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Opportunities for HRC Funding 2015

Opportunities for HRC Funding 2015. Investment Processes. HRC Overview. Mission: Benefiting NZ through health research. Established as a Crown Entity by the Health Research Council Act (1990) Responsible to Minister of Health Funding mainly from Vote Science & Innovation through MBIE.

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Opportunities for HRC Funding 2015

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  1. Opportunities for HRC Funding 2015 Investment Processes

  2. HRC Overview

  3. Mission: Benefiting NZ through health research • Established as a Crown Entity by the Health Research Council Act (1990) • Responsible to Minister of Health • Funding mainly from Vote Science & Innovation through MBIE

  4. HRC Secretariat Dr Robin Olds, Chief Executive • Rachel Brown, Group Manager, Māori Health Research • Dr Vernon Choy, Group Manager, Investment Processes • Melanie Duncan, Group Administrator, Investment Processes • Dr Deming Gong, Project Manager, Public Health Research • Stacey Pene, Project Manager, Biomedical/Clinical Research • Dr Tania Pocock, Group Manager, Research Policy, Strategy & Evaluation • Dr Nuhisifa Seve-Williams, Project Manager, Pacific Health Research • Vivien Lovell, Group Manager, Business Systems Finance & Corporate Services, Ethics, Communications, Research Partnerships

  5. Research Investment Streams Research Policy, Strategy & Evaluation Dr Tania Pocock

  6. Research Investment Streams Research for NZ Health Delivery Immediate impact on health policy, clinical-decision-making &/or service delivery End-users involved Rangahau Hauora Māori Building Māori knowledge & capability to address Māori health issues Applied Health and Wellbeing in NZ Understanding health and preventing illness & injury Improving Outcomes in Acute & Chronic Conditions in NZ Basic

  7. Investment Signals Purpose Scope (what’s in & what’s out) Goals Priorities (only HW and IOACC) Research characteristics (RNZHD) Examples • Research areas in scope • Research better aligned with other RIS • FAQ

  8. HRC & National Science Challenges • Investment signals & general guidelines updated to include National Science Challenges (NSC) • HRC “encourages research that can contribute to a NSC, as well as research on other health priorities, provided it is in scope for one of our investment signals” • HRC funding will complement the challenges • Research will not be excluded because not in NSC scope • Research will not be prioritised because in NSC scope • Applications assessed on own merits using existing HRC criteria • Read general guidelines & investment signals for further detail

  9. HRC & National Science Challenges • HRC will ensure NSCs get maximum value from HRC-funded research • From 2015, successful applicants in scope for NSC will be encouraged to engage with NSC leads • HRC will monitor and report outcomes for HRC-funded research in scope for each NSC • HRC will identify opportunities for HRC-funded research to contribute to high-level outcomes sought by NSCs

  10. Selection of RIS • All applications • Apply to one RIS • Where research will have greatest impact on Goals and priorities • Programmes • Can span RIS, but must state primary RIS • Not in HD • HRC will not reallocate applications

  11. Avoid Falling into Wrong RIS • 2015 SACs may penalise proposals in wrong RIS • Max score of 1 for ‘Impact’ criterion if ‘out of scope’ • Read Investment Signals

  12. 2015 Budget and Contract Types

  13. 2015 Funding Round Budget

  14. Programme • Objectives • Support the long-term development of a health field • Fund research with strategic, long-term vision • Budget • $5M, 5 years • Assessed by Science Assessing Committee (SAC) and Programme Assessing Committee (PAC)

  15. Programme • Not available for Health Delivery RIS • Permission may be given for a Programme bid from a team not meeting the PRG criteria • consultation with HRC before registration • specific research domains; e.g. a clinical trial • 29 active programmes

  16. Requirements for Programme Director • PRG Director with ≤1 year remaining; or • PRG director in the last 5 years; or • First NI on ≥2 PRJ grants from HRC or equivalents begun in the last 4 years; or • First NI on 1 HRC project begun in the last 2 years, leading ≥ 2 First NI on PRJ grants from HRC or equivalents in the last 4 years; • ≥ 0.2 FTE to this PRG; and • Employed by a NZ organisation and residing in NZ

  17. Application & Assessment Process for Programmes External review Open 15 Aug 2014 Rebuttal 24 Feb-5 March 2015 SAC End 15 Oct 2014 PAC Outcome June 2015 GAC Board Work to Research Office due dates!

