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The Cold War

The Cold War. The United States vs. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Democracy vs. Communism Capitalism vs. Socialism. A Nation Divided. Yalta Conference(February 1945) Allied leaders Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin Roosevelt meet to discuss post-WWII plans

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The Cold War

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  1. The Cold War

    The United States vs. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Democracy vs. Communism Capitalism vs. Socialism
  2. A Nation Divided Yalta Conference(February 1945) Allied leaders Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin Roosevelt meet to discuss post-WWII plans Leaders come to agreement on many topics Creation of United Nations Free elections allowed in states in Eastern Europe Russia promises to join the war against Japan Most importantly they agree to a divided Germany(Video) The Potsdam Conference(July 17-August 2 1945) Allied leaders Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Harry Truman meet again to finalize plans for post-WWII Europe Countries that fought with Hitler lost land and had to pay reparations to the Allies Germany and the city of Berlin divided into 4 zones that were controlled by the United States, France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union(Video) Question #1: Besides punishing Germany, what is going to be the biggest task for the victors of WWII?
  3. Map of Berlin divided into zones after WWII Map of Germany divided into zones after WWII Division of Germany and Berlin
  4. Economic Recovery The Marshall Plan(1947) US Secretary of State George Marshall announces a program to help rebuild Europe There was two motives for the Marshall Plan Helping Europe recover economically would provide markets for American products A prosperous Europe would be better equipped to resist the spread of Communism(Video) The Berlin Blockade(1948) Stalin angered by effects of unified western Berlin and tries to force Americans, British and French out of Berlin Soviets shut down all highways, railroad lines and power to West Berlin- no supplies could reach West Berlin by land There was only one option to get supplies into West Berlin The Berlin Airlift United States Air Forces begin flying supplies into West Berlin Continuous flights brought food, clothing and fuel every day helping the city to survive through a harsh German winter Question #2: Why do you think it was important to Great Britain, France and the United States not to loose their control in West Berlin?
  5. Military Alliances NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1949- collective security alliance formed by 12 non-communist nations to protect one another from any attacks Original members: The United States, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg , Norway and Holland Meant to deter the USSR from furthering their expansion in Western Europe(Video) Warsaw Pact USSR coordinates its own alliance Organization of communist states in eastern and central Europe Founding members were Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, USSR and East Germany Question #3: Why were military alliances important for both sides of this conflict?
  6. NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
  7. What is Democracy? Democracy- a form of government in which the people have a say in the government through their ability to elect their government officials. The United States has a democratic form of government The freedoms and rights of democracy causes many democratic nation to adopt an economic system that reflects these principles Capitalism an economic system which has 2 major beliefs Free Enterprise- individuals have the ability to own and run their own business Competition- businesses compete with each other for profits Adam Smith Scottish philosopher considered to be “father of modern economics” Wrote the Wealth of Nation Believed there was an “invisible hand” that guided economic systems Stressed the need for government to stay out of the affairs of the economy Question #4: What could be some positives and negatives of Capitalism?
  8. What is Communism? Communism- a form of government that attempts to create a classless society in which everything is owned and controlled by the government. The Soviet Union was a communist nation Communism is based on the economic principles of Karl Marx Socialism An economic system in which all means of production is owned and controlled by the government Communism is an extreme form of socialism Karl Marx- explained his beliefs in his book Communist Manifesto German economist who believed that society can be defined by a “class struggle” between business owners and workers Marx believed to eliminate that struggle government needed to control the factors of production Citizens all worked together to supply the country with the products it needed most The end goal is to reach utopia in which there is no need for government. Question: #5: What are some of the positives and negatives of Socialism?
  9. Tensions at Home Truman’s Loyalty Program(1947) 1946- rumors of Soviet spies in the US government begin to hurt Truman’s popularity Executive Order #9835 Calls for the investigation into the loyalty of all federal government employees If there was reasonable doubt to an employees loyalty they would be dismissed House Un-American Activities Committee(HUAC) Investigated people and activities that could have been connected with communism Trial of Alger Hiss Former Secretary of State charged with being member of communist espionage ring Found guilty of being a spy and sentenced to 5 years HUAC investigations led to the blacklisting of many who refused to answer its questions(Hollywood Ten) Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg(1951) Couple accused of passing secret information on construction of atomic weapon to the Soviet Union Both were found guilty and sentenced to death(Video) Question #6: Do you feel all of this “finger pointing” was necessary?
