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CHAPTER 21 ALCOHOL. Lesson 1: The Health Risks of Alcohol Use . Alcohol use can harm your body and your brain and cause you to make poor decisions. Vocabulary. Ethanol : the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages Fermentation : the chemical action of yeast on sugars

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  2. Lesson 1: The Health Risks of Alcohol Use • Alcohol use can harm your body and your brain and cause you to make poor decisions

  3. Vocabulary • Ethanol: the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages • Fermentation: the chemical action of yeast on sugars • Depressant: a drug that slows the central nervous system • Intoxication: the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance, and the person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced • Binge Drinking: drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting • Alcohol Poisoning: a severe and potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose

  4. Alcohol • Powerful and addictive drug • Ethanol is produced synthetically or naturally by fermenting fruits, vegetables, and grains • Water, flavoring, and minerals are mixed with ethanol to produce beverages such as beer, wine, and flavored liquor

  5. Teens and Alcohol • 41 % of students have consumed alcohol by 8th grade • 75 % of students have consumed alcohol by the time they graduate from high school • More than 50 % of 12th graders say they have been drunk at least once • About 6 % of youth ages 12-20 are heavy drinkers

  6. Factors that Influence Alcohol’s Effects • Body Size • Gender • Food • Rate of Intake • Amount • Medicine

  7. Short-Term Effects of Alcohol • Changes to the Brain: Development, Memory, Judgment and Control, and risk of stroke • Cardiovascular Changes: Heart rate and blood pressure • Liver and Kidney Problems: Inflammation, scarring, and dehydration • Digestive System Problems: Increase stomach acid that cause nausea and vomiting • Pancreas Problems: large amounts of alcohol quickly can cause pancreatitis and pain

  8. Long-Term Effects of Alcohol • Damage to brain cells and reduction in brain size • Increase in blood pressure, which leads to heart attack or stroke • Buildup of fat cells in the liver, which lead to cell death • Damage to the digestive lining of the stomach causing ulcers and cancer of the stomach • Destruction of the pancreas

  9. Binge Drinking and Alcohol Poisoning • Binge Drinking (drinking large amounts of alcohol during one session) is a serious problem and can lead to alcohol poisoning. • Alcohol poisoning can lead to death because eventually your body organs shut down and your breathing stops.

  10. Effects of Alcohol Poisoning • A person who drinks too much alcohol may eventually pass out. • Even though the person is unconscious, alcohol that is in the stomach continues to enter the bloodstream causing a person’s BAC to rise. • Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include: -mental confusion - coma - vomiting and seizures - slow respiration - irregular heartbeat - hypothermia or low body temp

  11. Lesson 2 Choosing to Live Alcohol-Free

  12. Vocabulary • Psychological dependence: a condition in which a person believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good or to function normally • Physiological Dependence: a condition in which the user has a chemical need for a drug • Alcohol Abuse: the excessive use of alcohol • Alcoholism: a disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol

  13. Factors that Influence Alcohol Use • Peer pressure • Family • Media Messages • Advertising Techniques: false perceptions of alcohol use by TV, radio, billboards, magazines, and newspapers • Alcohol Industry spends $4.5 billion a year on advertising alcohol products

  14. Health Risks of Alcohol Use • In the US, nearly 50 people die each day as a result of alcohol-related traffic collisions • Alcohol is linked to deaths from drowning, fire, suicide, and homicide • Alcohol and the law: Illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to buy, possess, or consume alcohol. • Teens who break the law can suffer consequences such as arrest, conviction, detention center, employment and college options or future plans.

  15. Alcohol and Violence • Fights are more likely to break out where alcohol is consumed. • Teens who are involved in fights face school or police disciplinary action. • Teens who drink are more likely to be victims or perpetrators of violent crimes, such as rape, aggravated assault, and robbery. • Estimated that alcohol use is a factor in 1/3 to 2/3 of sexual assault or date-rape cases

  16. Alcohol and Sexual Activity • Alcohol causes loss of inhibitions and impaired judgment which leads to bad decisions. • Teens who use alcohol are more likely to become sexually active at an earlier age • Approximately 25 % of sexually active teens use alcohol or drugs before engaging in sexual activity. • Teens who drink are twice as likely to contract an STD as teens who do not drink.