  18. Project • Two stage application: EOI and full • Objective: Support individuals/teams to address well-defined research questions • Budget: ≤$1.2 M, generally for 3 years • for shorter contracts, at average $0.4 M pa • FR2014: Average budget = $1.0 M • No limit to the number of EOIs

  19. Application & Assessment Process for Projects External review Rebuttal 24 Feb-5 Mar 2015 EOI results: 6 Oct 2014 EOI open 16 June 2014 SAC EOI end 16 July 2014 GAC Full Application 19 Nov 2014 SAC HRC Board Work to Research Office due dates! Outcome June 2015

  20. Emerging Researcher First Grant Application: 15 August – 26 September 2014 • Budget: ≤$150,000 working expenses, ≤3 years • Excludes support for a postgraduate degree • Eligibility of PI (New): • No more than 6 years from attaining a postgraduate degree (but career breaks permissible0 • Without a contract for research expenses of ≥$100,000 (by the time of assessing committee meeting) • Suitability of PI (New): • Evidence of establishing an independent research career • Extent to which the proposal represents an independent research stream • Ability to take overall responsibility • Plan for developing an independent research programme • FR2014 results: 14/43 applications (32.6%)

  21. Feasibility Study Application: 15 August – 26 September 2014 • Objective: Support small studies that test feasibility issues affecting a planned, larger study • Budget: ≤$150,000, 12 months • Eligibility: Public health or clinical research • FR2014: 13/31 funded (41.9%)

  22. Processes for Emerging Researcher First Grant/Feasibility Study External review (ERFG) Open 15 Aug 2014 Rebuttal (ERFG) 13-23 Feb 2015 End 26 Sept 2014 Outcome May 2015 SAC(ERFG/FS) Board Work to Research Office due dates!

  23. Explorer Grant Application: 1 – 31 October 2014 • Objective: provide seed support for transformative, innovative ideas at an early stage • Budget: <$150,000 working expenses, < 24 months • Eligibility: host support, RIS • FR2014: 4/24 funded (16.7%)

  24. Application & AssessmentProcess for Explorer Grant Open 1 Oct 2014 Eligible proposal assigned End 31 Oct 2014 Triage of proposal Outcome May 2015 Random order of fundable proposal Eligibility review Board

  25. Applying for Research Funding

  26. New Online Submission System, HRC Gateway • All NIs must have an account on HRC Gateway • To get an account, click on ‘Sign up for HRC Gateway’

  27. After Sign Up • Update your profile information • Create applications to any open HRC funding round • Access applications that list you as a NI • You will be emailed when your name is added to a new application • Follow the progress of your applications • See your to do list

  28. Submitting Your Project EOI Application

  29. Changes in EOI Application Process for 2015 Annual Funding Round • Submission of applications via HRC Gateway • Section 1 completed online • No separate registration closing date • Sections 2-5 of GA215S/RHM215S uploaded as pdf • File names generated by HRC Gateway

  30. Project EOI Forms (GA215S, RHM215S) • Section 1: General Information (Type of Research) • completed online via HRC Gateway • Section 2: Proposed Research • Section 3: CV • Section 4: Lay Summary • Section 5: Research Classifications

  31. EOI Form: GA215S Section 2 Proposed Research • HW, IOACC, HD RIS 3 pages limit + 1 page for references • Rationale for Research • Design & Methods • Research Impact • Responsiveness to Māori • Expertise & Track Record

  32. Project Full Applications • Written feedback to EOI applicants • Full applications by invitation only At full application stage: • Research must be substantially similar to that proposed in EOI • Adjustments to lay summary allowed (based on EOI feedback) • NIs can be substituted, HRC must be informed

  33. Research Contract Obligations

  34. HRC Funding and Ethical Approval • Required for release of funding • Cannot be extended from one contract to another • Should be specifically linked to HRC contract number • More information www.hrc.govt.nz • Lana Lon, Project Manager Ethics • llon@hrc.govt.nz

  35. Research Contract Obligations • Final reports from past 5 years required at full application • Media/News items (Suzy Botica: sbotica@hrc.govt.nz)

  36. On-line Reporting Process - Data • Use top menu bar to update outputs for your profile • Select research contract • Enter info: milestones, progress etc • Select outputs in main menu specific to contract