  10. Cincinnati Redlegs primary logo in use from 1954-1959 The Red Scare McCarthyism February 9, 1950-Republican Senator Joe McCarthy claims to know of 205 communists working in the State Department of the United States Government For four years McCarthy accused many government officials of being communist and interrogated them in the Senate “The Red Scare” gripped the nation and effected everything from sports teams, entertainment and government. McCarthy’s Downfall After 4 years of targeting low level government officials McCarthy began targeting high ranking officials, such as Dean Acheson, George Marshall and even President Eisenhower McCarthy then targeted Army Officials in televised interrogations which damaged his public image and hurt his popularity McCarthy was censured by the Senate and he died of alcoholism 3 years later(Video) Question #7: How could the “Red Scare” take hold of every aspect of society?
  11. Stalin’s Iron Curtain “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an Iron Curtain has descended across the Continent.” - Winston Churchill
  12. Foreign Policy Stalin’s Iron Curtain Over the two years after the end of WWII Stalin has communist governments set up the territories the Red Army occupied in Eastern Europe Stalin creating a “Buffer Zone” between the democratic nations in West Europe and the Soviet Union Truman Doctrine(1947) United States promises to provide financial aid and arms to any free country attempting to resist communism Doctrine is significant because it shows that the most powerful democracy in the world was prepared to resist the spread of communism throughout the world Policy of Containment United States pledged to provide aid and resources in an attempt to stop the spread of communism in Europe(Marshall Plan) Domino Theory- if one country in Europe falls to communism what is to stop the rest of them from falling like dominoes. Question #8: What future American military conflicts were based on the theory of containment?
  13. Korea Post WWII http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091230182811/althistory/images/e/e6/Korea1950-NSC.jpg
  14. Keeping the Dominoes from Falling Korean War(1950-1953) It was divided between communist North Korea and democratic South Korea at the 38th parallel June 25, 1950- 75,000 North Korea troops invaded South Korea July 1950- American forces led by General MacArthur entered the conflict on the side of South Korea Despite early failures the American were able to push the North Koreans back to the Chinese border This prompts the newly communist People’s Republic of China into the conflict leading to a stalemate at the 38th parallel An armistice is reached and the United States was successful in achieving its goal of containing communism Vietnam War(1959-1975) During WWII the Japanese had taken control of most of southeast Asia 1946- French return to Indochina to take back their colonies, but war eruptsbetween the French and the Viet Minh led by Ho Chi Minh Vietnam is divided at the 17th parallel into Communist North Vietnam and Democratic South Vietnam Under JFK US sent money, arms and military advisers to help the South Vietnamese fight the Viet Cong Gulf of Tonkin Incident- N. Vietnamese fire upon US destroyer and President Johnson sends in group troops in response Escalation- under President Johnson and Nixon US involvement in the war gradually increased Vietnamization- process of withdrawing American involvement and handing over fighting back to the South Vietnamese March 29, 1973- Last American troops leave Vietnam Question #9: Why is the Vietnam War considered a disaster in American history?
  15. Vietnam 1954
  16. Arms Race An arms race is a competition between nations for superiority in the development and accumulation of weapons. August 29, 1949- the Soviet Union detonates its first atomic bomb 1952- America developed the hydrogen bomb; Soviets catch up a year later Massive Retaliation Any Soviet nuclear attack would be met with a massive nuclear response by the United States Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles(ICBM) Allows the US to launch nuclear weapons over 5,000 miles away from target U-2 Incident 1954- President Eisenhower concerned about nuclear capability of the Soviet Union July 1956- flyovers in Soviet airspace begin by U-2 spy planes U-2 spy missions become important because it shows a lack of Soviet nuclear might May 1,1960- Soviets shoot down a u-2 spy plane piloted by CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers Restores original tensions and mistrust amongst the two nations Question #10: Why do you think the U-2 incident was a pivotal, or important, event during the Cold War?
