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New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential

New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential. Presented with guidance from the New York State Education Department P-12: Office of Special Education and Career and Technical Education Office by the Career and Technical Education

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New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential

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  1. New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential Presented with guidance from the New York State Education Department P-12: Office of Special Education and Career and Technical Education Office by the Career and Technical Education Technical Assistance Center of NY October 8, 2013

  2. Guiding Principles 1. Instruction in the CDOS Learning Standards 2. Student engagement in career planning and preparation 3. Student participation in community and work- based learning experiences

  3. Effective Dates NYS CDOS Commencement Credential may be awarded beginning in 2013-14 school year No IEP diploma shall be awarded on or after July 1, 2013

  4. Eligibility for Credential • All students with a disability (except NYSAA eligible) • Supplement to Diploma: Issued at the same time student receives a Regents or local diploma; or • Exit Credential: If the student has attended school for at least 12 years excluding Kindergarten or until end of school year student turns 21

  5. Options to Earn the Credential

  6. Students Exiting Prior to July 1, 2015 If the student has not met the requirements for the equivalent of 2 units of study in CTE coursework/work-based learning: School principal, in consultation with relevant faculty, determines if the student otherwise demonstrated knowledge and skills relating to CDOS learning standards: 1. Career Development 2. Integrated Learning 3a. Universal Foundation Skills

  7. Career Plan Commencement Level Career Plan (beginning in 9th grade) Student driven: Active engagement in career exploration Documents student identified career related: Interests Strengths and needs Goals CTE coursework Work-based learning experiences Considered in development of IEP Maintained in permanent record 7

  8. 8

  9. CareerZonewww.careerzone.ny.gov

  10. CDOS: A Progression Of Learning Standards 13

  11. CDOS Learning Standards 1. Career Development: knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career options, and relate personal skills, abilities and aptitudes to future career decisions 2. Integrated Learning: academic knowledge and skills applied in the workplace and other settings 3a. Universal Foundation Skills: foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace 3b. Career Majors: career specific technical knowledge/skills

  12. Courses of Study and Work-Based Learning Experiences Meaningful access to the general curriculum appropriate opportunities to earn a regular diploma Equivalent of 2 units of study (216 hours of participation) in: career and technical education (CTE) coursework and/or work-based learning experiences (at least 54 of the 216 hours)

  13. CTE Coursework - LEA • Grade 9 – 12 career and technical courses at the district level • CTE credit – must be taught by CTE instructor • Course offerings are in the following content areas • Agricultural • Business and Marketing • Family and Consumer Sciences • Technology Education

  14. CTE Programs of Study A grade 9-12 approved program in career and technical education CTE studies are organized in the following content areas: Agricultural education Business and Marketing education Family and Consumer Sciences education Health Occupations education Technology education Trade and Technical education

  15. Work-Based Learning Experienceshttp://www.p12.nysed.gov/cte/wbl/home.html

  16. Work-Based Learning Experienceshttp://www.p12.nysed.gov/cte/wbl/home.html

  17. Work-Based Learning Experienceshttp://www.p12.nysed.gov/cte/wbl/home.html * Must be registered with NYSED and supervised by a certified Work Based Learning Coordinator.

  18. Employability Profile Documents attainment of commencement level CDOS learning standards and as appropriate: Attainment of technical knowledge and work-related skills; Work experiences; Other work-related and academic achievements; and Performance on industry-based assessments *Note: At least one profile must be completed within one year of exit.

  19. Connection to Individualized Education Program (IEP) Transition Plan Instruction and Courses of Study • CDOS Learning Standards • CTE Coursework

  20. Darnell • Acquisition of academic skills • Develop school-to- • work plan to include activities • toward attainment of a career • goal • Research possible career • options within chosen • pathway Local diploma and NYS CDOS Commencement Credential

  21. John • Acquisition of academic skills • Development of school-to- • work plan to include activities • toward attainment of a career • goal • Researched possible career • options within chosen • pathway NYS CDOS Commencement Credential

  22. Resources • June 2013 Field Memorandum: NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/CDOScredential-memo-613.htm • CDOS Learning Standards http://www.p12.nysed.gov/cte/cdlearn/ • Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Resource Guide Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Resource Guide with Core Curriculum • CareerZone: A comprehensive career exploration and planning system developed by the New York State Department of Labor’s www.careerzone.ny.gov • New York State Work Based Learning Manual http://www.p12.nysed.gov/cte/wbl/home.html

  23. Resources (con’t) • The National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC) http://www.nsttac.org/content/summary-performance-resources • Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Support Center (RSE-TASC) Transition Specialists http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/techassist/rsetasc/tslist.htm • Transition Services Professional Development Support Center (PDSC) http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/techassist/announcePDSC.htm • Transition Source http://www.transitionsource.org

  24. Additional Technical Assistance • Training Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Support Centers (RSE-TASC) • Questions: email CDOScomment@mail.nysed.gov • Special Education Policy (518) 473-2878 http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/

  25. Today’s Presenters • Constance H. Spohn, Lead Technical Assistance Specialist, CTE TAC connie@spnet.us www.nyctecenter.org • Cheryl Winstel, Associate for Trade and Technical Education, Career and Technical Education Office, NYSED cwinstel@mail.nysed.gov www.p12.nysed.gov/cte

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