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Learning. Chapter 6 Janice Ly, Jared Kingston, Jessica Campbell, Kate Bybee, Kyle Hutching. Classical Conditioning. Classical conditioning : occurs  when a neutral stimulus evokes a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally evokes a response.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Learning Chapter 6 Janice Ly, Jared Kingston, Jessica Campbell, Kate Bybee, Kyle Hutching

  2. Classical Conditioning • Classical conditioning: occurs when a neutral stimulus evokes a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally evokes a response. • Unconditioned response vs. conditioned response • Unconditioned stimulus vs. conditioned stimulus

  3. Pavlov’s Experiments: • Salivating Dog

  4. Little Albert

  5. Enter Classic Conditioning Questions • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2hrEiTi-E • What is the conditioned stimulus in the video? • What is the conditioned response in the video?

  6. Operant Conditioning • Type of learning in which the consequences of the organisms behavior determine whether it will be repeated in the future. • Skinner Box

  7. Thorndike developed the law of effect. That is behaviors that result in satisfying states of affairs tend to be repeated … behaviors resulting in unpleasant affairs are less likely to be repeated. • http://www.spike.com/video/office-jim-trains/2820493

  8. Difference between Classical & Operant Conditioning • Classical conditioning is when the test subject gets the reward every time regardless of the action. • Operant conditioning is when the test subject has to accurately perform an action in order to receive the reward.

  9. Operant Conditioning Questions

  10. Observational Conditioning • Book Definition: Learning that takes place by watching the actions of others Example: Bobo doll

  11. Humans Humans- Observe what a “role model” does, and imitates.

  12. Animals Animals – Have mirror neurons that fire when an animal of the same species performs a familiar action. Mirror Neurons – monkey see monkey do • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm0z7eLsbbw

  13. Did you listen? What is an example of observational learning? What do mirror neurons do?

  14. Implicit learning • Occurs without explicit or conscious awareness on the part of the learner • Unspoken rules -- intuition

  15. Complex behavior, such as grammar & social rules, can be learned through implicit learning • What is the rule of this game? Not

  16. Implicit not Explicit • Implicit behavior is learned intuitively • Eating customs in a new country • Learning how to swim • Explicit behavior is learned through teaching • How to play chess • Learning the rules to scuba dive

  17. . Implicit learning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar5DhtN-KAY Explicit learning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvpikUEIaLI

  18. Questions

  19. Answers • Unspoken rules – intuition • False – it is Implicit • Implicit is intuitive while explicit is described

  20. Association • When you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel something that reminds you of a specific experience you have had in the past. • Memories

  21. Beards

  22. Learning By Association Explain learning by association in your own words… When do you use learning by association?

  23. Review • Associating with music • Classical Conditioning • Operant Conditioning • Observational Learning • Implicit Learning

  24. Let’s end this with a bang

  25. BANG!

  26. Thank you for learning

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