  17. The Cuban Crisis The Bay of Pigs 1959- Fidel Castro leads an armed revolution in Cuba and overthrows the Cuban dictator US concerned with Castro because of his relationship with Nikita Khrushchev CIA secretly trains Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro April 17, 1961- 1,400 Cuban exiles invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs Operation is a huge disaster and strengthen Castro relation with Soviets Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962- American U-2 spy plane photographs Soviet nuclear missile sites being built in Cuba President Kennedy orders a naval blockade around Cuba and places the armed forces at DEFCON 2 Soviets agree to dismantle missiles in Cuba as long as US promises not to invade Cuba Mutual Assured Destruction(MAD) Building enough nuclear weapons to assure that if the Soviet destroyed the US with nuclear weapons then we would be able to equally destroy them Question #11: Do you agree with Kennedy’s decision to blockade Cuba?
  18. Space Race Sputnik October 4, 1957- Soviet launch the first man made satellite in space called Sputnik I November 1957- Sputnik II is launched with a K-9 passenger named Laika February 1, 1958- US sends Explorer I into orbit around Earth July 1958- National Aeronautic and Space Administration(NASA) is born April 12, 1961- Yuri Gagarin becomes first human to enter space and orbit Earth February 1962- John Glenn becomes first American to orbit the Earth John F. Kennedy challenges the United States to land a man on the moon and return him home safely The Apollo Program July 21, 1969- Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first men to walk on the moon Question #12: Why do you think the space race was important?
  19. Division to Relaxation 1949- Germany re-divided into Democratic West Germany and Communist East Germany, same division occurs in Berlin By the end of the 1950’s many professionals and intellectuals were fleeing East Germany and Berlin The Berlin Wall- overnight in August 1961 the first version of the Berlin Wall was constructed surrounding West Berlin By 1965 the concrete structure of the Berlin Wall was completely surrounding West Berlin Détente(Video) Period of relaxation of strained relations and tensions between the United States and Soviet Union Détente occurs for 2 main reasons The horrors of Vietnam shocked people across the world Fears of a nuclear holocaust were high due to the large stock piles of nuclear weapons Agreements were made by both sides to limit and reduce sizes of nuclear stock piles(SALT I and II) United States attempted to improve relationships with both Communist China and the Soviet Union Question #13: Why do you think Détente is considered the “beginning of the end” of the Cold War?
  20. The Berlin Wall
  21. The End of the Cold War The Strategic Defense Initiative(SDI)- also known as Star Wars Introduced by President Reagan, SDI was meant to develop an anti-ballistic missile system to prevent from a missile attack by other nations Many opposed Star Wars because they said it violated agreements made at SALT I In fear of renewed tensions between the US and USSR the program was shelved 1985- Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union Introduces two reform policies to try to improve Soviet Union’s sluggish economy Glasnost(openness)- opens the Soviet Union to western ideas and goods Perestroika- allowed limited market incentives to Soviet civilians These two policies led to a revolution that would bring about the end of the Soviet Union Fall of the Berlin Wall(Video) November 9, 1989- Travel from East Germany and East Berlin into West Berlin was allowed Over night thousands of civilians left the communist zones for the democratic West Berlin With the fall of the Berlin Wall, communist governments throughout Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union the Cold War had come to a close. Question #14: Why is the fall of the Berlin Wall symbolic of the end of the Cold War?
  22. Lifting the Iron Curtain Unraveling of the Soviet Bloc Soviet Bloc- refers to the Soviet Union and the communist countries in Eastern Europe September 1989- Poland elects a non-communist government to take over control of the country New Polish government was first non-communist government to rule in Eastern Europe since the end of WWII World watched anxiously to see the Soviet response-it never came Communist regimes in Hungary and Czechoslovakia were ousted Christmas Day 1989- Romania communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife were executed on live television 1990- East and West Germany are united and adopt a democratic form of government As communist regimes kept falling in Eastern Europe calls for freedom began to arise in the Soviet Union as well Question #15: With communist government failing throughout Eastern Europe, what do you think is going to happen in the Soviet Union?
  23. The Collapse of the Soviet Union As Eastern European countries were ousting communist regimes many Soviet states begin calling for their independence from the Soviet Union as well Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania declared their independence from the Soviet Union and became their own independent countries December 1991- Ukraine, Byelorussia and Russia declare their independence from the Soviet Union as well December 25, 1991- Gorbachev officially dissolves the Soviet Union(Video) American Reaction Debate began over whether or not the US actually won the Cold War One side felt that American military spending during the 1980’s forced Soviet economy to collapse Another side felt that the US wasted trillions of dollars preparing for a war with the Soviet Union that never came Question #16: Do you think that the United States won the Cold War?
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