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SUN: The Ultimate Provider

SUN: The Ultimate Provider. Group Members: Akua Achampong Dontinai Edmondson Delshawn Fielder Candice Jackson Carlton Shane La’Kiah Stewart. The Sun …. The sun is the closest star to the Earth. It will keep shining for at least another 5 billion years.

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SUN: The Ultimate Provider

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  1. SUN: The Ultimate Provider Group Members: AkuaAchampong Dontinai Edmondson Delshawn Fielder Candice Jackson Carlton Shane La’Kiah Stewart

  2. The Sun …. • The sun is the closest star to the Earth. • It will keep shining for at least another 5 billion years. • Without the sun, the Earth could not support life. • The Sun gives off heat and life that the Earth needs to support us. • It takes eight minutes for the light of the sun to reach earth. • One way to use the sun is by using its solar energy.

  3. The Sun Gives Energy To… • Plants, which make food out of the energy from the sun. • The animals eat the plants. • We eat the plants and we get the energy. • So in result the sun gives energy to all living things on earth.

  4. The way the Sun helps… • The sun helps to break down the dead plant and animal matter that we now use as fossil fuels, for automobiles, electricity, and heat for our homes. • It also keeps plants alive by giving them food through photosynthesis. This gives plant’s food and make them release the element we all need in order to live, oxygen!

  5. What is Solar Energy? • Princeton defines solar energy as energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. • While other resources define it as power collected from sunlight used to generate both thermal and electrical energy on Earth. • The scientific definition of solar energy is energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation emitted from the Sun.

  6. History of Solar Energy During the 1870’s, William Adams used mirrors and the sun to power a steam engine. His design is still used today and is called the power tower concept. In 1883, Charles Fritz turned the rays of the sun into electricity, with the first solar cell. In the later 1880’s, Charles Tellier installed a solar energy system to heat the water in his house. In October of 1973, oil prices nearly doubled overnight, causing leaders to become desperate to find a way of reducing the dependence of foreign oil. These men contributed to making the sun our ultimate producer even before we were in this energy crisis.

  7. How can we use solar energy? • There are various ways we can use solar energy. • We collect it, change it, channel it, and use it. • We change energy in fuels by burning them to create heat • We channel it by directing it to machines to either heat or cool things • We store in fuels, like natural gas • Also for solar power appliances, (solar ovens, solar cars, solar refrigerators, etc.)

  8. Types of Solar Energy • Passive Solar Energy • The use of solar energy without using mechanical devices. • Active Solar Energy • Is the use of solar energy by using mechanical devices. • This is also the most popular type of solar energy • Solar Thermal Energy • The energy created by converting solar energy into heat • Photovoltaic Solar Power • the energy created by converting solar energy into electricity using photovoltaic solar cells. • Concentrating Solar Energy • is a type of solar thermal energy that is used to generate solar power electricity.

  9. Cost of Solar Energy • Twenty years ago, solar energy costs seven times the amount that is costs now. • To have hot water in your house provided by solar energy costs between $2,000 and $4,000. • A photovoltaic system will cost between US $8,000 and $10,000 for a 1kW system. • An average American family, living in a 3-bedroom home will require a 1.5 - 3kW system, which will cost between US $13,000 and US $27,000, before rebates. Example 1: An average family needing 2.5 Kilowatt system –(current electricity bill between $50 and $75 per month) Cost of Solar electric system incl. Installation: $22,500 LESS: Government Rebate: - $7,000 * LESS: Tax credit: -$1,163 ** ___________________________________ You pay only: $14,337

  10. Solar Energy vs. Other Resources

  11. Solar Energy and Devices

  12. What do you see? When you look up to the sky, What do you see? I don’t know about you, but I see me I see myself in the sun’s beautiful rays The way it glistens and shimmers And warms all hurt away When you look up to the sky, What do you see? I see warmth The sun and me Go hand in hand It is there for me without hesitation It gives me heat when I am as cold as ice Its gorgeous body has helped me grow As it continuously melt away the snow When you look up to the sky, What do you see? I see light It brightens my darkest days With its forceful but graceful rays When you look up to the sky, What do you see? I see the world Staring back at me If the sun were gone Life on Earth would be no more When you look up to the sky, What do you see? I see a great source of ENERGY! We have discovered many simple ways To harness the sun’s power And make it last for days! -Candice Jackson

