be trained in a same class? A: Yes. Classes will be divided by training needs but not gender. So male and female students will be trained together. 問題6:男生女生是否同時接受訓練? 答:是。課程將會按照培訓需要分班,男生女 生有可能於同一班接受培訓。

  27. 多謝蒞臨 Thank you!

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