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Theodore H. Poister John C. Thomas Alisha Keehn Georgia State University

Perspectives of Local Government Administrators and Elected Officials on GDOT Performance Results from Two Surveys. Theodore H. Poister John C. Thomas Alisha Keehn Georgia State University. Survey Process. Developed in consultation with 3 advisory committees GDOT managers,

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Theodore H. Poister John C. Thomas Alisha Keehn Georgia State University

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  1. Perspectives ofLocal Government Administrators and Elected Officialson GDOT PerformanceResults from Two Surveys Theodore H. Poister John C. Thomas Alisha Keehn Georgia State University

  2. Survey Process Developed in consultation with 3 advisory committees • GDOT managers, • City & county administrators, and • City & county elected Plus, review of other surveys for questions Surveyed all mayors & county commission chairs + transportation administrators Conducted mostly online with hard copy option

  3. GDOT Local Government Administrators andElected Officials Surveys Respondent Pool Administrators: Total Number Surveyed: 672 Total Number Returned: 288 Response Rate: 43% Elected Officials: Total Number Surveyed: 674 Total Number Returned: 337 Response Rate: 50%

  4. GDOT Local Government Administrators and Elected Officials Surveys Respondent Pool Administrators Municipalities Total Number Surveyed: 513 Total Number Returned: 196 Response Rate: 38% Counties Total Number Surveyed: 159 Total Number Returned: 91 Response Rate: 57% Elected Officials Municipalities Total Number Surveyed: 515 Total Number Returned: 259 Response Rate: 50% Counties: Total Number Surveyed: 159 Total Number Returned: 76 Response Rate: 48%

  5. Respondent Jurisdiction and Population Administrators Elected Officials

  6. How satisfied are you with your local government’s working relationship with GDOT? Administrators Elected Officials

  7. How satisfied are you with your local government’s working relationship with GDOT? Administrators Elected Officials

  8. Local Government AdministratorsState Aid Program

  9. Our local government understands GDOT requirements for submitting projects to be included in the State Aid Program

  10. Our local government understands how state aid funding allocations are determined for our local government

  11. Our local government understands how projects are evaluated or rated

  12. State aid funding is adequate to meet our local government's needs

  13. Local Government AdministratorSummary Measures Activity Indexes Program Indexes

  14. Local Government Administrator Summary Measures Process Indexes Outcome Indexes

  15. Program Satisfaction * Elected Officials Only

  16. GDOT sees local governments as its customers Administrators Elected Officials

  17. How would you grade state highways in your area in terms of pavement condition and ride quality? Administrators Elected Officials

  18. How would you grade state highways in your area in terms of safety? Administrators Elected Officials

  19. How would you grade state highways in your area in terms of smooth traffic flow or the absence of excessive congestion? Administrators Elected Officials

  20. How would you grade GDOT’s performance in providing Georgia residents with a variety of transportation options such as roads, public transit, air, rail, pedestrian, and bicycle travel? Administrators Elected Officials

  21. For each of the following possible GDOT priorities, indicate whether GDOT should treat them as High Priority, Moderately High Priority, Low Priority, or No Priority(Those reporting High or Moderately High Priority)

  22. For each of the following possible GDOT priorities, indicate whether GDOT should treat them as High Priority, Moderately High Priority, Low Priority, or No Priority(Those reporting High or Moderately High Priority)

  23. How would you grade GDOT’s overall performance in meeting transportation needs in Georgia? Administrators Elected Officials

  24. Next Steps GDOT officials are following up by talking with county and municipal representatives • With an intent to identify and prioritize action areas for GDOT The effects of those actions will be assessed through future surveys

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