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Resiliency . Presented by School and District ESS Teams. What is Resiliency . adapting well in the face of adversity “bouncing back” from difficult experiences “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it” - Charles Swindoll.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Resiliency Presented by School and District ESS Teams

  2. What is Resiliency • adapting well in the face of adversity • “bouncing back” from difficult experiences • “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it” -Charles Swindoll

  3. What can a lack of resiliency look like in children?

  4. What does a resilient child look like?Link:Jessica’s morning affirmation

  5. Tips for Helping your child Build their Bounce • Build positive beliefs in your child’s abilities • Help your child find a sense of purpose • Help your child make and keep friends • Eat healthy foods and exercise regularly • Help your child cope with disappointment • Take steps to solve problems – don’t ignore them!

  6. Academic Skills A Resilient Person has a… Language Development STRONG FOUNDATION!! Contribution Collaboration Adaptability Self Regulation Attachment Belonging

  7. AdaptabilityI am learning that there aredifferent rules for different places. Being successful in different places and with different people A child who is adaptable will most often at least try to comply with adult prompting and will begin to internalize the rules and norms of different environments e.g. knows to use quiet feet when walking in hallways but can run when on the playground. http://www.centerforresilientchildren.org/flip-it/

  8. ContributionI have a responsibility to myself and others. A belief in one’s own gifts and talents and the persistence of working through the challenges to perfect a skill. A desire to apply these skills and talents for the benefit of him/herself, family and community. E.g. learning to tie shoes and wanting to teach a friend Link: child learning to ride a bike

  9. CollaborationI am learning how to work and play with others. The ability to work and play with others Includes the life skill of conflict resolution E.g child is good at turn taking, easily joins in to a group, happily cooperates with others. Angry birds getting along with pigs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFkRbUKy19g

  10. AttachmentI have people in my life who cherish and guide me. Three strategies to help strengthen your attachment to children are: Get to know children well. Interact with affection. Recognize “insides”. Safety is fundamental to attachment. Hockey link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huY6ZU_SEoM

  11. BelongingI am a part of the group not apart from the group. Three things we can do to strengthen a sense of belonging in our students: Support family belonging. Promote belonging to the group. Encourage the development of friendships. We need to create a classroom environment that is a “home away from home”. Link: animated team work

  12. Self RegulationI can manage my emotions and empathize with others. Includes emotional skills such as labeling feelings, and managing emotions (developing empathy is a very important component of this skill) What can we do to help? Help children understand emotions Help children notice that feelings change Help children regulate emotions Help children learn impulse control Promote empathy Link: Cookie Monster: ME WAIT

  13. Things to think about: Scenario #1 Your child has a melt-down when asked to stop a favorite activity . Scenario #2 Not getting what they want when they want it (e.g. not winning, turn is over, or they are angry) Scenario #3 What happens when your child becomes frustrated? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJRtbcChy0Y (Stuart Shanker)

  14. Here’s a wonderful strategy to try at home: Quick overview of Flip it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFMU__5Zr-s

  15. Closing remarks Discuss Guidance “weebly” as a helpful resource http://gibson-neillguidanceresource.weebly.com/index.html Thank you for coming! Questions or comments?

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