  13. Sonnet: Earth’s Only Sun Without the sun, the earth will turn all dark; If not for it, the world can’t support life; Sunlight sustains all life-forms up to mark; Dense forests, seas, abyss escape its knife! Dr John Celes

  14. Fun Facts about the Sun • Only 55% of all Americans know that the sun is a star. • Lightning bolts can sometimes be hotter than the sun. (about 50 000º F) • If the sun stopped shining suddenly, it would take eight minutes for people on earth to be aware of the fact. • Because of the speed at which the sun moves, it is impossible for a solar eclipse to last more than 7 minutes and 58 seconds. • If we could remove the bright, glowing surface of the Sun, we would see nothing other than blackness. Only the Sun's outer surface shines brightly, while its inside is complete darkness. • Sun is almost half-way through its life and at its most stable point in its lifetime. Eventually, it will increase in size, eating up the Inner Planets and heating up the Outer Planets and their moons, before collapsing to become a very small White Dwarf.

  15. Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis is the process in which plants create food for themselves. • Without sunlight we would not be able to eat anything because everything in the food chain depends on the sun.

  16. Benefits of creating your own garden By, you will be using the sun to become producers of energy and renewable source creating a garden we are becoming the ultimate consumers of sunlight. If you use sunlight more than just for electricity. There are several benefits of creating your own garden. • Food source • It gives you a food source; so that you do not have to be dependent on money. • It also creates a healthy lifestyle. • Sun light • It harnesses the sun. • It does not waste the energy given to us.

  17. How to create a community garden • Planning- plan the location and what grows best in your community. • Make sure that the land you have is clean and not full of garbage. • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony- this brings attention to the garden and causes people to get involved. • After you are finished with all of that you grow the garden and harvest it when harvest time arrives.

  18. Community Gardens

  19. To sum things up… • The sun is a valuable resource. • We can use it to energize things and create electricity. • Please, take what you’ve learned today and use it in your future to become a very environmentally friendly person. Thank you for your time!

  20. Bibliography • http://www.solarhome.org/infosolarenergy/history.html • http://www.globaleducation.edna.edu.au/globaled/go/pid/172 • http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=solar%20power • http://www.solarhome.org/infosolarenergyhistory.html • http://library.thinkquest.org/17658/sol/solhistoryht.html • http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/CURR/science/sciber00/8th/energy/sciber/photosyn.htm • http://teachingtreasures.com.au/solar-energy/rely-sun.htm • http://www.solarenergy.org/resources/youngkids.html#4 • http://www.governorsresidence.ohio.gov/garden/photosynthesis.aspx • http://www.funshun.com/amazing-facts/sun-universe-facts.htm • http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/facts-about-sun-3283.html • http://www.solar-energy-at-home.com/types-of-solar-energy.html • http://www.facts-about-solar-energy.com/solar-energy-cost.html • http://www.instructables.com/id/How_to_create_a_community_garden/ • http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/4172QRDTQPL._SL500_AA280_.jpg • http://www.poetseers.org/the_poetseers/sri_chinmoy/library/vol2/16 • http://farm1.static.flickr.com/205/499707038_39bacfcae5.jpg?v=0 • http://hollenback.pbworks.com/f/Garden.jpg • http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/7000/7274/Sun_STEREO_4dec2006_lrg.jpg • http://www.lockheedmartin.com/data/assets/isgs/photos/energy.JPG • http://comps.fotosearch.com/comp/ILW/ILW501/solar-energy-alternative_~ruggia0403c.jpg • http://www.countrylines.com/wp-content/uploads/galleries/july07/sm_1e762e.jpg • http://www.ecu.edu/cs-admin/financial_serv/images/Money_Coins.jpg • http://www.homedrugtestingkit.com/images/solar-energy.jpg • http://sacramentoinspection.com/images/solar.JPG • http://images.google.com/images?q=sun&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi

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