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Chapter 7 Opener: A bullfrog has many dietary choices to make

Chapter 7 Opener: A bullfrog has many dietary choices to make. 7.1 Optimal foraging decisions by northwestern crows when feeding on whelks. 7.2 Available prey versus prey selected. 7.3 Two optimal foraging models yield different predictions.

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Chapter 7 Opener: A bullfrog has many dietary choices to make

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 7 Opener: A bullfrog has many dietary choices to make

  2. 7.1 Optimal foraging decisions by northwestern crows when feeding on whelks

  3. 7.2 Available prey versus prey selected

  4. 7.3 Two optimal foraging models yield different predictions

  5. 7.4 Two optimal foraging models of the value of hunting guppies of different sizes

  6. 7.5 A foraging bout by the red knot

  7. 7.6 Young garden skinks lower their foraging success in order to reduce the risk of predation

  8. 7.7 Foraging efficiency is compromised when the risk of predation is high

  9. 7.8 Records of energy consumption in relation to trotting (red line) versus galloping (green line)

  10. 7.9 How can two hereditary phenotypes coexist in the same population?

  11. 7.10 Two hereditary forms of an African cichlid fish

  12. 7.11 The results of frequency-dependent selection in Perissodus microlepis

  13. 7.12 Do osprey nesting colonies serve as information centers? (Part 1)

  14. 7.12 Do osprey nesting colonies serve as information centers? (Part 2)

  15. 7.13 Roosting ravens follow informed foragers to a food bonanza

  16. 7.14 Web ornament of an orb-weaving spider

  17. 7.15 Do web ornaments lure prey?

  18. 7.16 Some spiders appear to hide on the large silken egg sac in their webs

  19. 7.17 A cost of conspicuous web decorations?

  20. 7.18 A primate eating ripe fruit

  21. 7.19 The antimicrobial properties of the major spices

  22. 7.20 Clay eating has evolved in several species of parrots

  23. 7.21 Round dance of honey bees

  24. 7.22 Waggle dance of honey bees (Part 1)

  25. 7.22 Waggle dance of honey bees (Part 2)

  26. 7.23 Testing directional and distance communication by honey bees (Part 1)

  27. 7.23 Testing directional and distance communication by honey bees (Part 2)

  28. 7.24 Honey bee recruits really do “read” the symbolic information in dances

  29. 7.25 Rapid buildup of recruited foragers at flower patches after discovery by scout bees (Part 1)

  30. 7.25 Rapid buildup of recruited foragers at flower patches after discovery by scout bees (Part 2)

  31. 7.26 The adaptive value of the dance communication system (Part 1)

  32. 7.26 The adaptive value of the dance communication system (Part 2)

  33. 7.26 The adaptive value of the dance communication system (Part 3)

  34. 7.27 The nest of an Asian honey bee, Apis florea, is built out in the open around a branch

  35. 7.28 Communication by scent marking in a stingless bee

  36. 7.29 Acoustical communication of the height of a food source by the bee Melipona panamica

  37. 7.30 Evolutionary history of the honey bee dance communication system

  38. 7.31 A phylogenetic diagram of the evolutionary relationships among families of lizards

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