  37. Online Reporting Process - Submission Completed: NI click to finish report • Forwarded: NI forward report to RO (PDF generated) • Signed off: RO sign off report & submit to the HRC

  38. Final Reports & Future Impact • Includes discoveries & achievements, workforce development & knowledge transfer • Help identify newsworthy findings & demonstrate the benefits of funding health research & continued investment • All outputs specific to contract – reported to Ministry • HRC retains final payments until satisfactory report received • Compliance could influence future funding success

  39. Career Development Awards

  40. Career Development Awards • Clinical Practitioner Research Fellowship (CPRF) • Sir Charles Hercus Health Research Fellowship • Clinical Research Training Fellowship (CRTF) • Foxley Fellowship • Girdlers’ New Zealand HRC Fellowship • Māori Health Research Career Development Awards • Pacific Health Research Career Development Awards

  41. Clinical Practitioner Research Fellowship Application: 5 June – 2 July 2014 • Objective • Strengthen health care practice and health services • Support translation of research into clinical practice • Budget • $50K/year expenses, < 5 years • Eligibility • Citizens/residents been engaged in clinical practice for 10-20 years, leadership, 0.3-0.5 FTE • FR2014: 1/2 funded (50%)

  42. Sir Charles Hercus Health Research Fellowship Application: 5 June – 2 July 2014 • Objective: • Intended to build future capability to conduct world-class research • Support research stars whose scientific fields have the potential to contribute to health/economic goals for government’s investment • Budget: ≤ $0.5M, ≤ 4 years • Eligibility: Citizens/residents, 4-8 years post-PhD, 0.5-1.0 FTE • FR2014: 3/10 funded (30%)

  43. Clinical Research Training Fellowship Application: 5 June – 2 July 2014 • Objectives: • support health professionals to undertake a PhD or equivalent • provide a training that will combine academic research with course clinical experience • Budget: ≤$250,000 (pro rata if <3 years) • Eligibility: Citizens/residents, medical/dental graduates, psychologists and nurses • FR2014: 8/22 funded (36.4%)

  44. Foxley Fellowship Application: 5 June – 2 July 2014 • Objectives • enable health professionals to undertake a sabbatical in NZ • enhance links between HRC-funded research and health care delivery and/or health policy • Budget: Salary + <$20,000 research costs, 1-2 years • Eligibility: > 0.2 FTE, health professionals with > 5 years experience Not to be used to fund a degree

  45. Girdlers’ New Zealand HRC Fellowship APPLICATION see website • Objective • provide advanced research experience • bring benefit to the health sciences in NZ • Budget: ~£45,000 pa (salary + other costs, travel), 2 years • Eligibility: citizen, PhD or equivalent, < 5 years experience • Full information available from HRC • Including contact with previous recipients • Clerk of Girdlers’ Company • Advice on potential research groups willing to host Fellow • Also see www.gtc.ox.ac.uk

  46. Changes for 2015 • Feedback for Hercus and Clinical Practitioner Fellowships • Emerging Researcher First Grant (Eligibility, Assessment) Details all updated in CDA Peer Review Manual /Peer Review Manual and Guidelines

  47. Tips for Successful Grant Writing • Read application guidelines, investment signals and assessment criteria (PRM) • Ensure you have assembled a good team with appropriate FTE, skills and collaborations (e.g. biostatistician, health economist, etc.) • Begin writing your application well in advance of deadlines • Make your objectives clear, realistic and achievable • Include design and power calculation details at EOI stage • Highlight any preliminary data or experience with research-specific techniques • Include an appropriate budget and timeline

  48. Tips for Successful Grant Writing • Ensure to link your study outcomes with RIS goals • Demonstrate appropriate responsiveness to Māori • Demonstrate engagement with stakeholders and end-users • Clearly identify the roles of NZ NIs within multinational studies • SACs include a range of expertise, so write for a more general scientific audience • Incorporate EOI feedback into full applications • Check spelling, structure and grammar, and allow time for review, peer review and rewriting

  49. Any queries? • Contact your Research Office • Peer Review Manual/CDA Peer Review Manual 2014 • Guidelines www.hrc.govt.nz info@hrc.govt.nz Email: firstinitialsurname@hrc.govt.nz

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