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Ch. 3.3 - Islam After Muhammad’s Death

Ch. 3.3 - Islam After Muhammad’s Death. EQ: What happened Islam after Muhammad’s death?. What were Muhammad’s accomplishments?. Muhammad’s Accomplishments. Muhammad became an important religious, military, and political leader

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Ch. 3.3 - Islam After Muhammad’s Death

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  1. Ch. 3.3 - Islam After Muhammad’s Death EQ: What happened Islam after Muhammad’s death?

  2. What were Muhammad’s accomplishments?

  3. Muhammad’s Accomplishments • Muhammad became an important religious, military, and political leader • Returns to Mecca with army, conquering city, and claiming the Kaaba for the Islamic faith • Spread Islam to most of Arabian Peninsula • Muhammad died in 632 leaving Muslims without a leader

  4. Muhammad’s Life Click here to see a 15 minute animated video on the life of Muhammad

  5. Who was Abu Bakr(Ah*boo Bah*kuhr)?

  6. Abu Bakr (Ah*boo Bah*kuhr) • Muhammad’s father in-law and trusted friend • Respected for devotion to Muhammad and Islam • Elected as Muhammad’s successor after Muhammad’s death

  7. What did Abu Bakr accomplish?

  8. Abu Bakr accomplishments • In 632 became first caliph (kay*lihf) • Caliph = title that mean “successor”, a civil and religious ruler • Used military force to reunite Muslim community that had begun to fall apart after Muhammad’s death

  9. Who were the “rightly guided” caliphs and what did they do?

  10. The “Rightly Guided” Caliphs • Abu Bakr and next 3 elected caliphs – Umar, Uthman, and Ali • Used military conquest in other regions to continue to spread Islam • Empire grew 4 times in size under these caliphs, included all of Southwest Asia and stretched into N. Africa

  11. Expansion Click here to watch 1 minute video on expansion of the Islamic Empire during the Medieval Period

  12. Why was the Muslim Military successful?

  13. Muslim Military • Believed Allah supported them • Energized by faith, willing to fight to spread Islam • Highly skilled military leaders • Empires they conquered already weakened from war with each other • Muslims let conquered peoples keep their own religions if they wanted to because the Qur’an did not allow forced conversions

  14. What happened over time in Muslim ruled areas?

  15. Muslim Ruled Areas • Blending of many cultures • Many peoples converted to Islam • Attracted to Islam’s message of equality and hope for salvation in Heaven • Wanted economic benefit – Muslims didn’t have to pay certain taxes • People of the book (Jews and Christians) received special treatment: • Paid a poll tax each year in exchange for not having to perform military duties • Held important roles in the Muslim state as officials and scholars

  16. Summary • Write a 10 sentence minimum summary answering the EQ with details! • Remember PROVE YOUR ANSWER by supporting it with facts and educated opinions! • The EQ was: • What happened to the spread of Islam after Muhammad’s death?

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