  17. Alcohol and the Family • It is estimated that 25 % of all youth are exposed to alcohol abuse within their families. • Teens who start drinking by age 15 are five times more likely to become dependent on alcohol than people who do not start drinking until age 21 • Young people who live in a household where a family member abuses alcohol are at high risk for: • - neglect, abuse, or social isolation • - economic hardship • - personal use of alcohol themselves • - mental illness or physical problems

  18. Benefits of Living Alcohol-Free • Maintaining a healthy body • Establishing healthy relationships • Making healthy decisions • Avoiding risky behaviors • Avoiding illegal activities • Avoiding violence • Achieving your goals

  19. Lesson 3 • The Impact of Alcohol Abuse

  20. Vocabulary • Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) : the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as a percentage • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) : a group of alcohol-related birth defects that include physical and mental problems • Alcoholic: an addict who is dependent on alcohol • Recovery: the process of learning to live an alcohol-free life • Sobriety: living without alcohol

  21. Alcohol and Driving • One-fifth of all teen drivers involved in fatal car accidents have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.01 percent. • BAC depends on the quantity and type of alcohol that was consumed, the rate of consumption, body size, and gender. • Any amount of alcohol in the blood can cause the following: • Slow reflexes • Reduced ability to judge distances and speeds • Increase in risk-taking behaviors • Reduced concentration and increased forgetfulness

  22. Driving While Intoxicated • Driving while intoxicated (DWI), or driving under the influence (DUI), is illegal. • Adult drivers who have a BAC of 0.08 percent can be charged with drunk driving • The consequences for DWI or DUI include: • Injuries to or death of the driver and others • Arrest, jail time, court appearance and fine or bail, a police record, and possible lawsuits • Severely restricted driving privileges and/or immediate confiscation of driver’s license • Higher auto insurance rates or a canceled insurance policy

  23. Alcohol and Pregnancy • When a pregnant woman drinks, alcohol passes directly from her body into the bloodstream of the fetus • Infants born to mothers who drink during pregnancy are at risk of FAS • The effects of FAS are: • Small head and deformities of face, hands, or feet • Heart, liver, and kidney defects • Vision and hearing problems • Central nervous system problems, developmental disabilities, and poor coordination • Difficulties learning and short attention span • Hyperactivity, anxiety, and social withdrawl

  24. Alcoholism • Symptoms: • Craving- Feeling a strong need for alcohol to manage tension or stress, and a preoccupation with alcohol • Loss of Control- Inability to limit alcohol consumption • Physical dependence- Withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety • Tolerance- A need to drink increasingly more alcohol in order to feel its effects

  25. Alcoholics • An alcoholic is an addict who is dependent on alcohol • Some alcoholics are aggressive and violent, and others become withdrawn • Alcoholism is not limited to any age, race, or ethnic or socioeconomic group • Children of alcoholics are four times more likely to become alcoholics • Environmental factors such as family, friends, culture, peer pressure, availability of alcohol, and stress also contribute to alcoholism

  26. Stages of Alcoholism • Stage 1- Abuse: Alcoholism may begin with social drinking. A physical and psychological dependence develops. The person may experience memory loss and blackouts, and may begin to lie or make excuses to justify his or her drinking. • Stage 2- Dependence: The person cannot stop drinking and is physically dependent on alcohol. The drinker tries to hide the problem, but performance on the job, at school, and at home suffers. • Stage 3- Addiction: Person becomes addicted to alcohol. The liver may be already damaged, and so less alcohol may be required to cause drunkenness. If the alcoholic stopped drinking, he or she would experience severe withdrawal symptoms.

  27. Effects on Family and Society • Us is home to 15 million alcoholics and problem drinkers • Alcohol abuse is a major factor in the four leading causes of accidental death: car accidents, falls, drowning, and house fires. • About 40 % of violent crimes are alcohol related

  28. Approximately 17,000 people die in alcohol-related crashes each year • According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) a survey found that about 30 % of teens reported riding in a motor vehicle with a driver who had been drinking in the past month. • Each year 40,000 babies in the US are born with some kind of alcohol-related damage

  29. Treatment for Alcohol Abuse • Steps to Recovery: • 1. Admission • 2. Detoxification • 3. Counseling • 4. Recovery • Resources and programs available to help alcoholics: • Al-Anon/Alateen • Alcoholics Anonymous • MADD • National Association for Children of Alcoholics • National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service • Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)

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