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The 4 C's Intro

Intro presentation for Dr. Brian Housand's presentation on The 4 C's of Gifted Education and Technology at DISCOVER! Purdue University - June 22-25, 2009

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The 4 C's Intro

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The 4 C's:Critical ThinkingContent ResourcesCreativity and Collaboration DISCOVER June 22-25, 2009 Purdue University Brian Housand, PhD East Carolina University

  2. http://tinyurl.com/brianhousand

  3. Techie Educator Gifted Researcher

  4. http://directory.google.com/

  5. http://wolframalpha.com


  7. “ The kids these days are not digital kids. The digital kids were in the ’90s. The kids today are mobile, and there’s a difference. Digital is the old way of thinking, mobile is the new way.” Elliott Solloway

  8. Learning beyond the classroom.

  9. Why Do We Ask Kids To UNPLUG At School?

  10. If technology is an event in your school,you are doing it wrong. Josh Allen

  11. http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/

  12. Learning and Innovation Skills 21st Century Skills Learning and Innovation • Creativity and Innovation • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • Communication and Collaboration

  13. The 4 C’s Critical Thinking Collaboration Creativity Content Resources

  14. Rather than running the risk of having our students become "walking encyclopedias," we need to teach them how to think creatively. (Sternberg, 2006)

  15. The Internet is Participatory Forcing Us To Learn New Interfaces Creating New Channels For Social Interaction

  16. The Less You Share, The Less Power You Have.

  17. Computer Technology“is not a tool;it is a new material for expression.” (Maeda, 2001)

  18. PianosNOTStereos

  19. In a global digital economy, the focus is no longer on using, it is creating and producing. (Steinkuehler, Black, & Clinton, 2005)

  20. Knowledge alone is NOT enough.

  21. “Media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers our groceries causes changes in our nutrition.” (Clark, 1983)

  22. Critical Consumers Responsible Producers

  23. The Future Is NOW!

  24. http://tinyurl.com/brianhousand

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